To quote Fiktshun’s #BlogYourWay campaign: “There is no rule to being a proper book blogger.” So tell us, how do you blog?
There is no one way to blog. There just isn’t. We do this as a hobby, for fun, and we should feel free to blog how we want. I’m a big fan of the blog your way campaign because this needs to remain fun for us all. When I first started blogging on this book blog I tried to join all the book tour groups. I soon learned just how much work that entailed, and it stopped becoming fun for me. So I quit those. Now I only participate in the tours I’m especially interested in, or post author appearances when authors or publishers contact me directly for a spot. It reduces the work load tremendously and keeps it enjoyable. The same can be said about writing reviews. I don’t read as much as I used to, due to all the life stuff going on, so I tend to post one review a week. I think that is just fine. Some book bloggers post a review a day, and that’s great for them because that means they read so much amazing stuff, but that does not work for me, and so is not right for this blog. I also tend to get behind and then catch up in one go, so I might schedule a months’ worth of reviews or other posts, and then take a break again. And that is OK too. It works for me, and it works for this blog. So basically, blog your way, blog however works for you, just keep it fun so the blog remains a hobby and doesn’t turn into an unpaid job. How do you blog?
I blog in the morning and at night. I blog when I want to and when I do not. I blog with passion and sarcasm, and with humor and emotion. Mostly I blog so that Julie does not hate me. (jk) I blog about things that I am interested in. I like that Julie and I do not make it a MUST to do certain things. If we want to, then we do, but we can change up our lineup if we so choose. It is that flexibility that I appreciate. However, if we say we are going to do something, then we typically try to do it. I think that is super important. I have posts in which I include monthly updates of my yearly goals/resolutions of not just a bookish nature, but personal as well. I think that our blog does not just have to be about books. We have reviewed movies and tv shows and music. We have talked about author events, and vacations, personal triumphs, etc. I really think the important part is to enjoy what you blog about. Whenever it stops being fun, then that is your clue to stop that feature, or try something different. In the blogosphere, there is no right or wrong way of doing things and whoever wants to say differently, can. But I am not buying. The only “right” way of blogging is meeting the objectives you set for yourself and your blog when you first began. I first began this blog to write about books I was passionate about and to interact with authors, readers, and other book lovers. Have I met this objective? I’d say I am satisfied with where our blog is at right now.
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[…] Julie and Rose talk about how they blog. […]
Of course everyone should blog their own way! I kept my blog really small at first, and only started to join up with others about this year, because it was getting boring all alone- but no one should feel like they have to blog any certain way! Thanks for linking to Quote Me Thursday this week!
Joining up with others is a great idea to mix things up and make it more fun 🙂
Yes! this is such an awesome post, because we are different people, so of course we’ll blog differently, too. I think it’s great to point it out every now and then, because sometimes it feels like we are ‘supposed to’ do the same kind of things, and post the same way.
Of course, that is impossible, just like it’s impossible for all of us to love or hate the same books.
It actually feels validating to read a post about blogging our own way, so thank you!
Right! It is impossible for us all to love the same books, just like we can’t all blog the same. And we wouldn’t wait it to be that way anyway because it would be boring if we were all alike.
I blog about anything and everything, there is no real set topic for me. It’s really whatever is on my mind that day and some days that is BOOKS! I love the design of this blog, it’s like a messy used bookstore just like I like it!!
Thanks 🙂 Bookshelves make awesome backgrounds. I’m with you, blog about whatever is on your mind, there are no rules.
I love this post! I like the acknowledgement that blogging should be fun and come from a true authentic place.
Yes it should 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
Love this post. If there’s anything I’ve learned about blogging it’s that there’s no “right” way to do it. I’m with you two. I’m doing this for fun, and if it stops being fun then I’ll change until I enjoy it again.
Leila recently posted…How We Fall by Kate Brauning
Exactly, change it up and make it fun, but never a chore 🙂 hehe
I sooo love this post. <3333 I hope every blogger will read this and that of Fiktshun's. I admit that when I started a blogging, I really tried hard to follow a set of rules like posting review 4-6 times a week (yeah, it really sucks) and you know, stay away as far as possible from memes. It was certainly stressful because I am not a fast reader and a review writer so I had to deprive myself of sleep just to make things happen. XD
But yeah, I already learned my lesson. So right now, I just post 1-3 reviews a week and participate on memes that I like.
