Top Ten Tuesday: Classics – July 1, 2014

Posted July 1, 2014 by Julie S. in Top Ten Tuesdays / 9 Comments


Top Ten Tuesday is a meme run by The Broke and the Bookish

Top Ten Favorite Classic Books (however you define classic) or Top Ten Classics I Want To Read 

Rose review avatar  Rose’s List of Top Classics:

  1.   Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. This has to be my all time favorite classic ever. It is the classic that made me realize there was swoon-worthy moments in classics. Who knew!? I think Mr. Rochester was my very first old man crush.
  2.   Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. So I read this in 7th grade (for fun) and just remembered thinking it was such a smart book. I really liked it, much better than the movie. I felt smart after reading this book.
  3.   Dracula by Bram Stoker. This book made me realize the genius of Brit Lit. If I ever go to grad school and have to write a thesis, this book could very well be part of that thesis.
  4.   Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy.  This book made me seriously reconsider my idea of stuffy victorian brit lit. This book was so modern and sad and relevant! 
  5.   The Awakening by Kate Chopin. This book was beautifully written. I really enjoyed it when I read it for required summer reading before senior year of English class in high school.


Julie Review Avatar   Julie’s List of Top Classics:

I thought I would share some of my favorite classics that I have read over the years. These are in no particular order.

  1.    Journey to the Center of the Earth (Extraordinary Voyages, #3) Journey to the Center of the Earth (Extraordinary Voyages, #3) by Jules Verne
  2.   The Time Machine The Time Machine (Paperback) by H.G. Wells
  3.   The Phantom of the Opera The Phantom of the Opera (Paperback) by Gaston Leroux
  4.    Gone with the Wind Gone with the Wind (Paperback) by Margaret Mitchell
  5.    Around the World in Eighty Days Around the World in Eighty Days (Paperback) by Jules Verne



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Posted July 1, 2014 by Julie S. in Top Ten Tuesdays / 9 Comments


9 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday: Classics – July 1, 2014

  1. I’ve always wanted to read The Phantom of the Opera. I think I started it once a couple of years ago, but the book went mysteriously missing. Maybe the Phantom stole it. I’m starting to think that I need to read Gone With the Wind too. It’s such a famous book and people talk about it such a lot that I feel like I’m missing out on something.
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    • Rose

      GWTW is very interesting. I remember loving it, but mainly for how it is written and not as much for the storyline.

    • Rose

      I think one of the reasons I still like Dracula so much is because of Twilight. I Know know, everyone hates on Twilight now. But I read Dracula before Twilight even existed and loved it. The teacher I had for Brit Lit II was amazing. And then when Twilight came out, I thought how interesting to compare the two books. More about what the books say socially of the times in which they were written and less about Vampires and the writing.

    • Rose

      I think my liking Jude the Obscure had a lot to do with the teacher teaching it as well. She was awesome and made everything so relevant and interesting. I like how daring and socially aware (for its time) the book Jude the Obscure is.