Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books About Friendship – May 20, 2014

Posted May 20, 2014 by Rose C. in Memes, Top Ten Tuesdays / 19 Comments


Top Ten Tuesday is a meme run by The Broke and the Bookish

Ten Books About Friendship

Rose review avatar   Rose’s List of Top Books about Friendship:

Out of Breathe Tile Bridge to terabithia, The After the Dancing Days Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Taste of Blackberries, A

  1.   Out of Breath by: Rebecca Donovan This is the last book in the Breathing Trilogy and while it is a story about many things, “friendship” came to mind for me because this series has some phenomenal secondary characters. Emma’s best friend, Sara, is amazing! I would love to have her as a best friend. Sara is one of my favorite secondary characters of all time.
  2.   Bridge to Terabithia by: Katherine Paterson I read this book in elementary school, but after I saw the Hunger Games movie and starting movie-stalking Josh Hutchinson, I watched the movie. This book is really powerful and says a lot friendship. It reminds me a little of Eleanor and Park only it is written for a younger audience.
  3.   After the Dancing Days by: Margaret I. Rostkowski I read this book like in 6th grade, but I LOVED it! I actually just recently found it a books-a-million and bought it just to have on my shelves. It is a book about a teenaged girl befriending a young American soldier after he as returned home from fighting in The Great War (WWI). He suffers form severe burns and is blind. Wow, that doesn’t sound like a good book, but it is. It is written for a younger audience.
  4.   The Perks of Being a Wallflower by: Stephen Chbosky My book club read this two years ago, right around the time that the movie came out. I liked the movie more than the book, honestly, but it is a good book about friendship and relationships and yeah, life…
  5.   A Taste of Blackberries by: Doris Buchanan Smith I read this in second grade and cried and cried and cried. This is when I first realized I liked books that made me sad. haha. I remember my brother asking me why I always chose books that made me cry. (At the time he asked that, I was reading Beauty by Bill Wallace, which, coincidentally is book about the friendship between a young boy and his horse, Beauty.)


Julie Review Avatar   Julie’s List of Top Books about Friendship


  1.    Wonder by R.J. Palacio. This book is absolutely about amazing friendships. Augie has some wonderful people who stood by his side and helped him get through his situation at his new school. What is even more amazing, is these are young kids. This book is so great.
  2.    Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Elizabeth met some wonderful people in her travels, and the friendships she makes helps restore her to a happy place.
  3.    Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. Ok, seriously, there’s no way one kid would have become such a hero without the support of his friends.
  4.    Paper Towns by John Green. This is a fun book about friends taking a road trip and searching for another friend who ran away. The dynamics between the characters made this book what it is.
  5.    Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead. Rose and Lissa. Seriously, the friendship between them and how they do anything and everything for each other is awesome.



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Posted May 20, 2014 by Rose C. in Memes, Top Ten Tuesdays / 19 Comments


19 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books About Friendship – May 20, 2014

    • Rose

      I haven’t read Wonder either, I need, too. I liked Paper Towns. I see you have Code Name Verity on your list. It appeared on many blogger’s lists. I need to read this book, too.

  1. Rose, I thought I was the only one in the whole world that had ever read A Taste of Blackberries. I remember reading it during the summer as a kid. I was laying on my stomach on our couch in the basement sobbing. That is the first book I remember having an emotional connection to. And last spring, during our adventures in Seattle and Portland, I found a copy of the book for $2.00 at a used book store. My husband made fun of me for buying it, but the book had a profound impact on me and I had to have it for my collection.
    Terri M. LeBlanc recently posted…The Sunday Post #24: Week of May 11, 2014

    • Rose

      I would be so excited if I found a used copy like that! It was the first book that I cried while reading as well. (Then I read Beauty by Bill Wallace and about cried myself into a coma.) I’ve always craved a strong emotional connection to the things I read. I think that is why I loved this book so much and why I’ve never shied away from books with strong feels.

  2. Great picks, girls. Rose, I see Out of Breath made your list…it would have made mine too. 🙂 Julie, I love that you included Eat, Pray, Love…you’re so right. The friends Elizabeth made along her journey really did help her get to happy. I’m glad Paterson, Chbosky, Rowling, Green and Mead all made your lists as well. 🙂
    Bookworm Brandee recently posted…**Review ~ Enthrall ~ Vanessa Fewings**

    • Rose

      I did not realize that was a book, too. I heard of the movie, but not the book. Thanks for sharing!

    • Rose

      Thanks Caitie! Bridge to Terbithia was a great book (and movie! Josh Hutcherson sigh)