Every Thursday we are hosting a brand new meme called: That’s what HE said Thursday.For more info on what this meme is all about click here.
Julie’s Quote:
“I had it all wrong,” he says. “Before I found you, I thought the only way to hold on was to find something to live for. It isn’t. To hold on, you have to find something you’re willing to die for.”
“I didn’t save you,” he whispers, lips tickling my eyelashes. “You saved me.”
–Evan Walker to Cassie
(The 5th Wave by: Rick Yancey)
Evan is a character that you don’t know how to feel about. But regardless of right or wrong, he truly loves Cassie and these quotes he says to her are quite awesome.
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“To hold on, you have to find something you’re willing to die for.” <— gah! Julie, you trying to kill me here? *sigh*
Apparently I need to read this series!
Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun recently posted…âSassenachâ S1:E1|Outlander Thoughts
It is a really cool quote 🙂 Not too many swoony quotes in this book though.
Ooooh! I Love the 5th Wave! I can’t for the life of me remember when we are getting book 2 though? It’s called the infinite Sky right?
Sorry it took me so long to link up! I’ve been without WiFi for a few days!
Scarlett’s Book Blog recently posted…That’ What He Said Thursday
Goodreads says the next book is The Infinite Sea.. coming out next month (Sept. 16). I also do not see mention of Evan in the blurb so I’m wondering if we’re done with his story line…
OMG! What a heartwarming dialogue, Julie! I swear, I have never considered picking up the 5th Wave despite the glowing reviews. I don’t know but I’ve never been big about zombies. But what you’ve shared makes me want to pick up the book ASAP.
Charlotte @ Thoughts and Pens recently posted…Stacking the Shelves {29}
It isn’t zombies, it is aliens 🙂 But yea survival aspects are similar I’m sure in both types of books.
I haven’t read that book although I borrowed it once and had to return it back b/c expired date ahah…didn’t get to read it. 🙁 ANYWAY, it seems pretty swoony though I’m sure it’s not that way throughout the book. xd
Lola @ Hit or Miss Books recently posted…Review of A Safe Space (Somebody Else’s Fairytale #4) by E.M. Tippetts
It is definitely not that way throughout the book, but there are a few swoony moments.
Man, I may check out the book just for the swoons. 🙂 Those are some great quotes, Julie. And it seems you know what to feel about Evan where Cassie is concerned.
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…**#COYER Audio Review ~ Nice Girls Don’t Have Fangs ~ Molly Harper**
LOL well.. that’s kind of spoilery, but being who Evan is… not sure if I should be feeling about him how I do. This book is more action and survival than swoony, but it has a few good moments like these.
I just read The 5th Wave a few weeks ago! Love the quotes!! 😀 This is such an awesome feature! I love it!
Jessica @ Strung Out On Books recently posted…Review: Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan
Thanks 🙂 We’d love to have you join in next time 🙂
I’ve added it into my calendar so I’ll remember to join in next week! I like to participate in the Life of a Blogger meme sometimes on Thursday, too, but I don’t always like the subjects, so this will be a great feature to participate in! 🙂
Jessica @ Strung Out On Books recently posted…Reading Progress for #BtHReadathon
Aaaah, what an awesome quote! I can’t wait to read The 5th Wave and watch the movie. Oh, and to read about the swoons too. 😉
Melissa Robles recently posted…That’s What HE Said Thursday #20: Charles from Mine to Tarnish
I’m curious about the movie too 🙂
The 5th Wave was not a spectacular read for me, but GAH that book gave me some serious swoons. For realz, Julie.
Jessica @ Rabid Reads recently posted…Question: Do You Read More While On Vacation?
Same here, it wasn’t so great, but there were some great moments 🙂
I haven’t read that book before. I’ve actually never heard of it. But the quote sounds really good!
My That’s What He Said
Whitney@Shooting Stars Reviews
Whitney recently posted…Book Blitz & Giveaway: Sleeping with the Boss by Marissa Clarke
It is a pretty good read if you’re into post-apocalyptic type stuff 🙂