Sharing the Bookish Love – August 29, 2014

Posted August 29, 2014 by Julie S. in Sharing the Bookish Love / 9 Comments


Sharing the Bookish Love is our newest feature where we share some of our favorite posts we have recently come across on the book blogosphere. If there’s a recent post you want us to share, feel free to let us know.


Thought-provoking Discussions:

Rabid Reads want to know, do you read more while on vacation? Rabid Reads also asks, do you actually get around to reading your someday pile?

Icy Cold Reads investigates reading only part of a series.

Little Birdie Books talks about falling out of love with books (that you used to love).

Thoughts and Pens talks about a reverse issue, where first impressions never last.

Oh Chrys talks about being an inactive book blogger.

OK, Let’s Read talks about gender bias and sexism. OK, Let’s Read also talks about ARCs.

Snuggly Oranges talks about not being able to be concise in reviews, and asks readers how they write reviews. Snuggly Oranges also talks about the pros and cons of audiobooks. While we’re at it, let’s also take a look at SO’s post contemplating whether twitter is essential for your blog.

Strung Out On Books asks, does your gender limit what you read?

Workaday Reads talks about reading multiple books at once.

Fantasy is More Fun discusses re-reading childhood favorites.

Read Sleep Repeat talks about reading goals.

A Splash Of Ink discusses whether an e-Reader is worth it.

Fiktshun shares a very thoughtful post about being yourself.

Adrift on Vulcan has a blogger panel about anti heroes.

Readers in Wonderland wants to know, what makes you take a book off your TBR?

Recommendations and Tips:

Guest post at Oh, The Books about series marathons. Oh, The Books also has an adventures in co-blogging post.  

The Perpetual Page Turner shares recommendations of what to read next after If I Stay.

Fiction University has this amazing post about approaching book bloggers for review requests.  OMG every author who’s been spamming me lately needs to see this post!

The Book Addict’s Guide has this great list of recommendations of books to read if you liked TFIOS.

Wrapped Up In Books also has a great list of recommendations, this one is books to read if you liked If I Stay.

Reading Teen shares some good insight in: 8 reasons why I visit your blog.

Say It With Books lists 12 tear jerkers that will make you ugly cry (if you’re into that sort of thing).


Bookish News and other Round-ups:

Oh, The Books Weekly Recap Aug 10-16

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Posted August 29, 2014 by Julie S. in Sharing the Bookish Love / 9 Comments


9 responses to “Sharing the Bookish Love – August 29, 2014

    • Julie

      I think replying back with that link to spammy requests is an awesome idea lol. I want every author to read that!

  1. Woot! Look at us at the top of the list this week! I’ll never get sick of your shout outs, Julie! I can’t really take credit though because Jessica took over the Q posts in August; we’ll be back to alternating bi-weekly next month though. I’ve been slacking in my rounds this week what with Stomp vs Romp wrapping up and all, so once again—thanks for doing the legwork for me. Happy Friday!!!
    Carmel @ Rabid Reads recently posted…When Push Comes to Love by Elliott James + Giveaway #StompvsRomp

    • Julie

      Yay first on the list, and a double feature at that 🙂 But I think I’m finally caught up maybe on posts from my subscriptions.