Chat Between Chapters: What book would you write yourself into?

Posted August 10, 2014 by Rose C. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 35 Comments


 What book would you like to write yourself into? Would you embody an already existing character or create a new character for yourself? What would it be like to live you favorite book???

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

This is quite the topic, is it not? My favorite books are the suspenseful paranormal and dystopia types. So I’m not sure I would really want to put myself into those situations, because um, I might get hurt or killed or what not. I don’t really want to experience crazy scary monsters in real life, I just want to read about them heh. But if I wasn’t all chicken what would I write myself into? Well possibly the really unique world Rachel Vincent created in her Shifters series. First I was gonna say her Soul Screamers series, but really, how awesome would it be to be a cat shifter? I mean, I’m already pretty cat-like. So I might as well be one, right? I just would want to be part of a pride that is kind to their females, and doesn’t treat them like property to be married off.

Rose review avatar Rose:

First of all, I do not believe I would desire to actually embody another character. I mean, sure it might be super cool to have some kind of super powers or be super pretty or whatnot, but I dunno. I guess I am sorta partial to being, well, me! As for what book I would like to write myself into, this is tough. If we are going on the superficial, then Outlander or The Bronze Horseman or perhaps The Sea of Tranquility as these books all have one thing in common: awesome female leads and a super hunky hero. However, in reality, I do NOT wish to venture back in time to 1700’s Scotland. I mean, it was just dirty, and cold, and there was no Taco Bell. And for The Bronze Horseman, who would really voluntarily go back to blockaded, under siege Leningrad to possibly come face to face with either the Nazis (if you are unlucky) or the NKGB (If you are really unlucky)? (well, I mean, who except for Tatiana, would volunteer for that?) And then there is the tricky business of the hunky heroes.  They are in love with these awesome leading ladies. There is no way they are going to drop them to hang with me. And if they DID drop these ladies to hang with me, then how could I still be friends with the leading ladies? Tatiana and Claire would despise me. Who wants to be despised by your favorite book characters??? Not me! So I suppose out of the three, I would choose to write myself into The Sea of Tranquility because Nastya would be a cool friend and Josh has his friend Drew there so when we all hung out, I would not be odd girl out. And I am pretty sure Taco Bell exists in the world of The Sea of Tranquility.  I would simply write myself into the book as the girl who just moved to town to start college and who do I meet, but Drew Leighton? and the rest could go from there. So get the characters out of high school and into college and I am THERE! (on second thought, if Taco Bell is so important, perhaps I should join Beth, Echo, Noah, and Isaiah in the Pushing the Limits series!)

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Posted August 10, 2014 by Rose C. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 35 Comments


35 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: What book would you write yourself into?

  1. I’m totally with you on not writing myself into anything even remotely scary or where murders and war are commonplace! I would definitely write myself into Jan Karon’s Mitford series. It’s the kind of community I would love to raise my kids in!

    Thanks for sharing this great question at Booknificent Thursday this week! Hope to see you again soon!
    Tina at Mommynificent recently posted…Booknificent Thursday Link Up Party #58

    • Julie

      LOL Carrie, I don’t think I’d do well even with a castle and maids and stuff. I mean chamber pot? No thanks.

  2. Although I enjoy dystopian I think I’d be one who is offed first because I have terrible survival skills! Nothing paranormal either because if I discovered that the things that go bump in the night were real I’d have a massive freak out-LOL!

    I’d love to be written into contemporary but I think it’s likely that I’d be more suited in a rom-com! 😛
    Nuzaifa @ Say It With Books recently posted…20 truths from a part time blogger

    • Julie

      Yea I’m with you, I’d be killed off pretty quickly in the kinds of books I like to read too. A rom-com would be fun actually.

  3. I don’t think I /would/ want to write myself into a book. Sure, it would be fun and really awesome, but I would end up missing everything about my real life, ya know? That aside, I would probably want to write myself into The Lunar Chronicles because when all the crazy stuff isn’t happening, it seems like a pretty interesting world with awesome technology.
    Jessica @ Strung Out On Books recently posted…Reading Progress for #BtHReadathon

  4. LOL Rose – I just finished reading a post all about pizza genres and thought I wanted pizza, but now I want taco bell. I think I’m hungry….

