Chat Between Chapters: How Many Books Do You Read In a Year?

Posted November 23, 2014 by Rose C. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 34 Comments


 How many books do you read in a year? Do you set yearly book reading goals? What is the most books you have ever read in a year?

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

Since I actively use Goodreads, I have the past few years of number of book data I can share. As you can tell from the table below, my book reading isn’t exactly consistent. I had a HUGE jump from 2010 to 2011, and have fluctuated a bit in the following years. So far in 2014 I’ve read less than 70 books. I kind of have an excuse, don’t you think? Moving, having a baby, it kind of changes your free time. I do set yearly goals in the Goodreads challenge, and I try to base them realistically off the previous year. Sometimes I’ve had to reduce my goal based on how things were going, sometimes I’ve increased it. 2012 is definitely my best year.

 Year # of Books read
2013 129
2012 146
2011 115
2010 37

Rose review avatar Rose:

Last year was the first time I ever set a goal for myself and I chose 100 books in a year as my goal. I met this goal. I think I even read 2 extra books! That is basically 2 books a week which is amazing for me! This year I knew with running the book club, this blog and going back to school to finish my teaching certificate, I could never read 100 books! So I made my goal for 2014 50 books! I started the year out slow then built rapid momentum and this fall I have completely slacked! It is not exactly my fault. In addition to book club, blogging and school, I have to complete 50 hours of professional development for teaching as well as complete 30 hours of classroom observations. It has been so tough lately. That is the reason for my non existence on this blog for which I feel just awful, but hopefully, our newest blogger, Lynn can help us out! YAY! SO far this year, I have managed to still read 43 books. According to the goodreads challenge, I am one book behind schedule which is the book I am currently reading for my book club which MUST be done by Tuesday night, because that is when we meet to discuss this book! YIKES! I better stop typing and start reading!

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Posted November 23, 2014 by Rose C. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 34 Comments


34 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: How Many Books Do You Read In a Year?

  1. I always lose count so I’m not sure, but I’d be surprised if I don’t read at least 100 a year. Even when I’m pregnant, I’m usually so sick that I spend a lot of time lying on the couch with a book, and then once the baby comes, I read while I nurse! Fun question!
    Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday! Tina
    Tina at Mommynificent recently posted…A Year in the Secret Garden Book Blast

    • Julie

      I haven’t mastered the reading while nursing yet. Still working on making that happen 🙂

  2. My goal this year was to read 100 books, but I didn’t even come close thanks to pregnancy 🙂 But in the past few years I have set some goals and came pretty close to reaching them. I don’t know if I’ll be able to set a high goal for next year since I will have a newborn plus two toddlers but I am aiming for 12, 1 a month. I know that’s doable and hopefully I will max that goal in no time! Thanks for linking up at Book Notes!

    • Julie

      Yea I had to reduce my goal due to pregnancy as well. I haven’t read a book now in over a month since I’ve had this baby heh. I think one a month is a good goal when life is so busy. But you might surprise yourself 🙂

  3. In the previous years I managed to read around the 100-120 books in a year. This year I got busier and had more work, so I adjusted my goodreads goal for that. I challenged myself to read 75 books and reached that goal a few weeks ago. I probably will reach the 80 or so at the end of the year, although I did read a lot of novella’s this year, else the amount would be much lower.

  4. I never thought to track how many books I read in a year. When I was in college and first married, I read at least a book a day. Life is busier now and I’ve slowed down a lot.

    I love your idea of setting a goal and tracking the number of books I read! 🙂

  5. As time has gone on, I’ve steadily read more books as well. Last year it was 100 books, this year it is 120 and I think the year before was 80. I love those goodreads challenges that help us keep track as well! It’s definitely understandable with all the moving and stuff if you’ve had a busy year. Great post ladies!

    • Julie

      I love that about GR as well – best way to track books. Only issue I’ve found is if you re-read and update the date read, it updates your past challenges and if you just barely met the goal, it makes your challenge say not met.

  6. This is the first year I set a reading goal on Goodreads and I far exceeded it. I set my goal of 50 books. I am at 141 and counting! Going to try hard to beat that next year.
    Cynthia recently posted…Musings Monday

    • Julie

      I think 100 books is right around perfect for a goal 🙂 I had that as my goal, but then had to reduce it a bit.

  7. I started using Goodreads actively in late 2008 and there has been a steady increase each year. This year I finally hit the triple digits (but before that – law school), this is also the first full year of the blog. For full years it’s gone from 39 in 2009 to 103 (so far) this year.

    I also like tracking pages, because a lot of those lower book years I read some crazy chunksters.
    April @ The Steadfast Reader recently posted…More to it Monday: The Fault in Our Stars

    • Julie

      Yea I read a lot of the Outlander books this year, they should count as multiple books for Goodreads purposes hehe.

  8. Aah, I don’t know. My reading fluctuates. It was at my lowest when I had a baby boy three years back. I read only 20 books! I am always envious of people who get to the triple digits in a year, it almost never happens for me. I average between 3-6 books in a month, I think.
    Nish recently posted…Mailbox Mondays: November 24, 2014

    • Julie

      Well I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who hasn’t read much since the baby was born. You did get back into a normal reading routine right?

  9. Last year was the first year that I ever kept track,so I haven’t actually got much historical info to go on. I did realise that I read far more than I think I do, and this year has really shown that, I’ve currently read 427 books (which is slightly crazy I know) and I’m still not sure how, I was in my last year of Uni til July so didn’t have that much time! (And I’ve had a job the whole year as well)
    Laura @ trips down imagination road recently posted…Book: Graceful Acceptance by Paloma Beck

  10. This year is the first year I’ve kept track all year and I’ve read almost 130 books. I think that’s going to be a high year for me too – because I haven’t had as much going on work/school wise as I will next year. But I’m blown away by people who read in the 300s! Terri @ Second Run Reviews goes by pages and I think I’ll start doing that next year, since books come in different lengths. I just have to decide if I can do it with audio books.
    Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun recently posted…Sunday Post | 64th Edition

  11. I think you’re both doing great! (and yes Julie, moving and baby trumps reading! *ha*) I think I consistently read about 150 books a year…sometimes a little less, sometimes a few more. (like this year) Since I’m constantly adding books to my shelves, this 150 doesn’t remove too much. But since I’m doing the Read What I Own challenge next year, I expect to see some real progress in moving books from my TBR shelves to my read shelves. 🙂
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