Sharing the Bookish Love is our newest feature where we share some of our favorite posts we have recently come across on the book blogosphere. If there’s a recent post you want us to share, feel free to let us know.
Thought-provoking Discussions:
Rabid Reads asks, what tends to be the deciding factor when picking your next read? I have the hardest time choosing the next book I’m going to read, unless a specific timeline dictates what I read. Sometimes I just do eenie meenie.
Icy Cold Reads discusses whether one should blog formally or informally. I’m a fan of informally. The point about feeling like you’re having a conversation with your reader really hits true.
Book Blog Bake has a really good post about gendered reading. Does society really need to keep a distinction between boy books and girl books? Can’t we all just enjoy all topics without the stigma?
Perpetual Page Turner has a really cool post about things her non-reader husband is tired of hearing. I think all of us book bloggers can relate.
Butterfly-o-Meter books discusses the best villains of YA literature. Who’s your favorite villain?
Book Badger has a lovely post on libraries!
Go Book Yourself wants to know, should bloggers have a schedule? I think a certain schedule can be helpful but it needs to be flexible too.
Effortlessly Reading wants to know whether others read chapter previews, and if they like them. I tend to not read them. I don’t really care for excerpts or teasers so much. I’d rather read the full book.
Rabid Reads discusses whether we re-read books or not. I rarely do, personally.
Reading is Fun Again discusses our favorite POV styles this week. I like first person and third person POV equally. I also enjoy a dual POV that is first person quite a bit.
Recommendations and Tips:
Parajunkee has this awesome article on Building Confidence as a Blogger. Seriously, read it. My favorite tip is to create a list of great accomplishments and read them when you’re feeling down.
Check out The Estella Society for the 2nd Estella Project and submit the *one* book you would want to put in everyone’s hands.
Oh, The books has a really cool post on all types of bookish conventions. Have you attended any? I’ve attended a few local ones – Houston Teen Book Con and the Houston Book Rave.
Parajunkee has a great Social Media 101 post with tips on increasing followers on Twitter.
The Bawdy Book Blog reminds us that Gravatar is a really good tool to help with branding yourself online. If you don’t already have a Gravatar set up, you should check it out.
Bookish News and other Round-ups:
- Parajunkee’s Book Blogerista News
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Thanks for including me! Definitely found some cool looking posts to go check out. Now I must snoop around your blog some more. tee hee hee creeping is what I do
Oooh I loved Book Blog Bake’s post!!! Thanks for pointing me in that direction 😀
Allie @ Little Birdie recently posted…Review: The Storyteller {Antonia Michaelis}
Thanks for sharing all these great posts – I missed almost all of them!!
Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun recently posted…Book Blog Walkers | Check-in 22
You’re so welcome! I really like it when other authors share links to posts they enjoyed reading and this post was my attempt to do the same. Glad you liked it.
hmmmm totally just a side note… I have no idea who I was this day that I replied, but um….yeah, I did not write this blog post, so as to why I should respond as I did, is kinda striking me as strange…. lol… but oh well, guess I was impersonating Julie that day!
Lol you were replying on behalf of the blog, just like I share on behalf of the blog hehe.
I suppose. lol