Top Ten Tuesday: Book Cover Trends I Like/Dislike – June 24, 2014

Posted June 24, 2014 by Rose C. in Memes, Top Ten Tuesdays / 24 Comments


Top Ten Tuesday is a meme run by The Broke and the Bookish

Book Cover Trends (or just elements of covers) I Like/Dislike 

Judging a book by the cover:

Rose review avatar   Rose’s List of Top Book Cover Trends (that I DON’T like):

  1.   Over use of the same exact cover models. (I mean, how DARE they use Lucas Maxfield from Tammara Webber’s Easy on any other covers????)
  2.   No eyes. I am sorry,but am I the only one that finds this a little creepy? Show me the eyes! Why only show the nose and mouth and jawline??? What did the eyes do to deserve to be cropped out of the shot??? Talk about descrimination.
  3.   What is even better than not showing eyes? Showing only ONE eye! What is with the half faces? Show me a whole face, or show me no face at all people!
  4.   Outdated looking covers. I know this is not really a trend, but if a cover looks like it was designed circa 1982, I will pass everytime. One exception, Leon Uris books… Those covers are atrocious, but I have read nearly every single one of his books.
  5.   Misleading book covers that have absolutely nothing to do with the book.


Julie Review Avatar   Julie’s List of Top Book Cover Trends: 

Trends I Like:

  1.    Vivid colors and pretty designs. And girls in flowy dresses. Ok, so I like beautiful covers. I love covers that look like a true artist created them. Like covers designed by Nekro (Anna Dressed In Blood, Ashes on the Waves). Covers that would make great wall art. I love those kinds of covers.
  2.    Representative covers. I like covers that give me a good idea of what the book is about. I like the covers of the Sabina Kane series for example because they feature a chick that looks like she kicks ass and takes names. And you can tell she’s a vampire so you know it is an Urban Fantasy. Also, her hair has red streaks, which you find out more about when you read the book. So it is very descriptive of what you’re reading about.

Trends I Dislike:

  1.    Half naked people on the cover. And it isn’t even an erotica. I’m sorry but I can never be reading that book in public because people will see and judge. I also can’t ever let family see what I’m reading. It just looks so sleazy, which is awful when it is only a regular paranormal romance that isn’t all that steamy.
  2.    Sword covers. ONLY sword covers. I see this so much. Why would you want to ONLY feature a sword on your cover? You’re not telling me anything about your book, other than there might be a sword fight. Usually these covers apply to an epic fantasy, which I’m not usually going to pick up without a recommendation anyway. But I am so not even going to look at your book twice if you have nothing but a sword on the cover. So much so that I even tweeted about it.

  3. Stock photo overuse. I get that stock photos are way cheaper than hiring a model and photographer, but seriously, can we please limit the use of the same photos over and over? Why would someone want to buy a photo that is already in use in like 10 other book covers? How does that help your book stand out?



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Posted June 24, 2014 by Rose C. in Memes, Top Ten Tuesdays / 24 Comments


24 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday: Book Cover Trends I Like/Dislike – June 24, 2014

  1. I love covers with vivid colours! Like you said, covers that can be wall art, I love those. I’ve always wanted to actually have prints of certain covers on my wall. Maybe authors should get on that market for swag? :O

  2. Yeah, I’m seriously over the overuse of the same stock photos too. AND outdated-looking covers. What’s with the slew of 80’s bodice ripper covers for some romance novels lately. AND Parajunkie did a hilarious post a few weeks ago (months?) where they posted a bunch of really awful freebie book covers that made me aware of my dislike for the hovering animal head in the background/upper corner. Boooo, LOL.
    Jessica @ Rabid Reads recently posted…Review: A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness

    • Julie

      Ooh that post was hilarious! Yea, sometimes I wonder what people were thinking when they designed the cover. Were they drunk? LOL Creepy floating heads are that – creepy as hell!

    • Rose

      I did not see this post, but I would like to read it. I think all book cover designers should take precaution whenever deciding to use faces/head be it human or animal. Faces can be creepy if not done right (i.e. only showing half a face, floating heads, etc…)

  3. “Why would someone want to buy a photo that is already in use in like 10 other book covers? How does that help your book stand out?”

