Sharing the Bookish Love is our newest feature where we share some of our favorite posts we have recently come across on the book blogosphere. If there’s a recent post you want us to share, feel free to let us know.
Thought-provoking Discussions:
If you haven’t yet read my awesome guest post, check it out now! 10 Reasons I can’t read and I’m Dying on the Inside.
Fantasy is More Fun has a great post discussing what make a great narrator (of an audio book).
Me and Reading has a great guest post on reading for enjoyment vs. reading for review.
Feed Your Fiction Addiction dishes about instalove and whether it can work.
Pink Polka Dot Book Blog talks about spoilers.
Happy Indulgence asks, do endings change your feelings on a book/series?
Parajunkee dishes about blog tours.
Rabid Reads wants to know, are there books that should not be adapted for screen?
Book Bloggers International discusses what makes a novel a classic.
OK Let’s Read talks about reading conditions.
Crystal in Bookland has a great post about authors and social media. This post includes some input from me 🙂
Recommendations and Tips:
A Splash of Ink made this awesome Bookstore Bingo cards.
Crazy Red Pen has several great lists of diverse book recommendations: Asian American authors list 1. And Asian American authors list 2.
Parajunkee has great tips on keeping your blog tours organized. My input is included, woo hoo!
Bookish News and other Round-ups:
- Cuddlebuggery Buzz Worthy News June 26
- Oh, the Books Weekly Recap June 22-28
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These are awesome posts Julie!
Thanks *bows*
Oooh so many discussions to check out!
Sugar & Snark recently posted…Recap in Photos: SA Book Launch – Broken Monsters
I love sharing discussion posts especially because they are so fun and thoughful 🙂
Great post, Julie! I just lost at least half an hour of my life checking the various posts I’d somehow missed, LOL. Including, but not limited to, your guest post–CONGRATULATIONS!!
Jessica @ Rabid Reads recently posted…Review: The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson
Thank you thank you 🙂 *takes a bow* LOL
I lose more than a half hour of my life reading awesome posts and collecting them. It is fun though to see such great stuff on the blogosphere.
I love when people post links like this. I miss so much sometimes during the week!
Angie @Angela’s Anxious Life recently posted…Project Disney- Mary Poppins
I enjoy these too 🙂
Great list this week, off to check out some of the links!
Finley Jayne recently posted…Library Road Trips: Going to the Library and the Farmer’s Market
Hope you enjoy the posts 🙂
I’ve been playing catch-up ever since I got back, so thanks for helping to fill in some of the blanks, and for the shout out. Have an excellent weekend!!
Carmel @ Rabid Reads recently posted…Audiobook Review: How the White Trash Zombie Got Her Groove Back by Diana Rowland
I’m playing catch up too, from last week’s insanity. So I only shared part of the emails I starred in my inbox lol.
I am playing catch up and I really have no GOOD excuse for it, like a vacation or anything. I do however, have my parents living with me now, so that should count as an excuse, right???
Definitely! I don’t get anything done when I have guests, and long term guests must be even worse.