Interview with Gabrielle Faust, author of Eternal Vigilance

Posted October 29, 2014 by Julie S. in Author Appearances / 0 Comments

Author Interview: Gabrielle Faust

1. At what point did you decide to be an author and what was your path to publication?

I’ve always been a writer since I was a small child, weaving crazy tales that would baffle my parents and thrill my grandparents, who were both writers themselves. Up until I was offered a publishing contract for my first novel I had, however, never entertained the dream of becoming a full-time author–I was an Art Director in an advertising agency and had always seen my career path as working my way up to the level of Creative Director one day. But life had other plans. My path to publication was unlike most, however. I had just finished writing the first novel and was in the process of editing it when I realized I was in over my head and unsure as to how to proceed. So, late one night I decided to email my top five idolized authors asking for advice on the editing process. I never thought anyone would respond. Of the five, three did: Anne Rice, Michael Marano, and Storm Constantine. Michael Marano quickly became a good friend and my mentor. Storm Constantine offered to review the first couple of chapters and give me advice from what she saw. A few months later she emailed me offering to publish the book through her independent publishing company in the UK, Immanion Press. Most authors have a very different path to publishing. I was VERY lucky. 🙂

2. Describe your writing process. Do you outline, plot and plan, or is your writing more organic?

Generally it starts with a scene or two and a general idea. If what I write in those couple of scenes engages my imagination enough then I start with a general synopsis and outline of the key events that need to occur throughout the book. Depending on how complicated the plotline I then get out my oversized 16×20” Post-It Notes and begin the in-depth outline of each chapter until a whole wall of my office looks like Sherlock Holmes is solving a murder.

3. Tell us what you enjoy most about writing horror and sci-fi.

I think it’s two things actually: The limitless possibilities and the challenge of creating something truly original. There’s no true “formula” to writing horror and sci-fi, not if you’re doing it right. At times it seems that everything has been done before, that there are no new ideas out there, no new worlds to create or monsters and their lore to terrify. That’s the thrill of it, the drive to have that “ah ha!” moment when you know, as a writer, you’re going to deliver to the reader something truly unique that will change their world forever.

4. What has been the toughest criticism you have received as an author?

There hasn’t been one in particular that has stood out from another. I think it’s hard for any creative person to take criticism at first because it’s your creation, your little baby and you want people to think it’s perfect and as beautiful as you do. But, as they say in publishing, we have to learn to “kill our darlings”.

5. What has been the best compliment?

I think the best compliment I’ve received is when one girl came running down the aisle at Texas Frightmare and threw her arms around me and said she had been wanting to meet me for so long because she was in love with my vampire books. Truth be told, scared me a little, her enthusasim. LOL but it was also the most amazing feeling to know how much my work had impacted her life. That, in a nutshell, is why we writers keep writing. 🙂

6. What is your favorite line from one of your books?

Hmmm…. There are so many! But here is one of them…

“On second though, O Muse, sing of nothing to me. I know you. I have been bound and servant to you, O Muse, you incomparable bitch. And I do not trust you, O Muse. Not one little bit.”

7. To date, what is your favorite (or most difficult) chapter you have ever written?

Any of the chapters in the book REVENGE I co-wrote with Solomon Schneider. Talk about making a truly new and complicated mythology believable! HA!

8. Share some advice for aspiring authors. What advice would you give to your younger self?

I always tell aspiring authors to develop a thick skin and a keen business savvy quickly and early on. You’re going to need both if you’re going to survive. Publishing is brutal and full of sharks. But if this is what your dream is, never give up!

As for what I would tell my younger self… Calm the f@!k down! Life is too beautiful to be so stressed out and take things so seriously. Slow down and enjoy it.


ETERNALVIGILANCE1_CoverTitle: Eternal Vigilance

Author: Gabrielle Faust

Blurb: After a century of Sleep, Tynan Llywelyn has awoken to find the world he once knew utterly obliterated by a brutal war of epic proportions. In a new apocalyptic society, bitterly divided by magic and technology, the Tyst Empire has found that a hundred years of global domination is not enough to sate their thirst for power. They have discovered the secret of the vampire race and have designed a plan to seize their own sinister form of immortality with the help of an ancient vampiric god. The Phuree, a rebel uprising that has been engaged in a bloody war with the Tyst since the beginning of the new regime, have obtained the knowledge of Lord Cardone’s plans and have allied themselves with the remaining Immortal clan. The powerful Phuree oracle, Nahalo, has had a vision that in Tynan alone lies the power to defeat the vampiric god and the dictatorship. Cast into the midst of a global war between magic and technology, mortals and vampires, in a new world he is still struggling to define, Tynan must make the harrowing decision to save the world he so bitterly detests or stand and watch as humanity is destroyed by a primordial evil beyond all imagining.






About the Author

Acclaimed horror author Gabrielle Faust is best known for her vampire series ETERNAL VIGILANCE. Her previous work has also included three collections of poetry, BEFORE ICARUS, AFTER ACHILLES, CROSSROADS and THE BEGINNING OF NIGHTS, the novella REGRET, the celebrated dark fantasy adventure novel REVENGE, the HIGH STAKES vampire anthology and the novel THE LINEAGE. Her work has appeared in the sites SciFi Wire, Fatally Yours, Examiner, Doorways Magazine and Fear Zone, as well as various anthologies and magazines. She was the Guest of Honor at the Queen of the Damned Vampire Ball in 2008. In 2009 she was a Special Guest of the Endless Night Festival in New Orleans and was crowned “New Orleans Vampire Royalty” by the Vampire Lestat Fan Club at the Tru Blood & Gold vampire ball alongside Charlaine Harris. Faust is currently a Staff Writer for Gothic Beauty Magazine and owner of both the Nightshade Vmapire Boutique and Nightshade Publications. She was the primary graphic designer for the 2011 World Horror Convention and maintains the position as co-crewchief for the International Housing Program for the SXSW Music Festival. In 2011 Faust was awarded the Texas Social Media Award by the Austin American Statesman.

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Posted October 29, 2014 by Julie S. in Author Appearances / 0 Comments
