Top Ten Tuesday is a meme run by The Broke and the Bookish
Top Ten Blogging Confessions
Rose’s List of Top Blogging Confessions:
- I have the hardest time staying on top of things with the blog. I like to be organized and have this awesome schedule for when I want to post what and I NEVER am able to stick to it. GRRRR!!! (but I keep adjusting my schedule and tweaking my calendar only to fall behind the next day.)
- I hate blogger (blogspot) … with a passion.
- One of my favorite things about blogging is meeting authors and one of my least favorite things about blogging is having to meet authors. I like hearing the authors talk and take notes even on what all they say. But I get sooooo incredibly nervous actually meeting an author in person. I get tongue tied and can think of nothing to say that is halfway intelligent sounding whatsoever. Oh and as for asking for swag or interviews or anything like that… forget it. I can’t do that.
- I think about quitting blogging at least once a day (every time wordpress deletes my editing of a post…)
- Blogging may very well land me in jail for murder… most likely of a comcast employee when they tell me that my internet connection is operating just fine and I CANNOT DOWNLOAD A SINGLE SOLITARY WEBPAGE IN UNDER 5 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!
Julie’s List of Top Book Blogging Confessions:
- I often blog at work, during random breaks and lunch. All the good emails from my blog subscriptions come in during the day anyway, so I gotta read and collect them at that time. I’d never get anything done if I waited to do it all at home.
- I hate hardback books. They are heavy and hard and evil and hit you in the face when you fall asleep reading.
- I’m a bit of a book hoarder, but I haven’t read sooo many of the books on my shelves. And I’m talking actual book shelves in my library. Let’s not even get started on the kindle books I’ve collected over these past few years of having my kindle.
- I send myself email notes (well, more like save them as drafts to review later) every time I think of something to add to the blog. I can’t rely on memory, so I rely on Gmail.
- I can’t blog from a mobile device. I just have to use a real laptop with a real browser and keyboard. I can’t explain why, I just feel useless trying to type on a mobile browser with a touch screen.
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I can relate to Rose hating Blogger – ugh! it hated me too for the brief 8 months I was on Blogger; thank goodness I smartened up and moved to WordPress!
and Julie – blogging + mobile device = impossible! great list ladies!
Stacy (The Novel Life) recently posted…Book Club Read: Orange is the New Black
i hate it mostly for the simple fact that I cannot not reply to comments on it with my ipad. How stupid is that.
Isn’t it great to just let it out? I enjoyed your list today kelley—the road goes ever ever on
Thanks Kelley!
Rose, I feel exactly like you do on your #2 and 3. And I giggled over your #5. Ain’t that the truth???
Julie, I am with you on your #’s 3 and 5. And I think #4 is brilliant! I’m going to have to do the same. 🙂
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…**Teaser Tuesday ~ #26**
YEah, after I posted number 5, I got to thinking, maybe I should not have said that… I mean, i FEEL that way, but honestly most comcast employees that actually come to my house to check out connections and such, they are contracted employees. It is really not their fault comcast sucks. That 4 hour window of arrival time turning into 12 hours wasting my only saturday off for the entire month now is a completely different story!
Email reminders are great 🙂 Especially if you’re addicted to checking your email like I am.
Julie, I once got inspired, while waiting at the dentist, to write a blog post about how the Oscars are my super bowl. I didn’t have any paper with me so I typed it out on my iPhone 4s. My hands hurt so badly when I was finished! I decided never to do that again.
Terri M recently posted…Book Review #29: Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige
Ouch! You typed out the whole post on your cell? Well that’s dedication alright!