Goals/Resolutions for 2014 – November Update

Posted December 4, 2014 by Rose C. in General / 6 Comments

Rose review avatar   Rose’s List of 2014 New Year’s Resolutions/Goals:

To be fair, only a few of my resolutions are book related. Here they are in no particular order:

  1.   Walk Maddox at least once a day, every day. For those who do not know, Maddox is my 1 year of Doberman puppy. To say he is full of energy is an understatement.  I have taken him for an off leash walk around our walking trails in our community. It takes about 45 minutes. I come back exhausted. He comes back spritely and with an exuberant spring in his step. So yes, I am also considering a treadmill for my doggy. He needs more exercise than one 45 minute run can give him. So I have been cheating lately by walking Maddox only on the treadmill. Life has gotten so terribly busy lately that there seems to be no time for anything anymore. We did just run around the couch a few times, me and my puppy. Chase and keep away are his favorite games. His tiny little tail wags back in forth in excessive of 100 mph
  2.   Ride Kissy (my horse) at least 10 hours/month.  I did a 30 hours in 30 days challenge last June and the difference in my horse was astounding. I would love to ride that often all the time, but the shorter days are really a drag on my time. (Although the arena has lights, so perhaps the shorter days is a poor excuse.) The biggest hardship with riding my horse is the long congested commute. It takes usually a little over an hour to get to the horse barn. Since I get home at 5 and want to be in bed by no later than 10, that is pushing it. I have a horse! WOW! Really? And I thought I was just throwing my money away to some place called “Stables” every month. Now, if only I could see her….
  3.   Speaking of bed, I am making my bedtime of 10pm a priority. In fact, I really want to make my bedtime 9 since I get up at 5 and that way I could get 8 hours. We shall see. Right now I am setting 10pm as my bedtime and well, its 10:14pm as I type this so go figure.  I sleep. Some days. Not every day. BOO.
  4.   Give up the soda. I am one of those people that has to drink a coke every morning. It is my morning coffee. Well, this past year has seen me gain over 20 pounds, so I am definitely going to be cutting back on the soda.  I do not know if I can ever give it up completely, but right now I am weaning off of it. I have not had a soda since Mid August!!! YAY!
  5.   Working out more and getting into better shape. I have not been working out, but have managed to control what I eat a little better and have managed to lose 16 pounds!
  6.   Finish writing 2 books. Self-publish 2 books? Because I could say that I would do just one. Lets add more work on there.   I have not so much as typed a single word of fiction in over three months.
  7.   Improve my Netgalley ratio. Doesn’t every blogger have this goal?  I have a netgalley account??? oh yeah…
  8.   Read 50 new books this year. Scaling it back a little from last years goal of 100. That was tough!  Okay, I might make this goal this year…. I am 2 books behind.
  9.   Get my home library organized and on my goodreads shelves. I am doing this with hopes of preventing duplicate purchases. I just get so excited when I see a book on sale for $1.99 that I immediately click! I do not want to miss out on such a steal, right? But then it turns out that I usually already have at least two copies of the same book….go figure!  I did buy new shelves. Just got to get my shelves organized now.
  10. Use night time moisturizing eye cream. Because you can have silver hair, but no one likes wrinkles around the eyes. Or at least that is what I have been told. I really just want to avoid dying my hair, so I am holding off as long as possible… lol. So I choose to focus on my eyes right now and the hair can go hang. er something… …So  go to HEB and every single time they are out! How is that even possible????

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Posted December 4, 2014 by Rose C. in General / 6 Comments


6 responses to “Goals/Resolutions for 2014 – November Update

  1. New book shelves to better see all those TBR books for our challenge, right?!

    I feel the same way about my horse right now. Work has been so crazy lately that I haven’t had much time to get out to the Barn. Sundays are the only day lately I’ve been able to get out and ride. Winter is so tough. We have an indoor arena, but 3-4 months of only going in circles vs. riding around the properly is so DULL.

    Terri M.
    Second Run Reviews
    Terri M. recently posted…Scenic Sundays 14: All the colors and Beryl Bainbridge

    • Rose

      oh no Kaitlin! Don’t tell me that. Not a day goes by that I do not crave a coke. I was hoping that would eventually change. I no longer crave other sodas. But coke. Still crave it. There are just some meals that I really enjoy the cool, fizzy bite of a freshly opened bottle of coke. I avoid eating certain things simply because I know how badly I will want a coke. McDonald’s breakfast… Loved it! but I have not had since I no longer drink coke. McDonald’s always had the best coke. Movie theatres can be hard, too.

    • Rose

      Thanks Nicole! Yeah, that was my goal this year, to keep up with my resolutions. I think having a monthly recap has helped me. It also helped me lose weight because I had one reader tell me she lost 40 pounds and she told me how she did it, and I started doing it and lost 16 pounds! She does the 5-2 diet. I had never heard of it, but it works, it is pretty easy and it is something I have been able to maintain for quite a while now. So I am glad I was sharing these goal updates or I never would have heard about that type of eating style and would not have been able to lose the weight like I did.