Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books I Almost Put Down But Didn’t – May 13, 2014

Posted May 13, 2014 by Rose C. in Memes, Top Ten Tuesdays / 15 Comments


Top Ten Tuesday is a meme run by The Broke and the Bookish
Top Ten Books I Almost Put Down but Didn’t

Rose review avatar   Rose’s List of Top Books Almost Put Down:


Call It Courage tileBC tileBetrayed tileTCOCAK tileCrossed tile


  1.   Call It Courage by Armstrong Sperry. A bit of a throw back here. I had to read this book in second grade. We had so many book reports we had to write per grading period and a certain number of them had to be Newberry award winners. Well, I have no clue who picked this particular book out for me, but I cannot imagine I picked it myself. I put off reading this book and it came down to the wire and finally the week the book report was due, I had to read this entire book and write a report. I hated it! I cried. I pleaded (with my dad to not make me read it.) I even threw the darned thing across the room. But in the end, my dad forced me to stay inside and read the book and guess what? It wasn’t so bad.
  2.   Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. I didn’t want to read this book, but when the previews for the movie starting coming out, I thought, well, perhaps I will read it before seeing the movie. Yeah, that was funny because guess what!? This book is frickin’ (rhymes with chicken) HUGE! I decided to listen to audio instead, and I think that is the only reason I go through the book. I really didn’t care for it and I didn’t like the movie and I will not continue the series. But hey, I finished the book!
  3.   Betrayed by Wodke Hawkinson. I had the hardest time finishing this book. I knew when I picked this book up that it was going to a difficult read, but after the first half of the book which features a very graphic kidnapping scenario, I got bored. I mean I was happy that the chic got away and found safety and love with this other man, but wow. Safety never sounded so boring and dull. I had to force myself to finish this book.  I wanted the book over. The first 3/4’s of the book I read in a day, the alst 1/4 took me months. No joke.
  4.   The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden by Jessica Sorenson. Yep, I went there. I put this book on my list. I had such high hopes for this book. It has such great reviews on goodreads. I was sure it sounded like a book I would like. I didn’t. I was irritated with it and bored with it and really had to force myself to finish it. And the ending! OMG, had I known it was going to end the way it did, I would have never finished the damned thing! Sometimes, when I hear someone gushing over this book, it makes me doubt that I read the right book. Like perhaps I one clicked a different book with the same title and character names???? I have not read any of this author’s other works, but I might considering how everyone else seems to love her books. I will give her another try. Just not right now. And only if the book is free.
  5.   Crossed by Ally Condie. So I read Matched and thought it was decent enough to continue with the series. Yeah, I got to book 2 and it fizzled. I only read the book because of my OCD need to finish a series a start. (I am working on that.) In fact, I started that work with not reading the last book in this trilogy simply because I was so bored in Crossed.


Julie Review Avatar   Julie’s List of Top Books Almost Put Down: 

Review Cover ReasonToBreathe enders thewolfgift windupgirlcov Raven Boy tile

  1.    Reason to Breathe by Rebecca Donovan. Ok, I had to include this just to torment my favorite co-blogger! I think I broke her heart by not liking this book, but it was just too much for me. I can’t read books about that kind of physical and psychological abuse. This isn’t saying the book wasn’t amazingly written or the audio wasn’t great, it was just making me sick and I couldn’t enjoy it. But, I finished the book for book club. I did quit on the series though.
  2.    Enders by Lissa Price. I put down the ebook and did not pick it back up for months. I just couldn’t get into it. Finally I got the audio from the library so I could finish.
  3.    The Wolf Gift by Anne Rice. This was just strange and disturbing and not at all enjoyable. I did power through with the audio so I could have it read for a book club.
  4.    The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi. Ugh. This book was so long and so boring and so weird and the rape scene at the beginning made many of my book club people stop right there. I don’t know why I kept going. It wasn’t worth it.
  5.    The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater. I’m sorry. The audio was horrendous (can you believe the narrator WHISPERED the whole time???) And I just wasn’t into the incredibly slow moving plot. And I thought the ending was dumb. So overall, not for me. Though everyone else seems to love this book. 



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Posted May 13, 2014 by Rose C. in Memes, Top Ten Tuesdays / 15 Comments


15 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books I Almost Put Down But Didn’t – May 13, 2014

    • Julie

      I don’t like feeling like a quitter, but I really need to give myself permission to DNF more books.

    • Rose

      haha. Perhaps, Jessica. But sometimes you gotta read a few you dont like… thats just par for the course. You can’t like them all, right?

    • Rose

      yes. I heard the third book is better, but i honestly do not know if I will even bother.

      • Julie

        I heard the 3rd book was disappointing too. Maybe some trilogies should have just been the one book.

    • Rose

      SEE JULIE! Bookworm Brandee loved Reason the Breathe! haha I got to tell Julie all about book two in a facebook text conversation since she didnt want to read it. I mean, its hard enough that you co blogger does not like one of your favorite series. But to put it on this list! GASP! The disrespect!!!! 🙂 just teasing Julie. you know I love you. Sorta…

  1. Two great lists. I was unsure about starting the Callie and Kayden book and now I am even more certain that I don’t want to read it. I was unsure because everyone else seemed to love it, but it seemed like something I wouldn’t like. It’s nice to find someone who didn’t actually love it, makes me feel better about returning it back to work without starting it.

    Enders is one I read because I requested it without realising it was a sequel. So I read Starters and wasn’t the biggest fan of it. Enders was even worse for me, I just didn’t really enjoy that book at all. It was a disappointing end to that series for me, not that I enjoyed the first book all that much anyway.

    The Raven Boys is one I am planning to read, will lower my expectations a bit now.

    Nice picks! Here’s my TTT.
    Reviews from a Bookworm recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Wish I’d Put Down

    • Rose

      Like I said, I am not sure I read the right book, lol. I will give Jessica Sorensen another chance. Just not, like, tomorrow.

  2. I am completely with you on Beautiful Creatures and The Wolf Gift. Both books I thought I would enjoy more but they didn’t work for me. Beautiful Creatures was one of those books that I wish I had stopped, that ending made me furious! Great list!

    • Rose

      Cassi, can you believe I ended up reading Beautiful Creatures 3 times??? Actually I listened to it three times. I just couldn’t pay attention and half the time I was lost, because I wasn’t all that interested. Yeah, by the 3rd time, I still didn’t like it. haha. that seems a little crazy me thinks.

  3. WOLF GIFT: I’m disappointed with this too, I was expecting something as epic as her Vampire Chronicles. The prose is still good though, it just needs some umph to it.

    THE RAVEN BOYS: The pace is quite different from other YA, it’s more literary fiction for me but I like the myth.

    AUDIOBOOKS: It makes a huge difference reading vs. listening to a book. I just listened to STYXX by Sherrilyn Kenyon, stopped at some point because I can’t stand the assault anymore. That said I think I could’ve stomached the violence if I was reading, that way I can “mute” it.
    Braine Talk Supe recently posted…Liking It: Salem TV Series

    • Rose

      I liked The Raven Boys, too. While I didnt like omagosh enjoy it, i liked it enough. I have the second book to read if and when I ever get around to it.