Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Things I’d Like To Own – April 15, 2014

Posted April 15, 2014 by Julie S. in Memes, Top Ten Tuesdays / 5 Comments


Top Ten Tuesday is a meme run by The Broke and the Bookish


Top Ten Bookish Things (That Aren’t Books) That I’d Like To Own (new bookshelves, bookends, cool bookmark, a bookish shirt, etc. You can add things you DO own if you want).


Rose review avatar   Rose’s List of Top Bookish things I’d like to own:

  1.   I really really want Claire’s ring, but I would want my SO to give it to me, Fat chance of that ever happening. untitled
  2.   I got made fun of for this, but I finally got one and love it! Twilight Jewelry Box (and yes it plays Claire de Lune)images
  3.   I really like this. I got when I met Jamie McGuire for the second time. Isn’t it pretty. Giveaway WD and BD
  4.   I would love to have this (along with a new car): il_570xN.555475811_bvqh
  5.   And lastly, I would like this… he is bookish, right? (for all who do not know, this is Starz original series of Outlander’s Jamie Fraser): imagesCAH6MUBU


Julie Review Avatar   Julie’s List of Top Bookish things I’d like to own: 

  1.    A book poster from Litographs, but I haven’t decided on the book. Though Phantom of the Opera is a contender.
  2.    A vinyl wall design of an amazing book quote. Maybe like this one from Jamie Fraser
  3.    A cool bookish necklace charm. Something like this one.
  4.    Ooh and maybe a bookish charm bracelet too. This one is cute.
  5.   How about an awesome little table to set my drink and book on.


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Posted April 15, 2014 by Julie S. in Memes, Top Ten Tuesdays / 5 Comments


5 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Things I’d Like To Own – April 15, 2014

  1. Holly Letson

    I can relate with you on wanting a book-inspired ring. I have actually told my honey (several times!) that I want Usagi’s engagement ring from the “Sailor Moon” manga.

  2. I would love Claire’s ring as well and I would love if my husband would give it to me. But you are right, fat chance! 🙂

    I completely forgot about that Jamie quote. Reading it this morning, I teared up. I’m a bit emotional today, I think!
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