Sharing the Bookish Love – Sept 26, 2014

Posted September 26, 2014 by Julie S. in Sharing the Bookish Love / 6 Comments


Sharing the Bookish Love is our newest feature where we share some of our favorite posts we have recently come across on the book blogosphere. If there’s a recent post you want us to share, feel free to let us know.


Thought-provoking Discussions:

Parajunkee dishes on bad narrators in audiobooks.

A Night’s Dream of Books defends Stephenie Meyer’s writing.

So Obsessed With shares why you should be true to yourself in your book selections.

Notebook Sisters shares 28 reasons why being a bookworm actually sucks. Do you agree?

Rabid Reads asks, could you/would you buy books blindly?

A Reader of Fictions dishes how too much instalove will kill you.

Crazy Red Pen talks about our obsession with perfection.

Fiktshun shares thoughts on the TBR pile.

LeilaReads talks about sex in YA.


Recommendations and Tips:

The Steadfast Readers shares tips on how to properly write a negative review.

Notebook Sisters has an awesome post called: How to make a book blogger furious in 10 easy steps.

Icy Cold Reads talks about banned books and why you should read them.

The Book Addict’s Guide shares recommendations for YA books with male POV.

Bloggiesta September 2014 list of mini-challenges.


Bookish News and other Round-ups:

Oh, The Books Weekly Recap Sep 7-13, 2014 and Sep 14-20, 2014.

Parajunkee Book Bloggerista News: Sept. 22, 2014.

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Posted September 26, 2014 by Julie S. in Sharing the Bookish Love / 6 Comments


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