    Anyway, I totally love this question. I would totally write myself into an urban fantasy (my favorite genre) if, and only if, I could make myself have some special talents. I actually recently finished a rough draft for a UF book and I guess the main character is very much based on me, so I kind of did that lol.
    Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun recently posted…“Sassenach” S1:E1|Outlander Thoughts

  5. Except for Pushing the Limits, I’ve never read any of the books that you’ve mentioned. Good call on Pushing The Limits BTW, Rose. I am also inlove with that series but I don’t think I want to be written into their story because honestly, I’m going to spend my page time drooling over Noah, Ryan and Isaiah. Readers would really hate reading a book about a character who’s only hobby is stare at the rocking bodies of the said hot boys.

    And I also agree with Julie’s opinion about not being keen into writing herself into dystopian and suspense books. I don’t think I have enough courage to live in environments where I am constantly watching my back or being so cautious of my every move.

    Given the chance, I think I am going to write myself into High Fantasy books where there are unique magical systems.

    Awesome discussion, ladies!
    Charlotte @ Thoughts and Pens recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday {3}: Books I’m Not Sure I Want To Read For Various Reasons

  6. I think I would have to write myself into some chick lit novel like Bridget Jones’s Diary. I read a lot of very serious books and the characters definitely get into situations that are physically and mentally trying. Stuff is tough in a standard chick lit novel, but the girl usually ends up with a happy ending–either she ends up with the studly man or realizing she doesn’t need a man after all. 🙂
    Terri M. LeBlanc recently posted…Book Review #32: The Luthier’s Apprentice by Mayra Calvani

    • Julie

      I’m with you that I’d want to be written into a light-hearted story, and not the heavy scary stuff I usually read 🙂

  7. Hmmm I often read fantasy with crazy creatures. Now if I’m going to write myself in, I’m adding a LOT of stuff so I can survive Karen Marie Moning’s FEVER WORLD and I’d sure would love to be a doggen at the BDB mansion. Also I wouldn’t mind going back to Victorian times and jump in to any of the Steampunk series’ I’ve read, preferably Meljean Brook’s.

    Great Q this week!
    Braine Talk Supe recently posted…Steampunk Sundays: Engraved by Karina Cooper

  8. I’m like Julie in that most of my favorite books are places that I’d not necessarily want to BE. So I thought – and as bad as the writing got at the end of the True Blood series — I don’t think I’d mind writing myself into Bon Temps. It’s close enough to ‘the real world’ to not be ENTIRELY scary – but still a little bit different – and full of sexy boys/vampires/whatevers. 🙂
    April @ The Steadfast Reader recently posted…Spread the Love 2.0: Week Twenty-Seven

    • Julie

      See even Bon Temps has some scary bad critters too that could hurt you lol. But I agree, that would be a fun world to hang out in.

    • Rose

      April, I have not finished this series… I wouldn’t mind living for a spell in Bon Temps, but I would want to steal Braine Talk Supe’s idea, and give myself enough special powers to survive Bon Temps…

  9. I love this question, girls! I haven’t read any of the books you picked, and that’s a huge shame. 🙁 I have read book one of the Soul Screamers books, though! And maybe about 5% of The Dea of Tranquility… I should really pick it up again!

    I would personally write myself into The False Prince by Jennifer Nielsen. Such a hilarious middle grade book, and I would love to be friends with the hilarious MCs! 😀
    Aimee @ Deadly Darlings recently posted…Your Recommendations: Must-Read YA! (1)

  10. This is such an awesome topic! If I could be anyone in a book then I would love to be Annabeth from the Percy Jackson series or I would write myself into the Bloodlines series and either kill Zoe Sage or I’d just give her a good slap and convince her not to join the Alchemists, therefore making Sydney’s life better for obvious (and spoilery) reasons!
    Scarlett’s Book Blog recently posted…55 Questions About Reading – Part 1

    • Julie

      I need to get on to reading Bloodlines 🙂 I do enjoy the VA world though I think it would be scary to be written into heh.