Happy First Birthday Chapter Break!!!

Posted April 5, 2014 by Julie S. in Featured Posts, Giveaways / 44 Comments

barney confetti gif

It is super happy fun dance time! Why? Because Chapter Break is ONE YEAR OLD! WOOT! Happy Birthday to our awesome little blog!

We would like to thank all our awesome friends and visitors for helping making the blog what it is today. We’re having a blast sharing our bookish thoughts with you and seeing your reactions and opinions.

Look who else is wishing us a happy blogoversary!

Our blogging journey so far. 

We started our blog on a free wordpress.com site, just to get our bearings. Six months later we decided we were ready to move to self-hosted wordpress on our newly purchased domain name (Namecheap) and hosting package (Hostgator), and here we are! Our followers have steadily grown and we are now averaging in the mid 2000 range for monthly page views. 

Over the past year we have added new features to our blog to interact more with our guests.

  • We run our own weekly meme! It is called That’s What He Said Thursdays, and it basically features a direct quote from a book boyfriend to his lady. Make us laugh, make us cry, make us swoon, whatever strikes your fancy that week.
  • We also started a weekly discussion feature called Chat Between Chapters. A new topic is posted every Sunday, and you can read our thoughts and share your own! You can even see a list of previous topics and add your thoughts at any time.
  • If you keep looking at the links in the menu bar, you’ll also notice that we have a Recommendations section. This is where we share our favorite books in various genres. If you want us to add recommendations in a genre we don’t have up there yet, just let us know 🙂

 Recap of our first year.

Lots of exciting things happened during our first year as book bloggers:

  • Once we became bloggers, going to author events became even more fun and exciting. Now we’re no longer rabid drooling fans, but legit serious readers. (Okay, no really, we are just professional fangirls.) Also, having a blog means authors love us, so they give us swag to pass out to people. Sweet!
  •  I think I’ve lost count of how many amazing authors we have met and fun events we have attended. We’re lucky to live in Houston, Texas and have so many great authors come our way.
  • We even traveled for author events! We’ve been to various events around Texas, including Austin and Dallas, but we also recently flew to Portland, Oregon for an author event! What? YES! That was so exciting. We’ll be posting a recap of that trip soon.
  • That video up there. Yep, that happened. (Thanks Colleen!)

Giveaway Time!!!!

We’ve gathered some amazing prizes to give away during this fun celebration, so check out the prize list below and enter to win! We have both US and International prizes. Some of the lovely prizes are coming directly from authors/bloggers/etc! Many prizes were provided directly to us, but since we have to mail those ourselves, they will have to be US only. So hopefully our international followers will enjoy the handful of international prizes on the list! From my quick count, there will be at least 20 winners! What? YES! So the more you enter, the higher the chances for the better prizes, and for multiple prizes. Woot!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Terms and Conditions: This giveaway is not affiliated with Facebook, Twitter, or yo momma so entrants must be of legal age to provide a mailing address and receive pressies in the mail from us. If any entry is found to be fraudulent, all that user’s entries will be deleted. You must provide usernames to profiles used for following and direct links to all tweets and other shares.

Note: Some posts may contain affiliate links. Should you choose to purchase a product, we will receive a small commission for the sale at no additional cost to you. Chapter Break is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

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Posted April 5, 2014 by Julie S. in Featured Posts, Giveaways / 44 Comments


44 responses to “Happy First Birthday Chapter Break!!!

  1. Kristen K.

    Congrats on your blogiversary! Thanks for all you do to promote books!!!!

  2. Melissa Crisp

    Congrats on your first year. I’m sure you have many more to come. I’ve been following your blog for a while now so I guess it was pretty close to the beginning when I started. I love your blog and keep up the good work.

  3. Lola Figueroa

    Happy 1st Birthday! Keep up the good work ladies, I love your blog! The review on Finding Cinderella was perfect <3 I LOVED LOVED that book … it was such an unexpected wonderful story!

  4. Rosa Newport

    Happy anniversary!! I’m an avid reader who absolutely loves books!! The trouble though is being in Canada I find it very difficult finding books by my fav authors here. You can imagine how excited I got when I saw this contest:) keeping my fingers crossed. Congrats again on one year…to many more:)

  5. Mylena

    I read a lot. And I mean it. And after, I don’t know, 100 books, Easy is still one of my favorites. I already read Maybe Someday, wich surprised me, but I’m Team Tammara!

  6. Donna Reynolds

    Happy first Blog Birthday and to many more Thank you for the awesome giveaway.

    • Julie

      Ann, There’s so much more freedom with moving to self hosted WP. Oh the plugins you can use! I definitely recommend it if it is something you’re considering.

    • Julie

      Ooh I never even thought about it that way. Yay for fitting in with a tradition for anniversaries.

  7. Maureen

    Happy First Birthday and congratulations on a great year. Thanks for the giveaway and the recommendations which I am always looking for.

    • Julie

      LOL nothing wrong with signing, even though we can’t hear you, we’ll sing along!

  8. Miss. Lucinda Fountain

    Happy Blogoversary and thank you for the amazing giveaway!! What a fantastic selection of different titles 🙂 I am *new* to the new adult genre and so would like to read more NA books {as well as YA}

  9. Deborah Favorito

    Congratulations on your one year blogaversity. You have accomplished amazing things in the past year.

  10. Congratulations on your first Blogoversary! That is so fantastic. I have always wished I had the talent to have a book blog. I can imagine it takes a lot of hard work. I’m not good with express my thoughts into words, so I know I couldn’t do it. But just know we appreciate all the book reviews, book recommendation and everything you put forth into this amazing blog. Thank you so much and here’s to many more years to hopefully come!!

  11. Jaime Brown

    Happy Birthday:) For all the hard work you have done, have a great one you guys deserve it:)

  12. MonaG

    Happy Blogoversary! Thanks for the great giveaway 🙂 I’ve heard raves about Colleen Hoover’s books and have been wanting to read one for a while. Easy has also been on my TBR list.
    I’m a new follower.

  13. I can’t believe all you’ve accomplished in a single year. I’ve been blogging a bit longer than that and my blog still looks like a primitive wasteland. I love your blog! I have found wonderful ideas here, as well as great giveaways. I appreciate all your hard work and wish you all the best in your future years of blogging. Congratulations on your first anniversary; may you have many, many more!!
    Michelle Willms recently posted…Nothing but Drama

  14. Chanpreet

    What a fantastic first year you’ve had! I look forward to many more years of talking about books with you guys!