Shattered Souls Discussion Guide

Posted July 16, 2014 by Julie S. in Discussion Guides / 6 Comments

Julie Review Avatar Rose runs a book club and has been sharing the study guides that she created herself. I organized the meeting for Shattered Souls (with the author appearing!) and created my own discussion questions for the group. I wanted to also offer these discussion questions for your use with your own book club. I do not mind if you use these, but would greatly appreciate feedback if you found them useful. 

Discussion Questions for Shattered Souls by: Mary Lindsey


  1. Review Cover ShatteredSoulsHow would you react to a significant other or close friend who started having visions or hallucinations?
  2. Lenzi doesn’t remember the past. Before you learned the truth, why did you think she couldn’t remember? Should Alden have approached her differently?
  3. What do you think about the Intercessor Council? Could you be a Speaker? A Protector? What do you think of the Speaker’s job to help troubled souls with unfinished business?
  4. What do you think about Lenzi having to willingly share her body with another soul?
  5. Let’s talk about Zak. Did he seem over the top obsessed or did he rely on Lenzi like she relied on him, until Alden came along? Did he redeem himself as a character during his last moments as a Hindered?
  6. What do you think about the repeated line: “there’s hope until the last second”?
  7. How does this novel portray free-will versus fate?
  8. Did you think this was a creepy read? Give examples of what you might have found creepy.
  9. Did you like reading a book set in our area? (Obviously this only applies to Houston are people.)



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Posted July 16, 2014 by Julie S. in Discussion Guides / 6 Comments


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