Armchair BEA 2014 – Day 2 – Author Interaction & More Than Just Words

Posted May 27, 2014 by Julie S. in ArmchairBEA / 19 Comments


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Author Interaction: Before I became a blogger I was a bit shy to go to author events. I certainly didn’t go alone. If a friend wanted to go, I’d go as well. My very first author event was a joint event between Kim Harrison and Patricia Briggs. It was so awesome! After that, I kept an eye out for other events where I was familiar with the author, and considered going. Since becoming a blogger, I’ve gone to way more author events. In fact, I went to some just to take notes and write a blog post about it. Why not, right? I find it interesting how bloggers are treated so much differently than just readers and fans. As soon as you tell someone you’re a blogger, they see an advertising opportunity and start throwing swag at you. 
I absolutely love interacting with authors online, like on Facebook or Twitter. Some authors don’t have time for this but the ones that do are pure awesome. It makes you feel like you get to know the personality behind the book and it really helps to enjoy their books so much more. A really cool thing about living in Houston, is we have a lot of great local authors. Sometimes, they even recognize you after you’ve been to several of their events. The second time I met Mary Lindsey, she gave me a hug! It was pure awesome. If an author knows who you are, you really feel like you’ve “made it” as a blogger.


More than just words: I love audio books. Lately, they’re all I have time for, so I listen to a lot of books. I find audio books really enjoyable because a good narrator can bring each individual character to life in their narration. Of course, there is also a bad narrator, but we won’t talk about those right now.

As for books that stand out:

hp7tile Outlander tile Fault In Our Stars, The tile Maybe Someday tile

  • The Harry Potter series, narrated by Jim Dale
  • The Outlander series,narrated by Davina Porter

Then there’s The Fault In Our Stars, which I bought on audio specifically because Kate Rudd narrates, and I’ve been told how amazing she is. I plan to listen right before going to see the movie.

Also, Maybe Someday, by Colleen Hoover is especially unique because this book comes with its own soundtrack! The songs were written specifically for the book and are referenced in the book.

Rose review avatar   Rose:

Author Interaction:  

It all started with the book Easy by Tammara Webber. Soon after, she posted a comment on facebook about what she was currently reading, and it was Hopeless by Colleen Hoover. Right after THAT, I saw that both authors along with Jamie McGuire were going to be in Dallas for a book signing and it just so happened that my boyfriend’s best friend had just recently moved to the area and wanted us (well him) to come visit. It was like fate just lined everything right up for me! So I went to my first ever author event (which was over 4 hours away) and had a blast. The best part? ABC’s Nightline was there and I got invited back for a special interview segment along with a dozen other fans featuring Colleen Hoover. And who shows up, but Cora Cormack! What!? Now, the segment is absolutely horrible!!!! It is about the “new” NA genre and its is just plain old awful, but it was still a pretty cool moment. (click here if you wanna watch, but yeah, it is awful)

So how have my interactions with authors changed since I attended my first author event? I think if anything I get more nervous. Crazy right? But for some reason, the more times I meet Colleen Hoover, the more nervous and tongue tied I get. Perhaps because seeing her at 6 different author events is borderline stalkerish? Who knows. Maybe it is because I aspire to be published one day and I am simply in awe of their greatness? 

More than just words: Okay, so four books stand out to me. They are:

Exile, The tile Eleanor and Park tile Fault In Our Stars, The tile Maybe Someday tile

The Exile by Diana Gabaldon

I enjoyed this book which is a graphic novel. I know that others did not like it, but I did. I just mainly enjoyed the drawings of Jamie and Claire, but I am a huge fan if this series, so anything Outlander related really makes me happy. I cannot wait for August 9th! (The Starz Orginial Series of Outlander premieres.)

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell 

This was an awesome read for me. I listened to the audio book and I must say that it made the experience even more enjoyable.It is one of the best audios I have ever listened to.

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

This book is one of my all time favorite books. I have read the book, (in fact I have more than three copies of this book), I have even read most of the book in Spanish (and I do not speak Spanish!) But listening to the audio book is an entirely different experience. This book is hands down the best best best audio I have ever listened to ever. After listening for like 2 minutes, I became a Kate Rudd fan for life! I am sure the movie will add yet one more awesome dynamic to this book making it one of my most cherished reading experiences ever.

