That’s what HE said Thursday- May 15, 2014

Posted May 15, 2014 by Rose C. in ThatsWhatHeSaid / 9 Comments


Every Thursday we are hosting a brand new meme called: That’s what HE said Thursday.For more info on what this meme is all about click here.

Rose review avatarRose’s Quote:

twhs tbh

Alexander Belov to Tatiana Metanova

(The Bronze Horseman by: Paullina Simons)

I am loving my reread of one of my favorite books. I first read this book 10 years ago. We are reading this book for our one of our June book club discussions. This book really got me back into reading. And it was this book that lead me to find goodreads and lead me to find the Outlander series. I am not sure who said it, but someone said if I was looking for a book that was as good if not better than The Bronze Horseman then I should give Outlander a try as Jamie Fraser was the only fictional man on the planet that could rival Alexander.

And just for fun, here is a fan made trailer for The Bronze Horseman(I just found this on YouTube) They really need to make this into a movie…

Julie Review AvatarJulie’s Quote:

For the record, I think you make an excellent human.

Lucas to Mila

(Mila 2.0 by: Debra Driza)

While Lucas is not exactly Mila’s love interest, he is a really cool boy that helps her out. I really liked this quote because of how affected he was by Mila’s emotions, even knowing what he does about who she is (you know, an android).



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Posted May 15, 2014 by Rose C. in ThatsWhatHeSaid / 9 Comments


9 responses to “That’s what HE said Thursday- May 15, 2014

    • Rose

      I have no clue why they are always linked… but I do think I like Outlander better than The Bronze Horseman. They books are really nothing alike. After I read The Bronze Horseman, I wanted to read another great book, but could never find anything that measured up. Finally someone on goodreads recommended Outlander to me and said that Jamie Fraser (Outlander) was a man to rival Alexander (The Bronze Horseman). And seriously, read Outlander before the Starz series starts up in August!!! Then stop back over here and gush with me about it! LOL

    • Rose

      I love Alexander. He is so protective of Tatiana, but not overbearingly so. I like their story being set against the backdrop of WWII because it makes everything Alexander does for Tatiana so much more meaningful. He shares his rations with her and her family when everyone is starving. He risks his life time and again to protect her and her family. He is such a great book boyfriend.

    • Rose

      Thanks Sheri! This book really got me back into reading again while I was in college. I majored in English Lit and let me tell you, I got so burned out at reading that I started to hate it! This book brought back my passion for it (10 years ago!) and then I suffered the LONGEST book hangover in the history of book hangover until I discovered Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, 5 years later!!!!