Do you change your reading habits based on the season? So for example, now that it is summer, are you reading more “beach reads” and less of what you might have read in the winter time?
I do not change my reading habits, actually. Since summer really doesn’t mean anything has changed since the other seasons (not like we really have other seasons in Houston, TX anyway), I haven’t changed my reading style. I mean, back when I did the school thing and had summers off, well, sure, I might have read more pool or beach-side. But I still don’t think I read anything different during the summer than what I would otherwise read during the year. Maybe the only thing that changed was how much I read, since theoretically I had more time. Well now I work full time year round so that doesn’t change. So I just keep on reading what I’m reading whenever I do have time, and don’t really change my habits. How about you?
Hmmm ….. I do not intentionally adjust my reading schedule to reflect the current seasons. However, I do tend to save a light hearted read every summer when my boyfriend and I take our annual vacation to the lake house. I really enjoy reading books that take place at the same time of the year that it currently is. For instance, nothing is better than curling up under a soft comfy blanket, the fire place blazing,with my cup of hot Earl Grey on a cold December night, reading a book that takes place at the exact same time. Sigh. OR what about reading on a cold rainy afternoon. NOTHING. BETTER!!!
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I used to read beachy/summer reads more often. These days, though, I will read what I can, when I can! But like others, if I read something really intense I try to find something a little easier/lighter for the next book.
Carrie recently posted…Teeth for Two (A Story of Kids, Orthodontia, and Invisalign)
yeah, I totally get the need to read something lighter after reading something really dark.
[…] Julie and Rose chat about seasonal reading. […]
I think I am without even realizing it! I do enjoy a few good Christmas novels when winter hits, but I still like to be diverse in what I’m reading! Thanks for sharing at Booknificent Thursday! It’s a great question!
Being diverse in what you’re reading is a good plan 🙂
I don’t change I still with the stockpile and whatever strikes my mood I go with
Jessica recently posted…The Hitwoman & the Family Jewels @jb_lynn_author #excerpt
Makes sense. I’m a mood reader too 🙂
Yes and no. I just finished reading two Christmas books, so that couldn’t be further from the season and I’ll read plenty of books that don’t fit the season pretty much all year. But I read a lot of books, so during the holiday season I’ll throw in a couple holiday reads and during the summer I’ll throw in a couple beachy/summery reads, just to embrace the season. Great question 🙂
Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun recently posted…Fracture Me by Tahereh Mafi| #COYER Short Review
I think it is a cool idea to throw in a few books to embrace the season 🙂 I suppose as long as they’re books you were going to read soon anyway, that could make them more fun.
I second that… I like the idea of reading a book to embrace the season… although as Jessica already mentioned, I do not really care for Christmas themed books. I tend to think more like winter books, versus summer books.
Not only do I not change my reading habits according to the season, but I actively do not like books that feel season-specific. Like Christmas themed books? Cannot stand them. Too gimmicky, like a Lifetime movie special or something. I don’t mind “beach reads” b/c books that fall into that category don’t necessarily take place at the beach, in the summer. That’s just how we’re referring to light contemporary/chicklit reads these days, but I read them whenever I feel like it, be it June or December. *shrugs* I do what I want, LOL.
Ooh I don’t like Christmas themed books either. They do seem like a feel good movie type thing. Not my cuppa. But I’m not a huge fan of chicklit anyway so I rarely read a light contemporary, summer or not hehe 🙂
I get the Christmas themed books. I do not much go for them anyways, but apparently there IS a market for them because we seen knew ones every December. What is up with that???
Lame people like me is what is up with that! 🙂 I must confess I indulge in a few totally cheesy feel-good Christmas romances every year. I think it’s the only seasonal reading I really do, but I do enjoy it! Sorry! 🙂
Thanks for sharing this on Booknificent Thursday! Hope to see you again this week!
Tina at Mommynificent recently posted…Booknificent Thursday Link Up Party #57
Haha :)As long as you enjoy them, right?
haha no problem. You actually solved the mystery for me… lol I always wondered who actually read those book…. NOW i know! I will confess that I do watch some lifetime or hallmark channel christmas love story movies which I guess I basically along the same lines, right???
Interesting topic. I don’t intentionally let the seasons influence what I read. Oh this is tricky, because it’s kind of both yes and no! For instance, I read ghost and scary stories year-round, but I probably enjoy them more when Halloween is around the corner! I’m quite a moody reader, so it’ll really depend on what I’m interested in at the time, more so than the season.
Alma @ Journey Through Fiction recently posted…Sunday Post, #7 – July 2014
Ooh that’s a really good point. I probably enjoy my favorite genre paranormal reads in October, though I read them year round. That’s an interesting way of looking at it. But I’m like you – mood reader all the way.
I tend to read paranormal around fall, October time as well. Interesting that that is the holiday that gets mentioned and not Christmas or Valentines Day or something. Halloween does seem t warrant a good paranormal read.
The seasons sure gives me inspiration but I’m more of a moody reader than a seasonal one.
I’m like you – mood reading all the way!
I tend to read lighter books in the summer, because I spend a lot more time going places and doing things when it’s warm out, and lighter books tend to be easier to make time for. Then in the winter when it’s cold outside and I don’t want to go outside I’ll curl up with something that’s more of a challenge.
Grace recently posted…Write-On Review-a-Thon
Well I guess that makes a lot of sense. When you’re out and about more, there is less time for reading, so more lighter books get selected. Thanks for sharing 🙂
This sounds like what I do.
I do tend to read a lot more “easy” beach, contemporary reads during the summer. I tried to tackle the 2nd book in the Game of Thrones series and I am finding it hard to have enough time to concentrate on the book.
Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
Missie recently posted…Review of #Scandal
I personally would find it hard to concentrate on a book like that no matter the time of year LOL! But, I can understand wanting simpler reads when it is hot and the brain just does not want to focus. Or, like me, hide out in the A/C.
I am the exact same way. Lighter, easier, guiltier pleasure reads during summer. I am saving book three in the Game of Thrones Series for after summer has ended.
I’m not too much of a season reader though I do enjoy reading wintery ones when it gets WAY hot here. But I read those all year round so not too big of a change. lol
anna (herding cats & burning soup) recently posted…Only with You (The Best Mistake #1) by Lauren Layne
Ooh I like that, reading a book set in cool weather times when it is summer and way too hot around you. That’s like celebrating Christmas in July. I’ve been seeing that trending a lot lately.
hmmm, I think that is interesting. I am the exact opposite. I read winter books in winter. I guess I just assumed everyone did that. ooops.
I guess I never really thought about this before. I don’t believe I have seasonal reading habits in terms of the types of books I enjoy. I do know that after reading a few darker novels, I tend to lighten it up with a more Lifetime-movie kind of book. And I do know that during the busy seasons at work, I don’t read as much as I do at other times.
Terri M. LeBlanc recently posted…The Sunday Post #34: Week of July 20, 2014
So it sounds like you like to mix things up more than read specifically based on weather or holidays. I’m pretty much the same way 🙂
yeah, I tend to read something lighter after reading a dark novel, too.