Sharing the Bookish Love

Posted September 19, 2014 by Julie S. in Sharing the Bookish Love / 2 Comments


Sharing the Bookish Love is our newest feature where we share some of our favorite posts we have recently come across on the book blogosphere. If there’s a recent post you want us to share, feel free to let us know.


Thought-provoking Discussions:

Oh, The Books talks about reading being stressful.

Rabid Reads asks, if there was a book about you, what would the title be?

Thoughts and Pens talks about gender and reviewers.

Icy Cold Reads asks about blogger interaction and making blogger friends.

Little Birdie Books talks about half stars.

Writer of Wrongs laments when everyone loves a book but you

Icy Cold Reads asks, how far from reality can books get without going too far?

Snuggly Oranges wants to know, is it okay to change your ratings over time?

Oh The Books discusses what makes a reader.

Guest post on Oh The Books about what the blogger looks for in a book boyfriend

Readers In Wonderland shares 5 signs she has discovered a good book.

Leila Reads talks about why she doesn’t use star ratings in her reviews.

Rinn Reads thinks about the people who say they don’t have time to read.

Deadly Darlings talks about how we readers sometimes contradict ourselves. 


Recommendations and Tips:

Nose Graze shares How to Block Spam Comments That Get Through Akismet.

Parajunkee has another great post on blogging: Ten Post Ideas That Will Draw Traffic to Your Book Blog.

Icy Cold Reads shares 8 Ways to Read in Class (Without Getting Caught).


Bookish News and other Round-ups:

Parajunkee Book Bloggerista news Sept 8th and Book Bloggerista news Sept15th.

Oh, The Books Weekly Recap Sep 7-13, 2014.

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Posted September 19, 2014 by Julie S. in Sharing the Bookish Love / 2 Comments


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