Confessions of a Book Buying Fool. A guest post by Terri of Second Run Reviews.

Posted September 16, 2014 by Julie S. in Blogging Guests / 17 Comments

Today we are excited to host Terri of Second Run Reviews for a guest post! Welcome Terri!

Hi everyone! My name is Terri and I am “the director” in charge of Second Run Reviews. I’ve got a bit of a thing about theatre and books. I’m also, usually, about 5 years behind the latest fad. Or in case of Doctor Who–48 years behind the times. I also have a bit of a problem. I love buying books. I’m not talking about one-click mania. I have an e-Reader, I just don’t enjoy reading on it that much. I’m talking real, physical books. New, used…doesn’t really matter. Bonus points if I attended a reading or author event. And you see, my dear readers, that is where my real problem lies.

I live in an area that authors love to visit. And since I started my blog, I’ve increased the number of author events I’ve attended. In the past, I would only go to the event if I knew the author and had read something they wrote. Now I attend events featuring authors I haven’t even picked up a book for!

Sometimes a friend invites me along to an author event and I discover a new, fresh author with books I can’t wait to get my hands on. This happened a couple years ago when my friend, Jade, suggested I attend a reading for Heather Gudenkauf at my local Barnes and Noble. Gudenkauf is from Iowa and Jade knows good writers so I went. I enjoyed Gudenkauf’s reading and Q & A session so I picked up a copy of One Breath Away and had her sign it.

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It took me 2 days to read One Breath Away. Two days. Most of the time, with work and other commitments, it takes me upwards of a week to read a book. You know I love a book when I read it that quickly. Needless to say, Jade was spot on and Gudenkauf is now on my must-read list whenever a new book comes out.


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There is another stack of books on my bookshelf–my impulse buys. I attended a reading or author event and fell in love with the author like they were my first teenage crush. So I HAD to buy a book. Then I stood in line (FOR HOURS) to have it personalized. I went home, read the book and…didn’t like the book. Quelle horreur!

That’s right, dear readers, every one of those books is emblazoned with my name and a message from their author and I didn’t like what I read. And now I’m stuck. What do I do with those books?

I guess there are options right. One, I could just leave them on my shelf collecting dust and kick myself for buying them every time I clean. Two, there’s always Half Price Books. While the books are personalized, I could get cash back and buy a book or two I actually like. Three, I could leave them in The Little Libraries around town or in the “Leave a book, take a book” basket at Panera. Four, give them away over at Second Run Reviews.

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All the options above are perfectly viable options. Numbers 2, 3 and 4 make my stomach churn. I feel guilty for not liking a book when I liked the author. And maybe that’s what I need to come to grips with. That I’m not slighting the author just because I didn’t like their book. It’s the book I didn’t like not the person. That and maybe hit the library after the next author event and save myself some cash and the guilt trip that sometimes goes along with it.

Are you a Book Buying Fool? Do you attend author events and feel compelled to buy a book? What do you do with books you buy and didn’t like? I look forward to reading your comments below.


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Home of Scenic Sundays and Rewind Review 

By day, Terri M. LeBlanc is a project manager and software specialist. By night, she’s a reading wizard. Residing in eastern Iowa, in her spare time, she spends time with Jezebel, takes pictures and watches movies with her equally nerdy husband and adorable cats.

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Posted September 16, 2014 by Julie S. in Blogging Guests / 17 Comments


17 responses to “Confessions of a Book Buying Fool. A guest post by Terri of Second Run Reviews.

  1. Julie

    So many amazing authors come to our big city that it is impossible to buy all their books and get them signed. I’ve had to be very choosy lately, and I’ve even attended events where I didn’t get any books to be signed, I just wanted to hear the Q&A.

  2. I have always wondered how would I behave if I got to live in area where authors tend to visit. I mean I’d go wild there, girl. So I totally understand you here. Still I’m sure that you enjoy at those events and I love to read about them 😉 Great guest post, Terri 🙂
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