Narrator: Rebecca Lowman
Series: Starters #2
Published by Random House Childrens Books on 2014-01-07
Length: 7 hrs and 57 mins
Genres: Dystopian, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Pages: 368
Format: eARC
Source: Netgalley

ENDERS, the sequel to Lissa Price's fast-paced thriller, STARTERS, is dystopian fiction at its best. Someone is after Starters like Callie and Michael—teens with chips in their brains. They want to experiment on anyone left over from Prime Destinations—Starters that can be controlled and manipulated. With the body bank destroyed, Callie no longer has to rent herself out to creepy Enders. But Enders can still get inside her mind and make her do things she doesn't want to do. Like hurt someone she loves.Having the chip removed could save Callie's life—but it could also silence the voice in her head that might belong to her father. Callie has flashes of her ex-renter Helena's memories, too . . . and the Old Man is back, filling her with fear. Who is real and who is masquerading in a teen body?No one is ever who they appear to be, not even the Old Man. Determined to find out who he really is and grasping at the hope of a normal life for her and her younger brother, Callie is ready to fight for the truth. Even if it kills her.
Julie’s Review:
Reading Enders was a struggle for me. I started out reading the e-galley, but put it down around 20% or so. Then I just didn’t pick it back up for quite a few months. Eventually I decided I have other books with higher priority to read with my limited sit down and read time, so I borrowed the Enders audio book from the library so I could finally finish this on my commute.
I had the hardest time connecting to this book. I liked Starters alright, but this one was so dull to me. It wasn’t until the very end did I finally feel like something interesting was happening. All the good stuff was very much bombshell after bombshell, kind of like the last quarter of Starters. There was another huge bombshell about “the old man” and his identity, as well as his motivations and what he was actually doing with Prime. Then of course we get to the real villain of the story, and finally find out what’s going on with Callie’s father.
The relationship between Callie and Hyden was strange to me. She kept going back and forth with trusting him, not trusting him, calling him her friend only, and making out with him. Come on. Of course it was all explained here at the end. But it was almost too little too late at that point because I just wasn’t invested. I didn’t care about the characters all that much, and I kept hoping the book would hurry up and end already. That’s not good. I hate that feeling. I’ve read other reviews of people who just loved this book, and I really wonder why I couldn’t connect with it. But, we can’t love them all, right?
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Uh oh . . . this is one that I’ve had on my watchlist, and I’m pretty sure I already have the first book even. SEE?! This is why I’m waiting until the the dystopians are further along before reading them. I’m tell you, it’s a good plan. I can’t remember the last GOOD dystopian I read (except Red Rising, but that doesn’t count b/c it’s not YA). I’d rather be out the $2 I spent on Starters when it was on sale, then out the time it took to read it AND probably this one too. For your sake, I’m sorry this one was not different than the multitudes of others, and I GREATLY appreciate the heads-up. Hopefully, I can (have?) return the favor some time 😉
Jessica @ Rabid Reads recently posted…Review: Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison
I think there are just so many dystopias out there, that we’re raising our expectations for what excites us anymore. I did think book 1 was pretty good though.
Most of your reviews end up making me add books to my tbr, not remove them, lol!
I’m sorry this one didn’t really work for you, Julie. It’s always a real bummer when you enjoy the first in a series and then the followup is a stinker. You’ve written an excellent review, though. 🙂
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…**Blog Tour Review & Giveaway ~ Enthrall Her ~ Vanessa Fewings**
Thanks Brandee 🙂 Yea the first book was much more interesting. But there have been quite a few series where I only really enjoyed the first book. Go figure.
Brilliant review! I ended up not really loving this book either, in fact, I think I might have only given it 1 or 2 stars. I didn’t get or buy the romance in it. The story really bored me, even though at times it felt like there was too much going on. Overall it was just a really disappointing read. Great review, so happy I wasn’t the only person disappointed by this one.
Reviews from a Bookworm recently posted…The Distance Between Us by Kasie West: Review
Yes! Ok good. I’m happy to see others had the same issues. Especially after I read so many glowing reviews before reading it myself.
I really enjoyed Starters and was so excited to read Enders. But it was SO. BORING. It had interesting parts, yes, but overall was a let down after Starters. Honestly I can’t even remember what happens, ha!
Candice @ The Grown-Up YA recently posted…Featured Fairy Tales: Rapunzel
Phew! Good to hear that I’m not the only one bored by Enders. I’ve read so many reviews calling it one of the best series conclusions that I was wondering if I read the same book!