Armchair BEA 2014 – Day 4 – Giveaway & Beyond the Borders

Posted May 29, 2014 by Julie S. in ArmchairBEA, Giveaways / 31 Comments


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Julie Review Avatar   Julie


Beyond the Borders: I admit I stick to my comfort zone when I can, because I know what I like, and I read for enjoyment. But there have been a few diverse books I’ve read and enjoyed, and I will share some here:


Rose review avatar   Rose

Beyond Borders:

Some recent books I’ve read that fit today’s topic include the following:

1. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie – Junior recounts life growing up on the reservation.

2. Will Grayson, Will Grayson by David Levithan and John Green – Will Grayson meets yet another boy with the same exact name, but completely different life.

3. Every Day by David Levithan – Every Day A wakes up in a different 16 year old teenager’s body and lives their life, but for only one day.

4. Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles – They might attend high school together, but their lives are nothing alike, a love story.


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Posted May 29, 2014 by Julie S. in ArmchairBEA, Giveaways / 31 Comments


31 responses to “Armchair BEA 2014 – Day 4 – Giveaway & Beyond the Borders

  1. I mention a specific series in my Beyond Borders post that I felt fit this topic in several ways. I read alot of fantasy and “escapist” fiction. However I do tend to have eclectic tastes within the realm of escapism. I think Tatiana de Rosnay would fit the diverse books. I have read A Secret Kept and have Sarah’s Key on my to read shelf.
    ForstRose recently posted…Armchair BEA – Beyond Borders

  2. Karen

    One day I will open an Allende book – I don’t why I keep picking it up off my shelf and then putting it down again

  3. Good idea for a giveaway ladies! I don’t ever really think about it, but I guess I do tend to stick to what I know when I read. Well, maybe? I really will read anything you put in front of my face! But if I’m choosing a book I generally stick to genres I’m comfortable with. I don’t put a TON of thought into characters so much as I do the plot. But if I come across a character who may be different than what I’m used to reading or a setting that’s unique, I’m usually drawn to that book.
    Candice @ The Grown-Up YA recently posted…True Story Thursday: Lots and lots and lots

    • Rose

      I tend to care more about the characters than the actual plot. I think Julie is the opposite from me. That being said, I do enjoy a character that is completely different from what I was expecting, especially if it rings true and is a morally GOOD character, those surprises are always the best IMHO.

    • Rose

      Finding time to read all the books we desire, isn’t that the story of our lives???

  4. WHAT A GOOD IDEA for a giveaway!!! I’m so using that in the future.

    Also, I definitely need to read The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexi, especially since you both recommended it. And Will Grayson, Will Grayson is one of the only John Green books I have yet to read, which is weird b/c I really want to! Thanks for the reminder 🙂

    Jess @ Such a Novel Idea

    Our ArmchairBEA giveaway!
    Jess @ Such A Novel Idea recently posted…Blog Tour & GIVEAWAY — My Last Kiss by Bethany Neal

    • Rose

      Your welcome Jess. The idea for the giveaway was all Julie’s. As for John Green Books, I have read them all and Will Grayson was one of my least favorite, but it was still John Green so it was still good.

  5. Elizabeth Bevins

    What a great offer. I’m too new to blogging to take advantage of it but I will pass the offer on.

    • Rose

      Brandee, I have read several of her books, including all in the Perfect Chemistry series and Leaving Paradise Series and How to Ruin series… I really enjoy her writing.

  6. It’s always good to broaden your reading horizon, so I’ll have to look into a few of the titles on your lists. Thanks for the chance! I have a hard time saying no to free advertising.