Top Ten Tuesday is a meme run by The Broke and the Bookish
Top Ten Characters I Would Want With Me On A Deserted Island
Rose’s List of Characters I Would Want With Me On A Deserted Island:
- T. J. Callahan from On the Island because hey, he survived this deserted island gig once before, odds are he could do it again.
- Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games because she is super cool and an excellent hunter. I would not have to eat bugs or become vegan. Win win.
- Peeta Mellark from The Hunger Games because he is resilient and a survivor and he could bake so, in theory, he could cook my meals for me, right?
- Josh Bennett from The Sea of Tranquility because he could build a shelter on this island for me…and possibly a raft.
- Alec Ramsay from The Black Stallion because one, he survived a short stay on a deserted island, and two, HE HAS A HORSE! who,among other things, killed poisonous snakes by dashing them to death with his hooves.*****And just an honorable mention here, I did consider my favorite character, Jamie Fraser, but I was scared that even cynical and jaded Katniss would fall for his amazing charm and then I would be forced to a battle royale with her in which she would undoubtedly win and where would this leave poor Peeta, really? Although I do believe Jamie would quite take to Peeta. But surely Peeta would not like Jamie stealing Katniss from him. Another consideration that made me leave Jamie off this list is his seasickness. If Josh built us a raft to set sail, I couldna bear to leave Jamie behind! So, he is off the island…for now.
Julie’s List of Top Characters I Would Want With Me On A Deserted Island:
- Hermione (Harry Potter) – because she’s super smart and has magic and can disapparate us out of there.
- Katniss (Hunger Games) – because she can catch us food.
- Peeta (Hunger Games) – because he can cook food for us 🙂
- James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Frazer (Outlander) – I mean, he’s resourceful, but do you need a reason?
- Giguhl (Sabina Kane) – if he can be my minion, then having a minion would be cool. And a mischief demon might be fun to have around in a boring place like a deserted island.
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LOL I love all your choices, girls. And I’m thinking I must meet this Jamie. 😉 I was trying to think of who I’d choose aside from the choices I have in common with you both…Jericho Barrons was first to come to mind. If you know him, there’s no need to explain. 🙂
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…**Blitz & Giveaway ~ Come Back ~ JA Huss**
Ooh I have not met this Jericho, but I’m intrigued.
Julie you have met Jericho Barrons… wasn’t he the guy in The Diviners?
That was a different character named Jericho. I googled this one and it looks like this guy is from the Fever series, which I have not read.
Katniss for sure, LOL. And Hermione would definitely be good to have around. I think I’d like Scarlet and Wolf from Scarlet too, b/c Scarlet is tenacious and Wolf is hardcore and would do anything to get Scarlet (and therefore me) off the island safely 😉
Jessica @ Rabid Reads recently posted…Review: Half a King by Joe Abercrombie
Ooh Scarlet and Wolf are a good idea. Plus they have cool personalities so hanging out with them would be fun.
“James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Frazer (Outlander) – I mean, he’s resourceful, but do you need a reason?”
This made me chuckle. I never think about how resourceful he is, and I’m not denying that isn’t the truth, I just think of how handsome and what a manly man he is. 🙂
Terri M. LeBlanc recently posted…Rewind Review #03: Paper Valentine by Brenna Yavanoff
Hehe 🙂 Jamie is definitely all around full of awesome.
Hmmm – So I’m thinking if Jamie could be mine and then Katniss and Peeta we’re all good – we don’t even need to get off the island. Hunter, Cook, and *sigh* Jamie. What else would I need?
Rose you cracked me up with your honorable mention to Jamie- I see your logic, but I’d vote Katniss off before Jamie. Maybe bring Gail so that Katniss is so confused you don’t have to worry?
Julie if I had Jamie on the Island I wouldn’t want Hermione taking us off 😉
Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun recently posted…Teaser Tuesdays | Dissonance Teaser
LOL I can see your point. Maybe if you had Jamie out there you really don’t need off the island.
Yes, I could see myself voting Katniss off the island and then taking all the pretty guys with her… so then I would be alone on this island with nothing but perhaps Alec’s horse… sad face 🙁
We are definitely going to have to fight over Peeta!!!
Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
Missie recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday with Characters I Would Want With Me On A Deserted Island
I suppose we can clone him lol
Hermione would be my number one choice (eye candy next, lol). I feel like she could do some magic and take care of me like she did for Harry and Ron in Deathly Hallows.
Interesting post!
Sunny Smith recently posted…Review: The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
I have only read the first Harry Potter book, so yeah, I did not choose Hermione, but I will take yours and Julie’s words for it. She would be a top pick.
Some of those I haven’t thought of, and others I haven heard of. Guess I have more books to be looking into.
Dreams recently posted…An Island of Tropical Hotties (Top Ten Tuesday #46)
It is fun to see what others come up with 🙂
ahhh,always new books to consider, but isnt that the best part about book blogging???
Can I just bring a hoard of man-candy? Not very practical I know, but at least the scenery will be nice! You ladies went all survival mode on this post. Hehe
Carmel @ Rabid Reads recently posted…Early Review: Poison Promise by Jennifer Estep
I think it is perfectly acceptable to bring man candy 🙂 I mean, you’re gonna be very bored otherwise, right? But extra props if they can help you survive heh.
Well, we did go survival mode, but we DID go man candy as well… Peeta is a hottie and so is Josh Benette and Jamie Fraser and TJ and Alec (both the grown up versions, of course!) are not exactly ugly. Besides, even if grown up Alec was ugly, HE HAS A HORSE!!!!! you can never go wrong there. haha