What is you favorite reading spot? Not just your favorite place to read, but paint us a picture: where do you go? How to you sit? What is the weather like? What time of day? What snacks? This is important people!
My designated leave me alone I’m reading spot is my recliner in my library. I can close the doors, bring a snack and water, and just read. Sometimes the kitty comes and sits in my lap when I’m in there (since she has a cat door to get in – we use the closet in that room for her litter box). Nowadays I don’t really read all that much, but I can bring baby in there too in his bouncy chair where he can sit and watch me read heh.
My favorite reading spot should be here:This is my library. The problem is, I can never seem to find the time to actually spend in said library. Nine times out of ten, I end up reading in the bathroom, stretched flat out on the floor on my stomach, while the hot water fills in the big soaking tub… Although I have carpeting in my bathroom, this position is still not the most comfortable. And then I fall asleep! The boyfriend usually comes in at some point. Shuts off the water and brings me a pillow and blanket. He knows better than to disturb my slumber nowdays. I wake up sometime around 3am stiff as a 90 year old man and wonder where I am. I always regret falling asleep on the bathroom floor and wasting all that hot water… but hey, it beats the alternative of falling asleep in the tub and dropping my book! YIKES!
I really don’t have a favorite reading spot, per se. I do like to read outside. So long as there is some shade and no bugs. But I could just as easily curl up on the couch when the weather is blistery, Texas, hot. I could totally see myself reading here:
With an adult beverage. In a coconut, or at the very least with a little paper umbrella.
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I’ll read just about anywhere but I particularly love reading while snuggling a nursing baby. That’s why I’m so thankful for e-readers as they let me read one handed! Thanks for sharing this discussion at Booknificent Thursday this week!
Tina at Mommynificent recently posted…Booknificent Thursday Link Up Party #81
I play on the phone while nursing. I really should start reading instead.
[…] Julie, Rose, and Lyn share their favorite reading spots. […]
Ah, my favorite is my bed! Every night, after I am done with blog stuff, I get a single serve thing of hummus, some iced tea, and watch a DVRed show. Then, I get my big fluffy blanket and reading pillow (the hummus is gone, because I cannot eat near my books!) and just snuggle in to read. It is basically heaven!
Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight recently posted…Stacking the Shelves and Other Weekly Shenanigans (44)
this DOES sound nice. I want your bedtime routine! So jelly!
I generally read on my couch or in bed, but I definitely prefer my bed. If only I could spend the whole day there! 🙂
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Let’s Discuss – The Irresistible Pull of ARCs
yes…. I see my bed so little these days
Ok, I’ll play. My favorite reading spot is in summer by the pool with some pillows. Snacks would be ice cream on a stick and lemonade. Also, sandwiches.
Brenda @DailyMayo recently posted…The 50 Best Quotes from Oscar Wilde (Quote Me Thursday)
Oh man ice cream and books, two of the best things.
oooh love reading poolside and drinking tart lemonade… I so wish it were summer… Thanks for playing!
I love to read in the lounge room where it is air conditioned as it is hot all year round. I usually sit sideways on my recliner so the light from the window is on my page, with one leg hanging over the side, sipping a cup of coffee.
My other favourite place is sitting outside in the late afternoon, with a glass of white wine, watching the kids play while listening to an audiobook.
Renee recently posted…11/22/63 by Stephen King
Ooh gotta have that caffeine when reading a good book.
OOOH I tend to just read in bed nowadays, just because I get home from work, do a bunch of “life” things before I crash and HOPEFULLY sneak some pages in. I like to marathon books on weekends though and I normally wake up SUPER LATE nowadays just because I’ve burnt myself out from work on weekdays LOL
Jess @My Reading Dress recently posted…The Conspiracy of Us #1: The Conspiracy of Us by Maggie Hall
I need to sneak in some more pages in bed too.
I’d love to read outside but can’t because of mosquitoes. I think my second favorite spot would be my bed, and third the recliner in my study.
Nish recently posted…Spread the Love Linky Time
Argh. I’m with you on the mosquitoes!
Loving the look of that chair, Julie. We don’t have recliners so I pretty much just read in bed when I want to lay down or snuggle under the covers. Rose, LOL. I’ve done that a few times too! And I would love a spot like Lynn wants as well, so pretty.
Alise recently posted…Review: Of Scars and Stardust – Andrea Hannah
If only my patio had that view!
Favorite reading space?? Ummm. Anywhere! LOL! I passed a guy walking in Sam’s the other day with his head in a book & I thought that would so be me if I didn’t have to push the buggy around!
Alison recently posted…The Sunday Post ~ 1/11/15
Alison, I’m all for reading anywhere, too! But, I just don’t have the skills to read and walk at the same time.
Hahaha! I didn’t say I wouldn’t run into anything!
Alison recently posted…Review ~ Raid by Kristen Ashley
Oh wow, I would just crash into stuff all the time if I did that.
LOL! I’m pretty good at maneuvering around things with a book in my hands, but accidents still tend to happen from time to time.
Alison recently posted…Teaser Tuesdays #13
My favorite spot is my bedroom on the bed with the 2 kitties with the sun streaming in the window. We snooze and read the day away. It’s so comfy!
Terri M., the Director
Second Run Reviews
Terri M., the Director recently posted…Scenic Sundays 19: Kids and Paula Poundstone
Snuggled with kitties is the best thing ever!
My favorite spot is in my bed. I’ll lay down on my stomach with a pillow propping me up and just read. I love the solitude, I can really immerse myself into the book.
Ohh on your tummy. Does that not stain your neck and shoulders?
Sometimes, but I’m a sucker for punishment evidently since I keep doing it. Unfortunately my room is the only ‘free zone’ for me to read. I’m thinking of getting a comfy chair soon.
I love reading while laying down. I usually read on our couch upstairs at home and in bed at college. Although my arms do get tired after holding to book for a while. I will read about anywhere and everywhere if it is a good book.
Rachael @ Rachael Turns Pages recently posted…2014 Book of the Year Brack Challenge: Elite 8
My arms get tired when I read laying down too, but laying down is really nice. I like to read on the couch too.
I have 2 favorite reading spots. The first one (and where I most often read) is on our reclining sofa in our living room. I usually start out with my legs curled up underneath me leaning against the arm of the sofa and then when my legs get tired I recline the sofa, which has on a couple of occasions led to a nap. My second favorite spot is outside in our back yard when it’s a cool, sunny day. I sit at this round white table with some ice tea and enjoy the weather and my book.
I like to read reclined too and I’m so with you that reading outside when the weather is nice is so lovely!