That’s what HE said Thursday- August 7, 2014

Posted August 7, 2014 by Julie S. in Memes, ThatsWhatHeSaid / 15 Comments


Every Thursday we are hosting a brand new meme called: That’s what HE said Thursday.For more info on what this meme is all about click here.

Rose review avatarRose’s Quote:

I have never wanted more until I met you

Christian Grey to Ana Steele

(Fifty Shades of Grey by: E. L. James)

This quote was the line that hooked me for this book… I refused to read this book forever and a day because I THOUGHT I knew what it was all about. While, I was partially right, I was also wrong. I have really enjoyed reading this book. I am currently reading the third book. The reason I liked this quote so much was because Christian opened the door to the possibility of having something “more” with Ana. This is the same man who a couple of chapters ago had just got done saying, “I’m not a hearts and flowers kind of guy.”




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Posted August 7, 2014 by Julie S. in Memes, ThatsWhatHeSaid / 15 Comments


15 responses to “That’s what HE said Thursday- August 7, 2014

    • Rose

      Melissa, I was not really scared to it, but just thought I knew what the books were about and so i put off reading them.

  1. I loved them, but I read them before they were ‘popular.’ It might have changed my opinion had they had all the hype first…in fact, I got the first and second books in the series as review books! However, I have absolutely no desire to see the movie. I just KNOW it will be all wrong!

    Love this quote 🙂
    Sheri recently posted…That’s What HE Said #18: Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

    • Rose

      This is interesting that you think the movie will get it all wrong. Movies are always “Different” from the books, but it was the movie trailer that got me to want to even read the books in the first place.

    • Julie

      The books as a whole are quite.. something.. but there are some neat quotables 🙂

    • Rose

      haha actually, I had a hard time not using a different quote because of the um… “language”… so I just this one instead.

  2. I love that quote too, Rose. I loved the series. I wasn’t going to read it either but I work in a bookstore and all the male employees were making fun of the women buying it (and the men buying it for their women) and I figured I should see what all the fuss was about. I’m so glad I did. And I’m glad you’re enjoying it as well. 🙂
    Bookworm Brandee recently posted…**Beyond the Books ~ #1 ~ Summer Vacation**

    • Julie

      It was one of those that people made fun of you for reading, when they secretly were reading it too lol

    • Rose

      haha, did you let you male coworkers know you were reading it, or did you hide your reading. I will say this, this is one i am glad that I read on my kindle… so no one would know what I was actually reading…