Sharing the Bookish Love is our newest feature where we share some of our favorite posts we have recently come across on the book blogosphere. If there’s a recent post you want us to share, feel free to let us know.
Thought-provoking Discussions:
Geeky Bloggers Book Blog wants to know, do you wait to buy certain authors or do you always pre-order books? I’m so behind that most of the time I don’t pre-order since I won’t read them on time anyway. But not because of any specific reason or author.
Oh, The Books has a great topic on coming up with new features for your blog. It is so much fun when you come up with a new feature you want to try.
Workaday Reads discusses organizing your e-Reader. My kindle isn’t that organized. I do have a collection for “read” and “book club” and “to-read” to I can find those next reads faster.
Feed Your Fiction Addiction asks, how soon do you review books? I really wish I reviewed all books right away. I feel like by procrastinating I forget so much of that initial feeling.
Oh, The Books is also hosting a great conversation on how there is no such thing as a perfect book or the right rating. We all experience books differently so our reviews need to be true to us.
The Steadfast Reader brings up an interesting discussion about the trouble with clean reading. There are so many books out there, and reading outside your comfort zone every now and then really brings you to new perspectives.
Fantasy is More Fun wants to know, does reading format matter? I tend to switch back and forth if I have multiple formats of a book and settle on what works best for me at the time I’m reading.
Perpetual Page Turner discusses the pressure of borrowing books. I definitely feel the pressure to read borrowed books in a timely manner, but that doesn’t always happen. Sometimes I just have to give them back so I don’t keep them forever.
Reader’s Wonderland talks about spoilers. What are they and how do we feel about them? Well, I think all spoilers should come with warnings, and people can continue at their own risk. But this is why I avoid social media while everyone is talking about something I haven’t experienced for myself yet.
Icy Cold Reads investigates whether YA is mostly aimed at female readers. I don’t think it is, but I do know that the YA books I choose to read are more likely to be enjoyed by females. There are a lot of male authors writing books with male characters that I tend to avoid because I just can’t relate to a teenage boy.
Rinn Reads talks about book amnesia. I too find it hard to remember the details about a lot of books long after I’ve read them. My brain only holds so much.
The Aeropapers asks, is book blogging hard? It can be, if you take on too much at once. But if you keep a good balance, then it remains a fun hobby 🙂
Reading Teen asks, are there any books you avoid? I tend to stay away from books about abuse, overly gory books, etc. Just things I don’t think I can handle or enjoy reading.
Recommendations and Tips:
- Parajunkee shares her #RT14 presentation, Blog Design 101.
Bookish News and other Round-ups:
- Book Chick City Bookish News includes a Holocaust survival story that was revealed to be a fake.
- Such a Novel Idea Bookish News includes teens not reading for fun (this must be remedied!) and Mockingjay movie news.
- Parajunkee Book Bloggerista News includes the 2013 Nebula Awards Winners.
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[…] every Friday, my co-blogger has a feature she does called, Share the Bookish Love in which she shares links to posts that she thought were exceptionally good, entertaining, […]
Thanks for linking up to our discussion post! I’ll have to check out some of the others, definitely great topics. That YA aimed at females one is tough! I can kind of see both sides.
Looks like some great discussions, Julie. 🙂 I don’t typically pre-order either because I’m sooo behind. My kindle is also completely disorganized. I should work on that in my vast quantities of spare time! *ha* I totally agree with you on ratings and books – reading a book is a different experience for everyone. Sometimes I react to the same book differently upon re-reading. And I do review books immediately – I learned my lesson. 😉 Thanks for sharing, Julie!
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…**Blog Tour Review & Giveaway ~ What Happens Tomorrow ~ Elle Michaels**
That’s great that you review books right away. I really reallly need to do that. I have two that I recently read that I’m already fuzzy on.
I can’t stand that my kindle is so disorganized! that and my goodreads shelves… i try to get it together, but it is soooo time consuming! Where is my free time! AHHH!
Ooh, I missed some of these discussion posts this week. Thanks for putting together this handy list to help make blog hopping easier. Have a great weekend Julie!
Carmel @ Rabid Reads recently posted…Early Review: Banishing the Dark by Jenn Bennett
Yay 🙂 Glad you’re enjoying this round up. Enjoy your weekend!