Chat Between Chapters: Where do you like to read?

Posted July 6, 2014 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 21 Comments


 Do you have a special reading spot, or do you read anywhere you can? Where do you like to read?

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

I have a spot specifically designated for reading. It is a recliner in my library. But I haven’t once read in there. WHY? Well I haven’t quite gotten into a routine in this new house yet since we’re still transitioning and making changes here and there, so I simply haven’t had time to sit down and read for long periods of time. So for the time being, I read anywhere I can. Lately it has been in the car on my commute on audio books, or at lunch at work on ebooks on the computer. But I do prefer to read on a couch or recliner because I can get comfortable and not quite be sitting up and not quite be laying down. Perfect reading angles.

Rose review avatar Rose:

My favorite reading spot comfort wise is the sofa in my library. It is the perfect size for me and oh so comfy. However, like Julie, I rarely get to read in the actual room I have designated for just that. Instead, I read mostly on my ipad mini at work on my lunch break, audio books while I am working, and in bed at night before I fall asleep. One of my other favorite reading spots is in the bathtub beacuse it is one of the only places where I can be and not get intruded upon, but here lately I have been so tired that I fall asleep in the tub!!! This is NOT cool because not only do I not get any reading done, but I almost dropped my kindle in the water last night. NOT okay!!!!

What about you? Where do you get most of your reading done????

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Posted July 6, 2014 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 21 Comments


21 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Where do you like to read?

    • Rose

      Tina, I read anywhere as well.. in line at the grocery store or in line at the cafe at work, or in the truck while the boyfriend drives us somewhere. I used to get car sick, but I read so much in the car now, that it no longer bothers me.

  1. Julie, I have a recliner in my library too that doesn’t get sat in often. 😉 And Rose, I couldn’t read in the tub – I would absolutely drop my book or ereader in the water! 😉 I read pretty much anywhere I can but my most favorite spot is in an Adirondack chair outside under the trees. Of course, I can only do that during warm weather months. 🙂
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    • Rose

      reading outside is nice, but not with an ereader. The sun interferes. Go Figure.

      • Julie

        But your Kindle is e-ink right? So there’s no glare. I like reading outside with mine.

        • Rose

          I have this wonderful paperwhite kindle, and yet I find myself carrying my ipad mini around every where while my paperwhite sits neglected.

    • Julie

      Hehe that’s cute. If I want to read outside I have to do it during the colder months. Cause Texas summers are not comfortable reading environments lol.

      • Rose

        But Texas summertime outdoor reading is never a lonely event… you have tons of bugs and mosquitos and other misc. biting stinging incects that keep you company while you read! FUN!

    • Julie

      I miss reading in bed. But, I think the bed makes it hard to stay upright just enough to be comfortable without falling asleep lately lol

  2. Rose

    Terri, I do this, too, but I am constantly falling asleep and never remembering to mark my spot. I have also dropped my heavy hardback on my face while reading in bed. People do not tend to think of reading as dangerous, but after having 4 pounds of book knock you right in the face, tell me again reading is not an extreme past time!

    • Julie

      Have you ever dropped an eReader or a hardback on your face? Yea you won’t love reading in bed as much after a while of that lol