Interview with Helen Whapshott, author of The Glow

Posted April 7, 2014 by Julie S. in Author Appearances / 1 Comment


Author Interview: Helen Whapshott

1. Describe Glow for people who are just learning about it. 
The Glow is the ability to be able to see ghosts and spirits and those who have it give off a soft light, a glow.
2. Is there anything specific you would like people to take away from reading Glow?
That it’s okay to be different and never to be ashamed of the gifts that you have.
3. Do you have any odd (writing) habits? Or a funny writing-related story to share?
I can’t write in the quiet I’ve got to have some music on in the background or the television on.
4. Do you identify with your main character or did you create a character that is your opposite?
Daisy, Megan and Scott all have a little bit of me in them. I’ve actually seen Megan in the library in a dream.
5. Share some advice for aspiring authors.

Enjoy yourself and never give up.










SYNOPSIS: What would you do if you saw a ghost? Would you ignore it hoping it would fade away, or would you go up to it and see if it needed your help?

When Thirteen year old Megan Webb discovers she has been gifted with The Glow, so called because it gives off a light, like a candle in a dimly lit room attracting ghosts, spirits, and others who belong to the supernatural and paranormal world, she has to learn to come to terms with seeing the world in a whole new way. 

And if this wasn’t enough to deal with during the delicate years between childhood and adolescence, her parents makes the shocking decision to move her away from everything and everyone she knows to live in a creepy hotel inherited by a late aunt.

But it isn’t just the hotel that is creepy, the whole town seems a little odd until she makes friends with a strange boy, a Witch, and a chain-smoking spirit guide who help her adjust. Life couldn’t get any more complicated … could it?


 Buy: Amazon US | Amazon UK 

About the Author

Helen was born in Aldershot in the year of 1980. She survived the infant, junior and senior schools of Cove. Helen started her working life in a bakery before deciding catering wasn’t really for her that she wanted to work in the care industry.

After attending Farnborough College of Technology, where she did her diploma in nursery nursing she took on a variety of roles that included being a Nursery Nurse, a Special Needs Teaching assistant, a support worker for people with special need and a care assistant in a nursing home.

She’s worked as a Health Care Assistant at a local hospital for eight years and also works as a bank carer at a children’s hospice in surrey.

She has five wonderful nephews, a lovely niece, two very understanding parents and extremely patient brother and sister.

Helen has always loved stories, ever since her Mum used to read Hans Christian Anderson and Roald Dahl to her at bedtime.  When she learnt to read by herself she couldn’t get enough of books becoming a big fan of authors such as Arthur Conan Doyle’s, Sherlock Holmes stories, as well as Neil Gaiman and Ben Aaronovitch.

 With a love of reading came a love of creative writing. She recalls how her first hit was, “How The Kangaroo Got It’s Hop, at infant school when I was six, but I missed out on seeing my classmate’s enjoyment because I was off several weeks with the mumps; when I got back the hype had died down. A disappointment I’ve never really gotten over! Being able to share my creations this time and is a dream come true.”


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Posted April 7, 2014 by Julie S. in Author Appearances / 1 Comment


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