#Shelflove: Let’s Take a Look at our TBR

Posted January 2, 2015 by Julie S. in Challenges, Featured Posts, Shelf Love 2015 / 32 Comments



No Book Buying Challenge 2015 – January update: Post/share a picture or list of your TBR pile(s).

As you know, we are co-hosting the Show Your Shelves Some Love a No Book Buying Challenge. You can also review the details of the post on the “No Book Buying Challenge” page from the menu above. Now the challenge has officially kicked off and we are sharing our TBR piles, lists, shelves, rooms, you know wherever you store your books.


Rose review avatar Rose’s TBR: 

I have piles of unread books in my library and in my bedroom. In fact, in my bedroom, I have some unread books stuffed inside of my ottoman, (so that my dog does not bother them) I also have a small media shelf with unread books in the closet, and there are various unread books mixed in with all of my other books in my home library. I would like to arrange the books by unread, and read, but right now, mine are mostly arranged by genre. That being said, I have challenged myself to read 30 books for 2015. I am working full time and teaching full time for this spring and I really do not have a lot of time on my hands, so I am cutting back the reading goal. I started a shelf on goodreads for the books I plan to read for this challenge. I have two shelves: TBR Shelf Love and a READ Shelf Love.

 Rose’s bookshelf: TBR-shelf-love

Julie Review AvatarJulie’s TBR: 

I can’t say that I really have a specific shelf in my library for unread books, since I have it organized by genre and author, so I can’t quite share a photo. There are so many books I haven’t read, but only recently I started a shelf on Goodreads to track new book purchases and those books that I own and really need to read soon. My Goodreads “to read soon” bookshelf has hundreds of books on it!!!!It is really quite dangerous. But hopefully with this challenge I’ll at least make a dent in it.

Julie’s bookshelf: soon-to-read-list


Lynnpic avatar Lynn’s TBR:

I set up a new Goodreads shelf for this challenge:

 Lynn’s bookshelf: shelf-love

This shelf has all of my To Be Read books that I own. And I would like to say, I found it really helpful to set this shelf up. While I was reviewing all of my ebooks, I found a bunch that I had purchased, but had no recollection of actually owning. And, the shelf has stopped me from buying books I already own more than once in the past month. I’ve also added a shelf for completed books. I’ll be able to track the books I’ve read more easily in one shelf.


Are you participating in this challenge? Link up your January update posts below:

After linking up, don’t forget to grab your entry in the Rafflecopter for the giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Posted January 2, 2015 by Julie S. in Challenges, Featured Posts, Shelf Love 2015 / 32 Comments


32 responses to “#Shelflove: Let’s Take a Look at our TBR

  1. Ooh, using Goodreads to keep track of books for this challenge is a great idea! I’m always on Goodreads and two different shelves is probably a lot easier than a list because then I can see if I’ve actually reviewed the book.

    • Julie

      Yes! Using GR to track it for you is way easier. I wish I thought of it last year when I did like 10 challenges lol

    • Rose

      Terri, tell me about it… in the last 72 hours I worked 51 and slept 10… i need zzzzzzzzzz who has time to read? Oh cruel cruel universe!

  2. Ahh, looking at these shelves makes me feel less bad about my own – we’re all in this together! I’ve renamed my Goodreads shelf for this challenge and tidied it up a bit. It’s definitely the longer books that I think pose the most challenge and intimidate me the most but I plan to get through at least a few this year!

  3. This is great! I do have two shelves on Goodreads, an “own-physical” and “own-ebook”, so I can at least keep track, though the numbers just keep growing. I should probably remember to remove them when I have finished them though! I cannot even begin to tell you how many there are… but there are a LOT. But, I have already failed and bought at least 5 books in January (including pre-orders, that is, not already here), so yeah. Not off to a good start! Good luck to you all 🙂
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight recently posted…Stacking the Shelves and Other Weekly Shenanigans (42)

    • Lynn

      I went to Barnes and Noble yesterday and was tempted (I was looking for a calender). But I made it out without purchasing! Stay strong through the rest of the month. I have the same problem with the pre-orders. I’m trying to not think about the books that are coming out. And hoping that the library has copies.

      • Rose

        Just because you bought a few already this month, does not mean you cant challenge yourself to stick to your goals from here on out… everyone slips up from time to time. Stick with it!

  4. I have an entire wall of shelves in my library – arranged by genre – that are TBR! And that’s just my physical shelves. My digital ones are just as full. Yep, that’s why I’m this challenge. I think I’ll put the books I read on a Shelf Love shelf in GR once I complete them because I don’t want to choose what I’m going to read ahead of time. I just want to go and pick whatever strikes my fancy at the time. I’m really looking forward to this challenge, girls! Good luck to y’all!!
    Bookworm Brandee recently posted…**#FREE Book Blitz & Giveaway ~ The Darkest Part ~ Trisha Wolfe**

  5. Adrienne

    I have 2 medium sized book shelves in my living room with unread books and a 3 tiered cart next to my bed with unread books. I probably have between 175 and 225 unread books ( not to mention the ebooks on my Kindle and Nook). I’m shooting for brown belt but hope to get through more than that. I’d really like to get through some of the series I started but never finished. I’m keeping track of what I read the old fashioned way, pen and paper. Wishing everyone who is taking this challenge lots of luck.

    • Julie

      Pen and paper is a good way to keep track, but if you do a shelf on Goodreads or something like that, do share. It would be cool if you took a pic of your shelves and cart and tweet them to us 🙂

      • Adrienne

        I’m not that computer savy (that’s why I was going to keep track on paper ). I do have a Good Reads and Twitter account but don’t know how to share with Chapter Break. *embarrassed *

        • Julie

          You can use the hashtag #ShelfLove and/or include our twitter accounts (our @username) in the tweet. If you don’t know how to do that, that is OK. I only learned how to use twitter well last year.

          • Adrienne

            Thank you, Julie. I’ll play around with it and see if I can figure it out. I rarely use twitter so not real familiar with it. How would I link good reads? Same as twitter?