Chat Between Chapters: Genre-Paranormal Romance

Posted February 1, 2015 by Rose C. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 23 Comments


 Let’s chat about Paranormal Romance. Do you like the genre? Any favorite PNR books to recommend?

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

Paranormal is my favorite genre, that’s not a secret. I enjoy the fun worlds and interesting creatures in these books. I enjoy the mysteries all the action. I’ve recently learned though that Urban Fantasy (UF) more describes the type of Paranormal books I enjoy, and Paranormal Romance (PNR) is a bit different. To me the lines are kind of blurred, since both of those genre include romantic elements, but I guess Paranormal Romance books focus on the romance over the plot/action. I like my books to have more than just two people fighting their feelings for each other and then finally giving in by the end of the book though, so whether a book is classified PNR or UF does not matter to me as long as the characters are interesting and the book’s plot is fun. I’ve got some favorite PNR or UF series on the recommendations page if you want to see them.

Rose review avatar Rose:

I started reading paranormal romance mainly because of, yep you guessed it, Twilight. And I don’t care what anyone of ya’ll say, I’m still a Twihard! After Twilight, I read some of the Sookie Stackhouse novels, the first book in the Morganville Vampire series, and a few of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. I also read A Discovery of Witches. Now, here is the thing… I definitely like vamps and shapeshifters more than witches. I am not really sure why that is, but I get bored with paranormal at times because of the whole element of the unknown. There can be this great conflict and magic or some fantastical creature can come clear out of left field and save the day. NOT COOL! I hate when problems are resolved this way. So entirely frustrating. So I DO enjoy a good paranormal romance every now and again, but it certainly is not my FAVORITE genre. 


I looked up  the definition of Paranormal Romance on Goodreads to be sure I liked it. I’m not really into vampires and werewolves (The Cullen family being the exception.) Like Julie, I am more into Urban Fantasy. I like the real-world-ness of these books. The fact that around any corner could be daemons, fae, Akiva, or Jericho Barrons. And I always prefer some action and a strong female main character. I think the appeal of this genre is female leads who are action heroines with a side of sexy time. 

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Posted February 1, 2015 by Rose C. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 23 Comments


23 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Genre-Paranormal Romance

  1. I am a big fan of Urban Fantasy — that’s probably MOST of what I read, though I do dabble in high fantasy, paranormal romance, and a teeny bit in sci fi. My favorite books right now are Harkness’ All Souls Trilogy, Maas’ Throne of Glass series, and Meyers’ Lunar Chronicles, none of which probably REALLY qualify as Paranormal Romance, but all of which kind of dip into that kind of territory.

    • Julie

      I’m with you that the UF are a lot of fun, and they do have a romantic element even if they’re not a true “PNR” book. Great suggestions there. I need to keep reading the All Souls books.

  2. I haven’t read too many paranormal books, so I can’t judge. I didn’t like the ones I did read, I think it’s because I like a romance to be a romance, and paranormal to be paranormal. Somehow when the two mix, it’s not that good (at least for me).

    Great chat idea, by the way!
    Nish recently posted…The Night it Rained Guns

  3. I’m more of an UF gal myself. The one PNR series that I do really like (Immortals After Dark) is heavy enough on the action that dominates UF to feel more like UF than PNR. The sexy times are just bonus, LOL.

    • Julie

      I have that on my to-read but man that’s another of those series that seems to go on forever. 15 books?

  4. i love both paranormal romance and urban fantasy ( and yes some are difficult to put in one category only) but paranormal romance is not only with vampire or werewolves either ^^ you can have djinn, dragon, gargoyles, feline shiter and all kind of supe really^^
    a good paranormal romance with a djinn for example is Words that bind by Ash Krafton

    but i also love Nalini singh book the psichangeling series if you love feline shifters, some wolves and other shifters ( even rat are cited) and psi ( telekinetic, empath etc). i would recommend you to read this series in order as the main plot expend each time a little and we learn more about the universe( yes tehre is action and plot)
    more on the urban fantasy side we have her guild hunter series which is excellent as well

    if you are looking for a urban fantasy thriller ( action romance and some suspense) the omega force by susannah sandlin is a must ( all kind of shifters and some alpha humans)
    ( it’s closely related to her series the Penton legacy ( more paranormal romance than urban fantsy) which focus on vampires but can be read as a stand alone)

    as Suzanne johnson she has a fabulous urban fantasy with plot, and action she also master divinly the description… it also has romance ( not a real love rtriangle if you read between teh lines) in this series you have all kind of paranormal creature.. mermen, shifters, fae, vampires and..historical undead( forget zombie these one are sexy and quite human safe for teh immortal part)
    book 1 royal street is good river road book 2 has a littel more humour in it and could be read first if needed but starting book 3 Elysian field teh urvban fantasy takes a bigger part with a lot of suspense and teh romance put a little aside but in each you have emotions, action suspense and humour
    miki recently posted…Treasures and Finds+ January recap

    • Julie

      Ooh I read the series by Suzanne Johnson, didn’t realize she had an alternate pen name identity hehe. I’ll have to add the other books to my list. Thanks for the suggestions 🙂 I read the first Psy/Changeling book and really didn’t like it, so I don’t know if I’d like others in the series.

      • the first spi changeling isn’t her best but i could only advice you to give a try to book 2 and see if once you go deeper into the world you enjoy it more ( or you can get a novella too in the magical christmas cat anthology too)
        the guild hunter series is more urban so perhaps better for you

        and yes suzanne johnson is susannah sandlin^^ ( soo the release of pirate ‘s alley^^ the good news of april)
        miki recently posted…Treasures and Finds+ January recap