Sharing the Bookish Love – May 9, 2014

Posted May 9, 2014 by Julie S. in Sharing the Bookish Love / 7 Comments


Sharing the Bookish Love is our newest feature where we share some of our favorite posts we have recently come across on the book blogosphere in the past week or so. If there’s a recent post you want us to share, feel free to let us know.


Thought-provoking Discussions:

Do you think that Second Books in a Trilogy are Doomed to Fail? I don’t think that all second books fall into the “second book syndrome” category, but many do.

Why do people always ask about favorite books? Isn’t it just wrong to ask a book worm what our favorite book is? Or, if you want to be evil, ask a book lover this question and watch their brain explode.

Here’s another fun topic: Have You Ever Reached Out To An Author? While contacting an author can be scary at first, some authors that really interact with their fans can be very approachable. Plus, how cool are you once an author knows *your* name?

There have been quite a few discussion on the topic of Diversity in YA, especially with the #WeNeedDiverseBooks campaign on twitter.  One blogger is even requesting recommendations for books to read that are diverse.  There’s also another side of this debate – whether these books will even be written or read. Is this a passing fad or will this current call for change actually bring about more diversity in our characters?

What do you think about sexual tension in paranormal romance? Love it or hate it, we have to admit it is a big part of a PNR. 

On a similar note, do you prefer sex or talk in books? Since I want to watch the couple fall in love first, I very much need the talk.

Let’s talk about why we blog? The Purpose of Blogging is a good discussion topic.

Are likable characters beside the point? I disagree, what about you? Personally, if I don’t like the character, I just don’t care what happens to him/her and can’t enjoy the book.

Can you think of other books that have theme park visits in them? Travel by books: theme parks is a cool topic.  

Here’s a cool topic about why the blogger reads the Fantasy genre. Do you ever think about specific reasons why you read what you read?

Here’s a more serious topic – why to people plagiarize book reviews? Have you had this happen to you?

How do you balance your blogging life and your real life? Here’s a post that continues that discussion. Previous parts of that discussion can be found here and here.

Do you judge books by their synopsis and compare them to other books? This is so common with dystopia books. It seems like every book is compared to The Hunger Games, and whether people have read THG or not, they judge.

Here’s one for all us bloggers – how long does it take you to write a blog post? I tend to be quick because who has the time to be OCD about every post? But there have been a few posts that have taken a few hours (these usually involve a summary of events and travel and including photos, etc).

How do you choose which books you will review on the blog? Do you review everything you read? I certainly don’t review everything here, though I do a short review or at least rate everything on Goodreads.

What do you think about book review ratings in general? Do you typically rate books along the same range, or do your reviews vary quite a bit? Most of my books are 3 or 4 star reviews. Every now and then a book will bore me enough to get a 2 or blow me away enough to be rated 5.

Here’s a post about violence in books, and why it is a good thing. I have to agree, books with no conflict, especially fantasy books, would be boring.

Have you ever thought what it would be like if you switched places with a character from a book? Take a look at this post where the blogger does just that.

Has the internet and social media changed who you are as a reader? I definitely think so, since it is the internet that has gotten me into blogging in the first place, which expanded my reading horizons and addiction.

Recommendations and Tips:

Here is a really cool post listing YA and Adult crossover recommendations.  

For those attending BEA, do you have your trip and finances all planned out? Read about one blogger’s Pre-BEA Planning.

Speaking of cons, check out this checklist for what to pack when planning to attend a reader convention.

Do you know how to use Google Analytics? If not, here is a great post explaining what Google Analysts data you really need to be focusing on.

Do you listen to audiobooks? Vote for your favorite audiobook published in 2013 in the 1st Annual Armchair Audies Listener’s Choice Awards.


Bookish News and other Round-ups:

  • CB Buzz Worthy News – where we learn that John Green is everywhere. Among other things.
  • BCC Bookish News – where one major topic is Harlequin being bought by HarperCollins. Wonder how that will change things.
  • SANI Bookish News – some of the cool stuff above, and also BFG news and Outlander news and more. 


Let me know what you think of this feature I’m starting up. Will you enjoy seeing it regularly? What about length – did I include too many links, not enough, just right? Be Goldilocks, I wanna hear your thoughts 🙂

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Posted May 9, 2014 by Julie S. in Sharing the Bookish Love / 7 Comments


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