Sharing the Bookish Love – October 3, 2014

Posted October 3, 2014 by Julie S. in Sharing the Bookish Love / 5 Comments


Sharing the Bookish Love is our newest feature where we share some of our favorite posts we have recently come across on the book blogosphere. If there’s a recent post you want us to share, feel free to let us know.


Thought-provoking Discussions:

Every Free Chance Books talks about book trailers

Icy Cold Reads investigates repeating past post ideas. 

So Obsessed With shares that there’s no such thing as a perfect book

Ok, Let’s Read talks about novellas and also about bookish fandoms

Happy Indulgence chats about what we would do without YA

Books Are My Thing discusses censorship around the world

These Paper Hearts asks, how do you picture characters

Deadly Darlings tasks about anticipating series enders

Parajunkee discusses whether to inform an author when you write a bad review


Recommendations and Tips:

Read Sleep Repeat tells us about Asana and how it can be used to organize a blog with your co-bloggers.

So Obsessed With talks about wunderlist, an organization tool.  

Oh, The Books shares a bookish guide on books written in a special poetic prose/verse.


Bookish News and other Round-ups:

Oh, The Books Weekly Recap Sept 21-27.

Parajunkee Book Bloggerista News Sept 29.

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Posted October 3, 2014 by Julie S. in Sharing the Bookish Love / 5 Comments


5 responses to “Sharing the Bookish Love – October 3, 2014

    • Julie

      Thanks 🙂 I enjoy these types of posts so I try to put even a small one together most weeks.

    • Julie

      Haha yea the list is a lot shorter this week. I didn’t have as much time to pull together the links or keep up with my inbox. I heard a little about the Ellora thing but I need to look into it more cause I didn’t understand what all went down.