Lovely discussion post, Julie and Rose.
Charlotte @ Thoughts and Pens recently posted…Book Review: Burying Water
Ouch, 4-6 reviews a week, that’s tough! I’m so glad you gave yourself permission to back that down.
It is hard to prioritize and figure out where blogging should be in the grand scheme of things. I’ve been blogging since 2006 but recently decided it might need a little push up the priority schedule since (after all) it does combine two things I really love – writing & photography!
I have taken a break or two over the years, but it’s only been when I couldn’t find the time. So funny on Julie not hating you Rose!!! 🙂
I’ve been blogging (on my other blog) about as long as you have, so I’ve definitely been there with taking breaks from time to tie and trying to find a new purpose to help prioritize it. Thanks for stopping by 🙂
note that Julie did not say she did not NOT hate me… also note the whole week that passed before I responded to these quotes… note to self,this could be a reason Julie hates you…. jk LOVE YOU JULIE!!!!
LOL Rose 🙂
I love the idea behind this campaign because this is supposed to be fun! I have a calendar for my posts and a schedule based on what I want, but I change it up all the time. I think that’s what I like so much about my blog – it can be whatever I want however I want. It’s the one place in life that I get that kind of freedom. I just wish I could keep up with my goals, but that’s a whole different issue!
Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun recently posted…Sunday Post | 57th Edition
I’m with you on the goals.. I can’t keep up with mine either lol
YES! Goals are fun to make, but super hard to keep. I love the challenge of trying to meet the goals I set for myself… but you are right…that is a whole other issue…
EXACTLY! I loved the post over at fiktshun and it’s so great to see that i’m not alone in this! I don’t want blogging to feel like an extension of schoolwork (reason #1 why I rarely review) and I don’t sign on to many tours because it sometimes feels like required reading! I’m sick of feeling bad about it if I need to take a breather for a week, there’s no point in turning blogging into a chore.
Scarlett’s Book Blog recently posted…Weekly Wrap Up – 7th September
Yea it is not fun to make blogging turn into required reading. You’ve got enough of that in school.
I think the point about stopping or changing something when it’s no longer fun is really important, but one that so many bloggers seem to forget. you see so much guilt wrapped into blogging and so many people that let it become a chore that it eventually becomes obvious in their posts and writing. It’s totally fine to take a break or switch things up (and those things don’t always need to be announced every single time) just to help keep yourself sane and your blog happy.
Shannon @ River City Reading recently posted…What I Would Buy From Book Outlet
That’s a good point, it does become obvious when it is forced. I do get annoyed when people constantly announce a hiatus. I’m with you that they don’t have to be announced all the time. Just take your breaks when you need them, and schedule posts in advance to get you through it.
You guys are INSIDE MY HEAD. I agree with the #blogyourway, though of course I still judge people in my head that ONLY do meme posts… what can I say? I’m an awful person?
But I’m slumping and have been in a downward spiral for awhile now. I think I need to give myself permission to cut back on the posting AND I think I might carry Spread the Love to term (40 weeks) and then set it free into the world. We’ll see. 🙂
April @ The Steadfast Reader recently posted…Spread the Love 2.0: Week Thirty One
I must admit I also judge meme and promo tour only posting blogs too hehe 🙂 Definitely give yourself permission to cut back and make it fun again.
I love the Spread the Love link up, but I know they are time-intensive! Have you thought about offering co-hosts? Allowing other bloggers to share some of the load, perhaps? I bet you would have lots of volunteers, myself included. 🙂
April, give yourself the permission to cut back already! It is your blog and your life. Make sure you are happy with both. After, we blog because we are passionate about it and because it is supposed to be fun. When the fun stops, mix it up a little until you get your passion back.
I love that you make blogging work for you, so it doesn’t become too much “work”. 🙂 I think that keeps a blog fun and authentic, and never feels forced. Do what works for you! Your followers will follow if they want or not, but ultimately, it’s your time, energy, and thoughts that you are sharing; and we readers need to appreciate however much of that you’re willing to give.
Karie {Girl Going Country} recently posted…Hi!
Thanks Karie 🙂 I agree, keeping it fun and flowing the way that feels right for the blogger is what keeps it authentic and helps in connecting to followers 🙂