Every Thursday we are hosting a meme called: That’s what HE said Thursday. For more info on what this meme is all about click here.
Lynn’s Quote:
“This doesn’t feel like a joke to me. You don’t,” he growled in a tight voice. “I want to do things to you … things a clean, vanilla girl like you never dreamed of. Things that tool boyfriend of yours never came close to doing for you.”
–Logan Mulvaney to Georgia Robinson
(Wild (The Ivy Chronicles #3) by: Sophie Jordan)
This was the cleanest quote I could find of Logan and Georgia. Let’s just say that Logan is not shy about wanting Georgia. (You can read my review of Wild here.)
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This is a FANtastic quote from the book. Wild was awesome! That whole series is great but yeah, Logan is certainly not shy about his thoughts! For some reason I always think of the scene after his baseball ball game when Georgia tagged along with Reece and Pepper. She’s so awkward and he’s so forward in that moment. Now I want to read it again! ~ Bel
BiblioJunkies recently posted…That’s What HE Said Thursday #13
Just the thought of that scene in the parking lot is making me blush!
I love that he calls her vanilla and her boyfriend a tool. And I think I’ll run out and read that series if that’s the cleanest quote you could find 😉
Leila recently posted…Are You Ready for Some Vampires? – That’s What HE Said Thursday #16
Her ex-boyfriend was a tool!
Haha wow, sounds like a bad-boy hottie! Would love to meet him sometime 😉
Melissa Robles recently posted…That’s What HE Said Thursday #32: Loch to Tonya
You should meet him, Melissa! I don’t know how Georgia manages to resist him as long as she does.