Sharing the Bookish Love is our newest feature where we share some of our favorite posts we have recently come across on the book blogosphere. If there’s a recent post you want us to share, feel free to let us know.
Thought-provoking Discussions:
Oh, The Books has a really cool quiz: YA Fantasy Heroine.
Rabid Reads asks, do you think author/series burnout is permanent?
Reading Is Fun Again wants to know if you buy multiple editions of the same book.
Saz 101 asks a question that I’m concerned about as well, how do you find time to blog when life stuff takes up all of your time?
The Geeky Book Blogger and The Book Nympho are teaming up to spotlight how awesome libraries are. Check out their post asking for a thought or a guest post about libraries.
Aww! Check out this great post called Book Blog Pet Glees from The YA Buzz. I love this positive happy book blogging is awesome post 🙂
Nose Graze asks, how well do you market yourself and your blog?
Talk of the Kingdom wants to know if you ever start reading a book without knowing what it is about, or “reading blind” as she calls it. I don’t think I could do that. If I don’t remember at least generally what the book is about, I’ll re-read the blurb. I want to know what I’m getting myself into.
The Book Addict’s Guide shares some thoughts on looking back at old reviews.
Effortlessly Reading speculates on ebooks. (See what I did there?) I actually prefer reading on ebooks lately. I can highlight and add notes without feeling guilty since I’m not marking up a book. And who has the time to get up and find a notepad anyway?
Book Badger brings to our attention the many book covers featuring the same stock photo. That bothers me too. Why would someone want their book to look so similar to another?
Recommendations and Tips:
Falling For YA has a list book recommendations if you’re tired of reading Dystopians. While I’m not tired of that genre, I think the list of recommendations is a good one.
Parajunkee shares social media tips about Facebook organic reach.
The Perpetual Page Turner shares a guest post on Recommended Reading List For YA Books Dealing With Slut-Shaming & Sexuality.
Bookish News and other Round-ups:
- Weekly Recap on Oh, The Books.
- Parajunkee Book Bloggerista News.
- Cuddlebuggery Buzz Worthy News.
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Saz101 is back?!?! I miss that bitch!
Braine Talk Supe recently posted…Year 3.2: Remedy Series by Debra Doxer + Series 101 & Giveaway
Ack, I love these types of features! They bring so many awesome posts to my attention. =)
Aimee @ Deadly Darlings recently posted…Blog Tour: Threats of Sky and Sea by Jennifer Ellision
Thanks for the shout out ladies! This might be my last comment until July 1st, so happy Friday!!!
Carmel @ Rabid Reads recently posted…Audiobook Review: Daughter of the Blood by Anne Bishop
Have an awesome fun wedding time! Share lots of photos when you get back to blogging 🙂