Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Movies or TV Shows – July 15, 2014

Posted July 15, 2014 by Rose C. in Memes, Top Ten Tuesdays / 27 Comments


Top Ten Tuesday is a meme run by The Broke and the Bookish

Top Ten Favorite TV Shows

Rose review avatar   Rose’s List of Top Ten Favorite TV shows:

  1.   The Big Bang Theory- because Bazinga!
  2.   Friday Night LIghts- this had some seriously good episodes and good looking boys in it. I really wish this show was still on.
  3.   Cold Case Files- the documentary one on A&E, not the fictional one. I love this show! It is amazing to see how crimes from like 50 years ago get solved today. I like how the person thinks he got away with it and instead, he gets caught!!!
  4.   American Justice- this is sort of along the same lines as Cold Case Files. It discusses court cases and for some reason the county in which I live is ALWAYS on the show. Very interesting.
  5.   Game Of Thrones- I love these books and I love the show.


Julie Review Avatar   Julie’s List of Top Ten Favorite TV Shows: 

I’m gonna keep this list short and sweet and list some of my favorite TV shows. This is a little hard since a lot of my shows ended this year, or are on their final season.

  1.   Supernatural. I mean, really, I should list this 10 times. I’m gonna get to meet Jensen and Jared at the Supernatural Dallas Con this September. Nevermind that I’ll be 7 months pregnant at the time. I must have my photo op!
  2.    Once Upon A Time – this show is pretty creative and I like how it twists up all the fairy tales.
  3.    The Big Bang Theory – because nerd humor is awesome.
  4.    True Blood – because even though it has been getting a bit weird, it is still awesome.
  5.    The Walking Dead – because zombies.



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Posted July 15, 2014 by Rose C. in Memes, Top Ten Tuesdays / 27 Comments


27 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Movies or TV Shows – July 15, 2014

    • Julie

      No changing the channel? Wow that must be hard hehe 🙂 Ooh I watched Grimm a bit, but didn’t get into it as much.

    • Rose

      Since my mom and dad just moved in with ME (they are currently having a new home built) I get to control the TV!! BWHAHAHAHAHAHA. Actually the first thing I said the my mother whenever she got settled in was, “Now that you are living under MY roof…” hahahaha

    • Julie

      BBT is a fun show 🙂 Netflix has some great stuff. Supernatural is on there I believe.

    • Rose

      I really do not watch my TV either. I tend to watch netflix on xfinity of on demand. I rarely watch something in real time. Although I DID just make the boyfriend add STARZ to our cable lineup because Outlander comes out in one week and I WILL watch that in real time!!!

    • Julie

      Hehe BBT is a really awesome show, so I’m glad to see it on a lot of lists today.

    • Julie

      I just saw that you also have Supernatural on your list, so now you’re extra cool 🙂

    • Julie

      Cold Case Files scare me cause they’re just too real, I prefer the fiction lol. But glad you and my co-blogger like them.

    • Rose

      I loved Seven (creepy) and Sweet Home Alabama is awesome. Why can’t real life guys take a clue from this movie??? hahaha great list Lisa!

    • Rose

      I have not watched The Walking Dead either. I have started watching TV shows while walking on my new treadmill. I just finished season one of Black Sails, so perhaps I will give The Walking Dead a try since I need a new series to motivate me to keep walking…

      • Julie

        There’s nothing like a zombie show to motivate you to walk and run faster lol

    • Julie

      I highly recommend watching at least a little bit of TV 😉 Especially when the yummy J2 are on. That photo opp is going to be EPIC! I’m finally gonna get to meet my boyfriend. lol

    • Julie

      I’m trying to think, but I don’t think I’ve ever watched Friday Night Lights. So I guess I’ll have to have Rose fix that.

      • Rose

        Yes Julie, I really like this show. It is also one of Abbi Glines’ favorite shows… Sometimes I think she draws inspiration from it since it remind me a little of some of her books she writes, except it takes place in Texas instead of ‘Bama.

        Kim, I have never watched ALL the shows… I need to watch THIS while walking on my treadmill. Netflix has all the episodes on it, right????