Guest Post by Elizabeth Housden on Inspiration
I wonder what it is that fascinates people so much that one is always asked from whence came the inspiration for it? It could be a painting, a piece of music, writing a novel or play or, for an actor, who inspired the role. Why should it matter? Should it not be the end product that should be looked at, for itself that is, and not from whence it sprang? Yet it is almost universal that sooner or later we are asked about inspiration.
I started life as an actor, well, I still am one, as a matter of fact. Some years ago I started writing, too and now I am hooked, I love it. I can’t stop and I don’t. If I am forced to, for some reason, I become petulant or worse but I force myself into the real world and get on with it. I am needed to sometimes. Besides, out there I might find that next piece of inspiration for the next chunk of creative writing!
But I have no idea when an idea will come.
One of my first stories came from a car journey, my husband driving, my four children in the back of the car playing games. We passed signposts and invented who lived there. We passed another. “Tangley and the Chutes”, it said. Who was Tangley and who or what were the Chutes? We drove on, past roadworks that were the beginnings of a by-pass that caused such a furore. By the time we reached home, some three quarters of an hour or so later, I knew. Tangley was a mole – a clever and important mole and leader of a pack of them. And the Chutes? In my mind I’d changed the spelling to Shoots – Birds. They had to be because these animals were going to stop a road building exercise and it was only birds who could fly far and see what was happening to the landscape and give Tangley the information he needed – and he could dig! The Shoots were rooks with a sophisticated system of hierarchical government, the raven as emperor, the rooks in the middle and crows at the bottom of the heap. Just a roadsign. Inspiration.
I never know when something will leap out of nowhere and strike me, but now I don’t try. It is better that way. A discussion at a cocktail party led to my writing the saga, “Natural Allies”. A casual remark about loving books on professional theatre led me to write “Brief Candle”. A poem of Kipling’s inspired me to write my latest novel, “The Gentlemen Go By.” The building of another, more recent road, inspired me to write “Tigers of Wrath”, a village’s struggle against the mighty force of government. Strangest of all, perhaps is the book I have just started, another historical novel, inspired by a picture on an old tea towel – depicting our wicked king, Richard the Third. Or was he really that wicked…? Hmm… You’ll see… One day.
No, I don’t look for inspiration, I wait. I am reminded of some words of CS Lewis in one of his glorious Narnia books. One of the children asks wistfully, if they will ever come back to Narnia and he tells them not to look for it, or seek it out for that was not the way. If they were to come back, they would, but no amount of looking would bring them there. Thus it is, for me, with inspiration. If I look, I will not find it but suddenly one day, it’ll come upon me and I know, once again, it has arrived. Narnia has come to me, just as Aslan promised it would.
Nothing would induce me to argue with the greatest lion in creation. My imaginary world is too precious. I am content to wait for that lightbulb moment, or road sign or news item, poem or strange-shaped cloud. Even another tea towel…
Title: The Gentlemen Go By
Author: Elizabeth Housden
Blurb: The date is 1788 – the year before the French Revolution that spells the end for many a French aristocrat.
Tension is permanently in the air and France will soon be changed forever.
In England, however, Edward, the young Earl of Roxford is dead, caught by a stray bullet in a foreign land, fighting for his country. A widower for several years he leaves behind his only child, his adopted daughter, the Lady Sophia Catesby, only 19 years old but, on reaching the age of majority, she will be a considerable heiress.
To protect her from fortune hunters and to keep her as long as possible from the clutches of his loathed younger brother, William, now, of course, the new Earl of Roxford, Edward inserts a clause into his will. If he dies before she reaches 21 years, Lady Sophia is to become the ward, and reside, chaperoned, in the house of Edward’s first cousin and best friend, the Marquis Jacques St Aubin at his home on the Isle of Wight.
Furious at having to leave her lively London friends, Sophia has no option but to agree to the demand and accompanied by her nurse and ladies’ maid, with much reluctance but a degree of curiosity about this unknown cousin, they leave for the Isle of Wight.
She is met from the boat that ferries her to the Island by Jacques’ clerk, the young Robert Havering, unusually familiar and a very unservile servant. Her guardian is not there to greet her. He is away somewhere on his sailing boat but Robert tells her he will be home very soon – probably by the next morning. Sophia has to curb her curiosity for although he sounds deadly dull – a farmer and a magistrate, probably middle aged and set in his ways, albeit an heir to a dukedom, nonetheless her father has chosen him to care for her over many others who could fulfil that role.
She is to be very surprised – pleasantly surprised. But who really is Jacques? One thing is for sure he is not in the least dull or middle aged. Sophia’s life is to be changed forever but in the background is her dangerous Uncle William, who cares for nothing but money. And there is a clause in his late brother’s will that might just, if handled properly, make him a fortune. Sophia is a pawn and in danger but as yet, she does not know it…
About the Author: Elizabeth Housden
Elizabeth was born in the South of England and grew up in The Isle of Wight where she rode and kept horses and learned to sail with the world famous yachtsman, Uffa Fox, a close friend of her father. Her father was a banker and my mother a professional artist. Elizabeth often uses her mother’s illustrations on the covers of her novels, sometimes she even uses her own drawings.
“The Gentlemen Go By” is the fifth fantastic novel written by Elizabeth, and her first foray in to historical fiction. Elizabeth’s other titles have never received less than four stars on Amazon.
For all of her novels she takes inspiration from a variety of sources and the titles of her novels are always quotes from somewhere. “The Gentlemen Go By” is inspired by the poem ‘A Smuggler’s Song’ by Rudyard Kipling. The refrain is mirrored by the book in outline and printed at the beginning and again at the end. Although completely imaginary, none the less it is based on a real life character who lived and worked on the Isle of Wight.
Elizabeth also did the painting that is used as the cover. Can you spot the “deliberate mistake” in it?
One thing readers all have in common is their appreciation and enjoyment of Elizabeth’s novels, every title has received a resounding, “ I look forward to reading my next Elizabeth Housden novel!“
This is a fantastic growing author; keep an eye on her for her latest work!
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I love this quote “I have no idea when an idea will come”. Sometimes when we are least expecting it ideas just come. At least for me that’s how it happens. Great post! Thanks for sharing.
Rosa @ Bookish Findings recently posted…10 Awesome Gift Ideas for Cat Lovers
I think the ideas that come out of no where tend to be the most interesting 🙂
Wow. I love that. It’s great to be reminded to just enjoy life as it happens – not look for inspiration. There is beauty in everything.
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…**Special Cover Reveal ~ Eternal Mates Series ~ Felicity Heaton**
There really is beauty in everything, and that is such a great way to look at things in life.
I find it interesting that it’s usually the small every day things that inspires authors to write books. And, Housden raises a great point about waiting for it to come to her instead of seeking it out, these things can’t be forced, otherwise that comes through in the book. Thanks for sharing!
Carmel @ Rabid Reads recently posted…Early Review: A Secret to Die For by Sierra Dean
Yea, an idea that comes out naturally is so much more fun to read than something forced. Thanks for reading 🙂