Chat Between Chapters: Are you a serious reader?

Posted July 20, 2014 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 22 Comments


 Do you consider yourself a serious reader? And even more importantly, does everyone know it?

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

I think I’ve gotten less serious as life has gotten more complicated, but I’d like to consider myself pretty serious. If I have a book club meeting or a review I agreed to do on a certain date, I treat it like homework. Sorry honey, I really have to finish this book. Please to give me some alone time. No do not come in and interrupt with some nonsense. I’m reading. But lately my life has been nothing but interruptions, and I don’t see it getting better like ever lol.

Rose review avatar Rose:

I most definitely consider myself a serious reader with some serious apathy lately. I do not what is wrong with me, but lately all I can seem to do is work and sleep and work some more. Even when I find myself with a little bit of “free” (whatever that means) time, I tend to NOT read. GASP! I KNOW! And it is NOT because I do not want to, but because I can not seem to bring myself to get involved in a book. Perhaps I am just too drained right now, but physically and mentally, to get involved with some fictional character who is ultimately going to make me cry or make me feel less content with my life. (See that there!<— that is apathy folks!) Aside from all of that, I do think that sometimes, when I AM busy reading for a review, or a book club meeting, that other people in my household think I am being antisocial and/or selfish. See those dishes that need done? I should do those before I read a book. Or, see how you just turned down an outing with the boyfriend to read alone by yourself? Honey, no wonder you are apathetic. Blah blah blah… perhaps I would be a more social creature if people just left me alone when I requested dangit! But enough about me, how about you? Do you consider yourself a serious reader? And more importantly, does you family/roommates/SO take your reading seriously???

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Posted July 20, 2014 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 22 Comments


22 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Are you a serious reader?

  1. I’m a serious reader with not enough time to read! My family definitely thinks I’m a serious reader, even though I read about half as much as I used to.

    Thanks for linking up at Wordy Wednesday!
    Carrie recently posted…10 Beachy Books for Kids

    • Julie

      I’m with you on the serious reader with not enough time!!! I want to read all the books, but things get in the way. Have I shared my 10 reasons I’m not reading and I’m dying on the inside guest post with Wordy Wednesday? I’ll have to do that if not heh, you might get a kick out of it.

    • Rose

      I have the same problem. I am all like, “Hello, gotta read this, leave me alone people.” and instead I get slammed with “Stop being anti-social”. sad face. aggressive face. suggestive hand gesture involving only one finger. Satisfied face. (back to reading) happy face.

  2. I guess it depends how you’re defining serious. I don’t really like to read very many serious books – I’m pretty much all about escape and happy endings in my reading. But I am serious about the books I read. So much so that I get a little too involved sometimes and then have a hard time investing in new characters which is what leads to my times of what you’ve described as apathy, Rose. I’m kind of there right now. I just can’t seem to get up any enthusiasm for anything in my TBR pile. Ah well, it will come. Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday! Hope to see you again this week!
    Tina at Mommynificent recently posted…Congratulations to our Winners! and Booknificent Thursday Link Up Party #55

    • Julie

      Yes, that second one 🙂 I get a little too involved in the characters sometimes too.

    • Rose

      Tina, I think that is apathy for sure, and also perhaps a book hangover??? I define a book hangover as that feeling of apathy and disinterest one experiences after reading a great book in which the reader was emotionally invested. Either way, you are right, it will pass and you will find another awesome book to read.

  3. I’m absolutely a serious reader. I believe my hubs said I was a slave to it. *ha* I’ve always been an avid reader but in the last few years, since my kiddos are getting older, I have a little more free time *hahaha* to dedicate to it. Luckily, my kids are serious readers too. 😉
    Bookworm Brandee recently posted…**Blitz & Giveaway ~ Come Back ~ JA Huss**

    • Julie

      A slave? Wow, lol. I’m glad your kids are serious readers too. I hope to raise mine the same. Cause I need my reading time too.

  4. My name is Terri and I am a serious reader. I think some people figured that out about me before I did. And some people figured out that I was a decent review writer and kind of nudged me into sharing my thoughts about the books I read. I mean I was floored today to find out a Disney animator favorited my Feature & Follow Frozen Parodies post from Thursday. As a former Disney cast member and huge Disney nut, it totally flipped my lid. I must be doing something right, huh?
    Terri M. LeBlanc recently posted…Book Blogger Buzz Tour! We All Make Mistakes from Ali’s Bookshelf

  5. I would consider myself a serious reader – in that I’m never not reading something. I think we all go through phases like you’re feeling now, though, Rose. I know I do! And I’m like you too Julie – when I’ve committed to a review on a specific date I treat it like homework and get really stressed out if I’m behind. I’ve been known to stay up all night reading a book – not because I’m THAT into it, but because the review is due like now. I try not to commit myself at that level anymore for that very reason. Great post ladies 🙂

    • Julie

      Yea I try not to have many reading deadlines anymore, but somehow they still find their way into my schedule lol (I’m looking at you book clubs).

    • Rose

      Thanks, I did spend today catching up on my commenting in case anyone noticed 🙂 And Yeah, I hope this is just a phase.

    • Rose

      same here MIssie!The jokes on them (those that do not read much) because they do not know how much the movie left out and how much they are missing by NOT reading the book or just by not reading in general!!!