Armchair BEA 2014 – Day 5 – Topic of Choice & Middle Grade/Young Adult

Posted May 30, 2014 by Julie S. in ArmchairBEA / 15 Comments


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Topic of Choice: Favorite Features. I thought today I would talk about some of my favorite features I’ve seen on book blogs lately.
Discussion Posts – these are definitely my favorite. I enjoy reading what people think on a particular topic. We run a weekly discussion post as well, since it is just so much fun.
Blogger Tips – There are a couple of blogs that I follow that include some really helpful tips and tricks posts to help other bloggers. I definitely learn a lot from those.
Roundup posts – I find these are an amazing way to give back to the blogging community. What better way to give a blogger a virtual hug than to give a shoutout to a post you liked? This inspired me to start a similar roundup post here as well.
Memes – These are a bit tricky. I enjoy them, and we run a meme ourselves, but sometimes they get overwhelming in my feed if all I see are memes. So this requires a delicate balance.


Middle Grade/Young Adult: I don’t really read middle grade, though I’m sure I will eventually when I have a child who reads that genre. But I do like reading YA. That is most of what I read it seems. Maybe that’s why Rose’s book club is so awesome. I really enjoy all the YA fantasy, dystopia, sci-fi, etc etc. In fact, we have a recommendations  tab in our navigation where you can see some of my favorites in the genre. THere are really just too many to list right now.

Rose review avatar   Rose

Topic of Choice: Share the Bookish Love (Armchair BEA Style)

So, every Friday, my co-blogger has a feature she does called, Share the Bookish Love in which she shares links to posts that she thought were exceptionally good, entertaining, informative,etc..that she came across in the blogosphere. I thought for my topic freebie, I would choose to share some of my favorite posts from Armchair BEA 2014 that I have come across. Here they are:

1. Jess from Such a Novel Idea talks about the importance of diversity in books and how books helped her understand her son better.

2. Jessica from Rabid Reads gives us a great list of anthologies that are worth taking a look at. Her and I both agree that buying a whole entire expensive anthology just to read one short story is such a waste.

3. Tanya from Mom’s Small Victories shares with us a great lists of books about being a good mommy even when you might feel less than qualified. I am only a mom to fur babies, but these titles looked interesting especially for new mommy-to-be Julie!!!

4. April from My Shelf Confessions shares one of her ultimate fangirl moments with an author and how she has social media to thank for that. Her tweet even ended up on the back cover of the book!

5. Holly from Words Fueled By Love joins us from the great state of Alabama! And guess what one of her favorite series is? That’s right! The Sea Breeze series by Abbi Glines. I really enjoyed getting to know her better on the first day of ABEA this year.

Young Adult:

I do not read much Middle Grade, but I do read a lot of YA. I run a YA book club (for adults only) , so I am constantly reading YA books. I thought I would share a list of all the books my book club has read since it started in September 2012:

Fault In Our Stars, The tileShelter tilePerks of Being a Wallflower, TheLooking For Alaska tileAbundance of Katherines, An tilePaper Towns tileWill Grayson, Will Grayson tileDivergent tileCity of Bones tileCity of Ashes tileDaughter of Smoke and Bone tileCity of Glass tile13 Reasons Why tileCity of Fallen Angels tileThe Sea of Tranquility TileCity of Lost Souls tileAbsolutely True Story of a Part-Time Indian, The tileshatteredsouls tileRaven Boy tileRot and Ruin tileMaze Runner, The tileSlammed tileDiviners, The tileUninvited tileReason To Breathe tileEleanor and Park tilecinder-tile


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Posted May 30, 2014 by Julie S. in ArmchairBEA / 15 Comments


15 responses to “Armchair BEA 2014 – Day 5 – Topic of Choice & Middle Grade/Young Adult

  1. I love discussion posts too, Julie!

    And Rose, so many good books on that list (especially The Sea of Tranquility, Will Grayson, Will Grayson, and The Perks of Being a Wallflower)! There are only a couple that I haven’t read myself, and I am definitely adding them. Thanks for the shout out, and I’ll be sure to check out those other posts too.
    Jessica @ Rabid Reads recently posted…Armchair BEA – Day 5, Middle Grade/Young Adult

    • Rose

      You are so welcome, Jessica! And glad to help you in adding a few more to the never ending TBR list!

    • Rose

      yeah, there are so many different memes. I think they are fun, but you really do have to pick and choose which ones to participate in.

    • Rose

      yeah, the book club has been a huge success. One thing many members had expressed is that they were surprised to find that other adults were enjoying the YA genre as much as they were.

  2. Aww thanks so much for sharing the love and linking to my post! Mucho appreciated! <33

    I have so many of those YA books on my wish list to read at some point! I've read The Perks of Being a Wallflower and The Maze Runner – both were amazingtastic. I still need to read the rest of the Maze Runner trilogy!

    I've been putting off reading The Fault in Our Stars because I know it ends sadly.. and even though I know it has a lot of humor and heart in it and will be an awesome read.. a part of it is just gonna bum me out, so gotta be in the mood for that. Hoping to be able to get to it in the next couple months though! A

    • Rose

      You are so welcome April! I did not really like the Maze Runner, so I doubt I will read on with the trilogy, although, the movie trailer for it look amazing! The part with the wall closing shut on the book slipping through to the outside takes my breath away. And you gotta read the Fault In Our Stars before the movie comes out in like a week! EEEEEK!

    • Rose

      You are welcome, Wesley. I enjoy posts with links because, yeah, it is hard to see everything! So I like it when bloggers put their favorites all in a single post like this.

    • Rose

      Glad you liked the links. And hey, if all those books are on your TBR list, I’d say you have great taste! lol

  3. Aw, thanks Rose for sharing my post about short story collections about motherhood. These are great gift ideas for moms-to-be! I wish I had read these as a new mom! Maybe I would have better expectations and not be too hard on myself for not being perfect.

    Your YA collage is great, I have read Fault in Our Stars and Divergent/Insurgent (but not Allegiant yet) and want to read Cinder, Raven Boys series, Mortal Instruments series and I have Looking for Alaska, I just haven’t read it yet.
    Tanya @ Mom’s Small Victories recently posted…Armchair BEA – Travel the World Through Books