    Every once in awhile Entertainment Weekly will do a call out on similar movie poster and book cover designs. It’s amazing how often bestsellers end up with similarly rendered book covers.
    Terri M. LeBlanc recently posted…Review: The Gilded Lily by Deborah Swift

    • Rose

      I am not sure. Perhaps because it is cheap? Or perhaps because it looks like a published product? I really do not know. a cover should grab your attention. not look like every other book out there.

    • Rose

      I agree, Emma. At the very least, they could change the cover a lit bit, personalize it some. I do NOT like seeing the EXACT same covers. It can get confusing.

  4. Using the same models totally freaks me out. It’s so weird seeing them on so many different books. I think the models off Armentrout’s books have been on a few others as well and it’s weird.
    And stock images, ditto! You can see that best on cheap Amazon self-pub books where the same pic gets used 40 times.
    Nakedness is so not cool as well, but I like swords 😀 And yes to representative covers!

    • Julie

      Yea, it really does look weird to see a familiar cover on a different book. Gives me an awkward feeling.
      Well I’m glad someone likes swords hehe 🙂

  5. I also don’t like book covers with half naked guys up front. They make me uncomfortable and sometimes question what’s inside the book.
    The covers I do love are the ones with pretty dresses and simple designs, usually very bright ones. Love the ones with trees and lots of green. 🙂
    Melissa Robles recently posted…The Week’s Entrée #20

    • Julie

      Ooh I like bright designs too. I didn’t think about trees and green, but yea those are nice too 🙂

  6. I agree with all these SO MUCH. Admittedly, I haven’t seen many books where the cover models are the same person, but I have seen a few covers with the same stock image, just slightly edited to look different. That one bugs me to no end. And I actually kind of like vintage covers — not the ugly ones, obviously, but Leon Uris’ books are on the better side. My favorite vintage cover is Tsarina by N. Jelle Patrick. The patterns! *O* But YES, misleading covers are the worst. Publishers know how attracted we are to pretty covers, so it’s easy for them to lure us into their trap. 🙁

    Hehe, I love girls with dresses on covers, too! Well, just as long as it has something to do with the story. Ever since the pretty girls in pretty dresses trend blew up two years ago, everyone thinks it’s okay to have one even though their main character never wears a dress. Um… it isn’t! And ugh, don’t even get me started on those half-naked covers. So many NA books have them now. Honestly, I can’t decide if I hate shirtless guys on covers or kissy-face covers. T_T

    Yep, sword covers are way overrated, too.
    Megan (Adrift on Vulcan) recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Cover Trends

    • Julie

      Well there are some stock photos with a variation of the same cover models, so it almost looks the same but not quite. And that is just as bad as using the exact same photo. I’m definitely not a fan of shirtless guys on covers, or bra-clad girls on covers. But the kissy face is getting old too.

    • Julie

      I’m glad to see that most people are bothered by the same cover image being used over and over. Now I just wish authors would hear this complaint!

  7. I have a cover for you, Julie. The cover artist who designed my YA paranormal romance releasing July 1 did an amazing job capturing the main character. She’s in a long flowy, gorgeous dress and best of all she looks almost exactly like I pictured her in my mind.

    There’s a certain female stock image that seems to be gracing more and more YA/NA covers. I’ve significantly eased back on my participation in cover reveals because, frankly, I’m sick of seeing her face everywhere.

    It’s bad, I know, but I judge a book by its cover…
    Kimber Leigh Wheaton recently posted…Book Blitz: Love, Laughter & Happily Ever Afters – Excerpt & Giveaway

  8. Great lists, girls! And I have to agree on all points. I think the most important thing for a cover is to reflect the story that’s inside. I hate it when the cover has absolutely nothing to do with the book. I do get tired of seeing the same images on different covers, too, although I do understand.

    Then there are covers like Splintered! The only reason I picked up that book was for the cover. *ha* I haven’t read it yet but Julie, you are so right about those covers (Splintered & Unhinged) being wall art! 😉
    Bookworm Brandee recently posted…**Release Day Blitz & Review ~ Come to Me Softly ~ A.L. Jackson**

    • Julie

      Yep I’ve been known to pick up (or pass by) a book solely based on the cover. Covers are very important. I want the cover to give me a feel for the book before I even read the blurb, and I want that feel to be accurate 🙂