How many books do you typically read at any given time? Do you ever get books confused? Is there ever a time when absolute monogamy (that is to say a relationship between one book and one reader) is required? Do your books ever get jealous of one another?
When I read (which isn’t all that much lately) I tend to read in multiple locations over various media. On my bedside I might have a print or a book I’m reading on my kindle. I’m also listening to an audiobook in my car while I commute to and from work. Then, at work, I tend to read at lunch on my work laptop or something. So that’s at least 3 books going on at the same time. Sometimes I start a book and switch to another based on when I need to have it read, so I might be in the middle of several books at the same time. I do sometimes confuse details if the books are very similar. Sometimes books in the same genre tend to sound alike and the details get a bit muddled. I don’t think my books get jealous of each other, as long as they are still being read. It is when they get put aside for months that they get the green bug.
I am usually reading several books at any given point in time. I usually have an audio book I listen to at work or commuting to and from work. I tend to have a library book checked out. I have a kindle books and typically I will have a book sitting beside my bathtub or on my night stand. Now if one of these books grabs my attention, I will forsake all other books and only read one. But after the excitement of that book is over, I will resume reading multiple books at once. What can I say? I am a book PLAYA!
I am always reading at least two books at a time. One audio while I’m at work or commuting. And one book that I’m reading in the evenings or weekends. I have a rule that I’ve set for myself, though, to never read two books in the same genre, at the same time. That really does lead to serious plot or character confusion. My audio books tend to be for book clubs. The books I read in the evening are more for pleasure. That seems to work best for me. And no, I don’t think my books get jealous of each other. They don’t know the other exists!
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I’m extremely monogamous in my book reading! 🙂 The only exceptions are that sometimes I will read a fiction and a non-fiction book at the same time, and I’m often in the middle of reading novels out loud with my kids while reading something on my own as well. But that’s it. I don’t like to be in more than one world at a time!
Thanks for sharing it at Booknificent Thursday! Merry Christmas!
Tina at Mommynificent recently posted…Booknificent Thursday Link Up Party #77
I used to read only one books at a time as well… but now I find that I read different books all at one time…
[…] Julie, Rose, and Lynn talk about reading multiple books at once. […]
I can, and do sometimes, read multiple books but it isn’t my favorite format. I prefer sticking to one at a time to fully immerse in the story. Thanks for linking to Quote Me Thursday!
Brenda @DailyMayo recently posted…The Ultimate List of the Best Christmas Stories Ever (Quote Me Thursday Link Up)
I agree with all of you. I read several books (currently 5) on different media and at different locations. I almost never confuse them because I read different genres as well. If one of them grabs my attention I’ll just give that one priority! 😀
Great post as always ladies 😀
Stefani recently posted…Top Ten Books I read In 2014
Glad your books are not jealous of each other 🙂
I’m terrible at having more than one book on the go! Often one of them takes a back seat for a while and then I’ll read the rest of it in one sitting. I try not to read two books of the same genre at the same time to avoid confusion, I also try and avoid reading back to back books by the same author for the same reason!
Laura @ trips down imagination road recently posted…Blog Tour: Books Blogs & Reality by Ryan Ringbloom
Laura, I’d have to agree with your comment on not reading back to back books by the same author. Also, not reading back to back books in the same genre. Leads to confusion and burn-out on the author or genre.
I pretty much always read two books at once, one on my Kindle and one physical book. I try to make sure they are different genres so that there is little to no chance of confusing anything, and so far, it has worked. The only time I break my rule is if a book is SO good that I can’t put it down, or if it is a sequel that I have been dying to read so badly that it needs my full attention.
Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight recently posted…Review: The Cure For Dreaming by Cat Winters
I’m seeing a lot of mentions about genre confusion if reading multiple books that are similar. Maybe I should avoid reading multiple books in the same genre at the same time too to help increase my enjoyment of each book.
I am like you guys. I have my audio books, my Kindle books and my traditional books going. I also might go back and forth a while before one draws me in. I took try not to read more than one in the same genre at the same too.
Julie recently posted…5 Reasons Why E-Readers Are Better Than Traditional Books
It is great to have so many options on how we read our books these days 🙂
I am usually listening to an audiobook (very sporadically) and reading at least one other book. And then sometimes I have one going on the Kindle and one paper book – but usually one of those tends to take precendence over the other (often the paper book – but the Kindle book can come with me on my phone wherever I go, so that one gets read when I don’t feel like lugging).
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…2015 Book Blog Discussion Challenge Sign-Up!
Yea the convenience of taking ebooks with you is definitely important. But I’m kind of with you, if I have a print book I’m in the middle of, that tends to grab my attention more.
Great post, ladies. And I admire you all for being able to read multiple books at one time. I just can’t. Unless it’s a fiction and a non-fiction…then maybe I could. But I have trouble keeping things straight if I try to read more than one fiction title at a time.
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…**Special Cover Reveal ~ Eternal Mates Series ~ Felicity Heaton**
It definitely can get confusing if the books are in the same or similar genre.
Each one of my books require complete monogamy. This is mostly because I have it stuck in my head that I must finish the book I’m reading before I can read something new. However if I’ve read the first 100 pages and the book isn’t grabbing my attention I will start a new one (I hate doing this though). Every one of my books are jealous if they’re not the one being read each one wants to be read ASAP. The one I’m reading gets jealous too because sometimes I’ll be reading that book but dreaming about the one I will read next.
This cracked me up 🙂 Especially the part when you say you are dreaming about the next book you’re going to read.
It’s true. Right now I’m reading “In the Woods” by Tana French and planned on reading the rest of the series as well,however, I just got 2 new books and can’t stop thinking about them. Makes me crazy. So many books so little time.
So true, Adrienne. So true!
Lynn, since I started blogging and SYNC has such wonderful offerings this year, I’ve been doing the same. I have an audiobook I listen to while driving/commuting and then another I read when I’m not in the car.
Terri M., the Director
Second Run Reviews
Terri M. recently posted…Scenic Sundays 15: Fear and Nadine Gordimer
I love Sync! Hurray for free books. Though I don’t always like all the books offered, there’s always something to choose from.
I love Sync, too! Especially the classic vs contemporary books with the same themes.