Sharing the Bookish Love is our newest feature where we share some of our favorite posts we have recently come across on the book blogosphere. If there’s a recent post you want us to share, feel free to let us know.
Thought-provoking Discussions:
Social Potato shares: why I’m OK with major characters dying. Sp also talks about bad boys.
Between My Lines chats about an alternative way of looking at ratings.
Notebook Sisters talk about the nasty side effects of reading a good book.
Nose Graze asks, why does instalove still exist in books?
Snuggly Oranges dishes about different types of cliffhangers.
A Splash of Ink shames book shaming.
OK, Let’s Read talks about social media, and twitter specifically.
Rabid Reads asks, do you re-read your favorite long-running series before the last book comes out?
Thoughts and Pens hates on book tropes.
Bad Bird Reads laments the never ending review requests.
The Steadfast Reader tell us about the importance of negative reviews.
The Story Book Kingdom talks about second book anxiety.
The Book Badger asks about reviewing books.
Icy Cold Reads investigates the popularity of books with adaptations.
Recommendations and Tips:
The Book Addict’s Guide shares some recommendations for books if you liked If I Stay.
Reading Teen shares: 8 reasons I *won’t* visit your blog.
Parajunkee talks about the legalities of animated gifs. Parajunkee also shares ways to read at work, instead of working.
Icy Cold Reads teaches us how to add a Feedburner subscribe widget to WP.
Guest Post on Oh, The Books with tips on designing.
Oh, The Books also has a bookish guide on books with maps.
Bookish News and other Round-ups:
Oh, The Books Weekly Recap August 17-23.
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If I am included I may just pee myself. 😛
Leila recently posted…Hot Scot Saturday #2
This is my absolute favorite feature of any of the blogs I follow. I look forward to it every week. Just saying. 🙂
Leila recently posted…Hot Scot Saturday #2
Haha no pressure to keep it going then huh? LOL 🙂 You’ll like next week’s post. I just rounded up and scheduled a lot of links. You might have been included.
There are some great posts listed here. Thanks for sharing!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…I’ve moved to WordPress!!
Glad you enjoyed the posts:)
I’m totally guilty of reading on the job instead of well, working. PDF’s and audiobooks do nicely, but I’ll have to see if PJ has any other useful tips. I loved her post on how to piss off a book blogger this week. And, as usual, thanks for the love! 🙂
Carmel @ Rabid Reads recently posted…Night Unbound Blog Tour with Dianne Duvall: Playlist, Review and Giveaway
PJ has had some awesome posts lately. I can’t share them fast enough lol
I can’t emphasize this enough but thanks for doing all the hard work again, Julie!
I can’t wait to read Parajunkee’s post about ways to read at work, instead of working. OMG! Hahahaha.
And thanks for the mention. You are awesome! 😀
Charlotte @ Thoughts and Pens recently posted…I Wish There Will Be Remakes Of Book-To-Film Adaptations
Hehe I think that post about reading at work is getting a lot of people excited.