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover

This is another book that is enhanced by more than just the reading experience. The audio book is good. The writing is superb. The music is what makes this book so unique. As you are reading the ebook, you can click on links that take you to the songs and listen to Griffin Peterson perform the songs from the books. (The book is about a guy and a girl writing music together.) I really feel like if you read this book without listening to the music, you are only getting half of the story.

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Posted May 27, 2014 by Julie S. in ArmchairBEA / 19 Comments


19 responses to “Armchair BEA 2014 – Day 2 – Author Interaction & More Than Just Words

    • Yea this is definitely the first one I’ve ever known to have a special soundtrack with songs written just for the book, that are the songs written by the characters in the book. It would make a cool movie.

    • Ooh but meeting people you are fangirling over is way different than public speaking, where you just don’t care what that audience thinks of you. Well, maybe you care a little, but not the same heh.

    • Rose

      yea, i am the same, public speaking is fine. talking to an author, is SCARY!!!

  1. You’ve both met some of my fav authors – a few I’ve met and a few I haven’t. I did go to author events prior to becoming a blogger but I got to LOTS more now. Rose, I agree with you about that segment on ABC…I was so excited about it and they (ABC) really spun it in a way I didn’t appreciate. But I adore the authors!

    I’ve still yet to listen to a fiction audio book but I’m thinking I’ll give it a go over the summer. 🙂
    Bookworm Brandee recently posted…**Review ~ Captivating Bridge ~ Michelle Mankin**

    • Right? Now you have an excuse to go to author events and not be stalkery. I’m networking. This is for my readers. 🙂
      Yes, listen to your first fiction audio book and let us know if you like it 🙂
      Julie recently posted…Food aversions and cravings

    • Rose

      Audios are great!!!!!! and yeah, the segment was awful. Did you see it the night it aired? or was this the first time you watched it? Listen to your first audio and let us know what you think!!!

  2. Wow. So seriously . . . hard to top either of those author interaction stories. Kim Harrison and Patricia Briggs are both UF favorites of mine, and Hoover, McGuire, Cormack, and Webber (along with Samantha Young) were ALL some of the first indies I ever read, and then I got to watch their commercial success. Every time I see one of their books in a book store, or even Target, I do a little happy dance.
    Jessica @ Rabid Reads recently posted…Armchair BEA: Day 2, Author Interaction & More Than Just Words

    • Rose

      Omagosh, Jessica, I do the SAME little happy dance. Sometimes I even pick up the book just to hold it in my hands… and then I remind myself I already have a copy and place it back on the shelf, in the front, where others can see it. I am tempted to put a sticky note on it that says, “Read this book!” hahah

  3. I can’t admit to how many times I’ve watched that Starz Outlander trailer. It’s embarrassing. 😉 I’m currently reading Voyager but I’ve thought about downloading the original Outlander on audio just to listen to while I’m putting around the house.

    I really loved Eleanor and Park on audio, too.
    Trish recently posted…Beyond Words – Armchair BEA 2014

    • Trish, Voyager is, IMO, the best of the Outlander series. I actually picked up the audiobook at Half Price Books because I had to have it along with my trusty paperback copy. Davina Porter is a divine narrator.

      Julie, I’ve heard awesome things about Jim Dale and the HP series. Did you also know he was the narrator for The Pushing Daisies series? That show was so sweet and cancelled WAY too early.
      Terri M. LeBlanc recently posted…Review: Snow by Áine Greaney

      • Rose

        really? You like voyager best? I did not like it as much. I really loved Dragonfly. I thought it was best. The audio is awesome! I love Davina, too!

    • Rose

      I am guilty of watching the trailer daily, too Trish! I am so excited. I am relistening to the entire outlander series on audio before I read MOBY. My favorite books is Dragonfly in Amber. And I highly recommend you try the audio. It is amazing!

  4. I’d have loved to hear Patricia Briggs. Just read the latest Mercy Thompson book and thought it was the best one of the series. Incredible at book eight, was it?