I run a book club. From time to time, I find it almost impossible to find good study guides/discussion questions for the books we are reading. So I thought I would share the study guides that I created myself and offer them for your use with your own book club. I do not mind if you use these, but would greatly appreciate feedback if you found them useful.
Discussion Questions for Voyager (Outlander #3) by: Diana Gabaldon
- Why do Claire and Jamie never tell Jenny and Ian the truth about Claire’s disappearance?
- Claire leaves Brianna. Did the author portray this in a believable way or did the author make it seem too easy for Claire to leave Brianna?
- In Dragonfly, Brianna does not want to believe Claire about her real father and the tale Claire is telling her. What changes by book 3?
- Jamie tells Claire, ” Will ye take me, Sassenach and risk the man I am for the sake of the man I was?” How has Jamie changed? What did he mean by this?
- Voyager has a decidedly Caribbean flavor rich with pirates, treasure, voo doo and adventure on the high seas. Did these settings change the feel of the series? Why or why not? How do the settings for book 3 compare to the previous books’ settings?
- Why did Jamie offer his body to Lord John Grey? Why did Jamie kiss John?
- Why did Jamie withhold information from Claire? (Leghair, John Grey, Willie, Geneva) How did you feel about this?
- Did you like the changing POV? (1st person Claire, 3rd person Jamie) How did this affect the book? Why do you think the author chose to change POV like she did?
- Is Jamie as like-able as he was in the previous two books? Is Claire too forgiving?
- There are several convenient coincidences in the book. Are these believable or do they make the book lose credibility? (i.e. Jamie meets someone he met only once in Europe while in the west Indies. Claire meets Joe Abernathy’s ancestors, etc…) Also, discuss the character stereotypes (i.e. the dirty jew with the coin, the silly chinaman, etc…)
- What is Geillis doing with the young boys? What happened to Geillis? Why did she steal the picture of Brianna
- How did the slaves know Margaret was an oracle/medium? Recall what Brianna tells Claire and Jamie through the medium of Margaret. Why was Margaret fearful of Jamie? WTF???
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I think these are great! I enjoyed our book club meeting 🙂
I can’t wait for the show to come back. The books are just too many for me to follow right now but I’m digging the actress who plays Claire, she’s got a nice butt! LOL
Braine Talk Supe recently posted…Gush & Gripe: 2015 Non-Resolutions (Gripes Ahead)
Yea it seems like all the Outlander groups on FB are counting down the days heh.
I think Jamie makes several remarks in the book about Claire’s bum…