Chat Between Chapters: Contemporary Romance

Posted January 4, 2015 by Rose C. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 28 Comments


 Contemporary Romance: Like it, love it or leave it

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

I’m not huge on romance books in general – there usually has to be something more going on in the story than just a romance. So normally I wouldn’t pick up a contemporary romance book unless there was something specifically awesome about it and lots of people were recommending it. Colleen Hoover and Tammara Webber for example are awesome and many of their books are exceptions to my general rule.

Rose review avatar Rose:

But Julie! What about books by Colleen Hoover? Or Tammara Webber? Those books are considered contemporary romance even though they are also considered new adult, right? I love contemporary romance, but I like the books to be believable. In fact, one of my favorite things about contemporary romance is that the story line is one I can relate to. I could pretty much copy what Lynn says. I read many of the same authors and right now, NA Contemporary Romance is my favorite genre. I, too, enjoy the falling in love part! The most recent NA Contemporary Romance that I have read is Better When He’s Bad by Jay Crownover. I hate the title, but enjoyed the book.


I am a regular reader of contemporary romances. And I fully admit that these books generally follow the same pattern. But I’m ok with that. Lately, I’ve been reading mostly NA Contemporary Romance (Sophie Jordan, Cora Carmack, Colleen Hoover, Tammara Webber, Jay Crownover). I enjoy reading about falling in love, the tension of staying together, the happily ever after. And I’m always looking for my next book boyfriend!

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Posted January 4, 2015 by Rose C. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 28 Comments


28 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Contemporary Romance

    • I’m with you, Nish. The chick-lit novels are a little cliched, but when I read one after a heavier novel which I tend to drift towards, the cliches are a breath of fresh air. I call chick-lit/new adult romance books my bubble gum books. I can chew them up, and spit them out really quickly yet enjoy them for the instant burst of sweetness. Sometimes it is fun to fall in love all over again for the first time.

      Terri M., the Director
      Second Run Reviews

      PS Did anyone else see Book Riot’s list of Euphemisms For Body Parts In Romance Novels : A Ranking? I was snorting yesterday reading the list. My husband thought I was crazy! Here’s the link:
      Terri M. recently posted…Book Review 60: First Sun by Tara Tolly

      • Julie

        I love the bubble gum analogy 🙂
        And OMG that post from Book Riot is hilarious! Thanks for sharing it.

    • Julie

      They can be light and fun for sure, but there are a lot of romances out there (NA specifically) that deal with heavy topics.

  1. I don’t usually enjoy what’s considered contemporary romance. I prefer my romance to be historical and far-fetched. For some reason that seems more believable to me. I know, sounds strange. I mean, contemporary stuff just makes me think, yeah, right. Like anyone falls in love like that. But I do enjoy the NA romance. And you guys are actually how I learned about the awesomeness that is NA. I’m seriously crushing on Jessica Park now. Good question!
    Leila @ LeilaReads recently posted…The Marriage Game by Alison Weir

    • Julie

      I think that might be why I typically don’t like it as well – not quite realistic for something that is realistic seeming. So that’s why I prefer my romances to be far-fetched stories as well, like paranormal.

  2. I am a bit over contemporary romance. I have to admit that I am over the same stories with different characters. I think I burnt myself out last year. I like a lot of variety in my reads, so I might pepper in a few this year. It is just not my go to genre.
    Karen Blue recently posted…The Sunday Post #16

    • Lynn

      I can understand that, Karen. I think I’ve done the same with romance in general. Time for a genre switch!

  3. I’m a fan of contemporary romance myself. I’ve read mostly NA the past several years because I like the elements of NA (finding themselves) as well as the romance. Plus, they seemed less formulaic…in the beginning anyway. 🙂 I’m going to have to check out Crownover. I’ve yet to read her.
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