Goals/Resolutions for 2014 – July Update

Posted July 30, 2014 by Rose C. in General / 8 Comments

Rose review avatar   Rose’s List of 2014 New Year’s Resolutions/Goals:

To be fair, only a few of my resolutions are book related. Here they are in no particular order:

  1.   Walk Maddox at least once a day, every day. For those who do not know, Maddox is my 1 year of Doberman puppy. To say he is full of energy is an understatement.  I have taken him for an off leash walk around our walking trails in our community. It takes about 45 minutes. I come back exhausted. He comes back spritely and with an exuberant spring in his step. So yes, I am also considering a treadmill for my doggy. He needs more exercise than one 45 minute run can give him. So I have worked so much more overtime lately and my hours in the evening have gotten hectic as well, so Maddox has not gotten walked like I he needs. What else is new? We do play this really fun game of “run like a maniac around the couch” but I fear the fat burning benefit is only for Maddox as I mostly sit on the couch and make scarey noises to “chase” my dog around the couch. I don’t actually get up off the couch. hmmm.
  2.   Ride Kissy (my horse) at least 10 hours/month.  I did a 30 hours in 30 days challenge last June and the difference in my horse was astounding. I would love to ride that often all the time, but the shorter days are really a drag on my time. (Although the arena has lights, so perhaps the shorter days is a poor excuse.) The biggest hardship with riding my horse is the long congested commute. It takes usually a little over an hour to get to the horse barn. Since I get home at 5 and want to be in bed by no later than 10, that is pushing it. I have not met this goal at all. I did in fact tear my shoulder, but it is healing and no surgery required at this time. I did ride Kissy for 14 miles the other day at 7IL horse ranch. We only walked and took several breaks. The boyfriend saddled my horse up for me and everything, too. It was frustrating not to be able to do more, but it was nice getting to ride after 7 months off.
  3.   Speaking of bed, I am making my bedtime of 10pm a priority. In fact, I really want to make my bedtime 9 since I get up at 5 and that way I could get 8 hours. We shall see. Right now I am setting 10pm as my bedtime and well, its 10:14pm as I type this so go figure.  I don’t even know why I bother on this one. I mean, I KNOW why I created this goal, but I have not met it. I just have WAY too much going on to be able to get into bed at a decent hour. And to make matters even worse, I am talking two classes this next semester after not having taken glasses in over 8 years. ACKK!!!
  4.   Give up the soda. I am one of those people that has to drink a coke every morning. It is my morning coffee. Well, this past year has seen me gain over 20 pounds, so I am definitely going to be cutting back on the soda.  I do not know if I can ever give it up completely, but right now I am weaning off of it. Hi, my name is Rose and I am coke addict. Wait, whoa, that sounds so bad. I am addicted to Coca-cola!!!! Admitting I have a problem is the first step, right? 
  5.   Working out more and getting into better shape. I have been walking on the treadmill, but I have also been eating Blue Bell mint cookies and cream, which is nothing less than The. Best. Ice. Cream. Ever.
  6.   Finish writing 2 books. Self-publish 2 books? Because I could say that I would do just one. Lets add more work on there.   I have not had the time! I know that is a horrible excuse. I think I am actually terrified to pursue this goal.
  7.   Improve my Netgalley ratio. Doesn’t every blogger have this goal?  I am still going with my theory that this is impossible… but at least I have not accepted any more books from Netgalley this month. That is good, right?
  8.   Read 50 new books this year. Scaling it back a little from last years goal of 100. That was tough!  Okay,I am right on track with this one. I have read 26 books so far this year.
  9.   Get my home library organized and my goodreads shelves I am doing this with hopes of preventing duplicate purchases. I just get so excited when I see a book on sale for $1.99 that I immediately click! I do not want to miss out on such a steal, right? But then it turns out that I usually already have at least two copies of the same book….go figure!  I did get my library straightened up some, so that is good, right?<—– except it is no longer straightened up.. sigh…
  10. Use night time moisturizing eye cream. Because you can have silver hair, but no one likes wrinkles around the eyes. Or at least that is what I have been told. I really just want to avoid dying my hair, so I am holding off as long as possible… lol. So I choose to focus on my eyes right now and the hair can go hang. er something… …So I finally bought more eye cream. YAY! Now if I could just remember to use it. So how about everyone else???? Have you managed to maintain your goals for 2014?


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Posted July 30, 2014 by Rose C. in General / 8 Comments


8 responses to “Goals/Resolutions for 2014 – July Update

  1. Great goals you have. It would take me years to read 50 books. I’m a very slow reader. hehehe My dog and I love to take walks. He is the best walking companion.

    • Rose

      Thanks Tammy. I love walking my dog in THEORY, but in PRACTICE, not so much. He has become reactive to other dogs and so it can get intense walking him… he likes to bark and cry and whine and carry on when he sees other dogs… he mostly wants to play, but he is 90 pounds of doberman puppy and most other dogs are NOT interesting in playing. And as always, the big mean looking dog making noises on the end of his leash never gets the benefit of the doubt. Our neighbors steer clear of Maddox.

  2. LOL I totally snorted over your treadmill vs ice cream. I’ve not tried that one and now at 2am I seriously want to make a grocery run. Will resit. Will resist!

    I didn’t make any specific goals like yours really just overall kinda ones. I’m hitting some things–like getting the house in order, doing blog maintenance on a regular basis–cross posting, indexing, etc.

    I’m doing the get healthy stick too but, yeah, I have a thing for pizza and brownies. And had mac and cheese for dinner. *hangs head* lol

    Glad your shoulder is on the mend! That would be so hard not being able to do everything because of it. Good luck this month with everything. And with Netgalley! I’ve buckled down on that the last few months and managed to get right under 90%. I about fell over when I saw that.
    anna (herding cats & burning soup) recently posted…The Monthly Herd: July Recap + link up!

    • Rose

      haha, well, let me just tell you Mint Cookies and Cream is a long time coming… they always have Mint Choc Chip, BUT THAT IS NOT THE SAME THING PEOPLE! and then breyer’s came out with mint oreo and FINALLY Blue Bell came out with Mint Cookies and Cream, which I may or may not have added double stuffed mint oreo cookies to…

      great work on meeting your goals! And 90% on netgalley!! Hooray! There is hope, maybe not for me so much, but for others, there is HOPE!

      and oh yeah, mac n cheese is fine for dinner.. It has got to be better than ice cream for breakfast right? (yes, I do that too)

    • Rose

      haha Terri, it is sweet, except for the whole time we were riding, the boyfriend kept making jokes about not tightening the cinch (I checked it, silly, boy. You ALWAYS check the cinch before mounting) and he also kept trying to spook my horse, but it was too hot and Kissy was having none of that. haha. The BF and I have great fun riding. He even bought his own horse and trailer and goes with us now. His horse is as much a prankster as he is. More on that later. haha

    • Rose

      Missie, getting to bed at a good time is the hardest thing for me. It is not because I am not tired, but because I have so much stuff I wish I could do…