I run a book club. From time to time, I find it almost impossible to find good study guides/discussion questions for the books we are reading. So I thought I would share the study guides that I created myself and offer them for your use with your own book club. I do not mind if you use these, but would greatly appreciate feedback if you found them useful.
Discussion Questions for Dragonfly In Amber by: Diana Gabaldon
1. What do you think? Did you enjoy Dragonfly in Amber? Is this your first time reading it or are you re-reading the series along with me? If this is your second time, did you notice anything that you had missed the first time through?
2. What did you think of Brianna’s reaction to learning about her blood father? How would you have reacted?
3. We definitely see a lot of different places in Dragonfly in Amber – Lallybroch, Paris, Culledon – which location was your favorite? While at each location, Claire and Jamie are put through a gambit of emotions; did you react right along with them or did you feel some of the scenes were forced?
4. At the end, do you think Claire makes the right choice? If you were in her place, what would you have done?
5. What did you think of Charles Stuart, the man responsible for all the heartbreak Claire and Jamie has endured in Dragonfly in Amber? Are you familiar with him, historically speaking? What did you think about Gabaldon’s portrayal of him?
6. We get to see a different side to Jonathan Randall when we’re introduced to his brother, Alex. Does his relationship with his brother help redeem him a little in your eyes?
7. Speaking of Jonathan, do you think Jamie’s reaction to the situation he finds Fergus in warranted or did he overreact?
8. Was there a particular character, aside from Jamie and Claire, that sticks out for you? Was there one that you instantly took a dislike to?
9. Was there a part of the novel you just have to discuss? Did something stick out for you, strike a cord?
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There are a few questions I have that I need to discuss….
[…] for the Outlander novels. I’m especially fond of their renaming of Laoghaire to Leghair. Dragonfly In Amber (Outlander #2) Discussion Guide Voyager (Outlander #3) Discussion Guide Drums of Autumn (Outlander #4) Discussion Guide The Fiery […]