The Fiery Cross (Outlander #5) Discussion Guide

Posted February 3, 2015 by Rose C. in Discussion Guides / 2 Comments

Rose review avatar I run a book club. From time to time, I find it almost impossible to find good study guides/discussion questions for the books we are reading. So I thought I would share the study guides that I created myself and offer them for your use with your own book club. I do not mind if you use these, but would greatly appreciate feedback if you found them useful. 

Discussion Questions for The Fiery Cross (Outlander #5) by: Diana Gabaldon

1. Jamie and Claire have the burden of knowing the future. They seem to always be waiting and watching for signs that the war (in this case, The American Revolutionary War) is beginning. Claire remarks at one point in TFC, “Were we never to have a little peace, Jamie and I?” Do you think that Jamie and Claire’s relationship would have been as strong/the same if war had not been such a big part of their lives? If they had experienced more peace in life, how would their relationship be different?

2. Why o why!!!! Does Roger kiss Mortag????

3. Who do you think is Jemmy’s father?the-fiery-cross

4. Contraception is a major topic throughout this book. Herbs, charms, etc.. are all thought by different groups of women to prevent conception. At one point Claire questions the use of contraception on Roger’s psyche, especially if he does not know. How would Roger be effected by Brianna deciding she does not want another child? How would he feel if she was already taking measures to prevent pregnancy without Roger knowing? Why would having another child be important to Roger?

5. Jamie and Claire decide to not sell a gem to pay Leghair because they would like Roger to have the chance to go back through the stones (and time) if he should so choose. They do not want Roger to leave, but they want to option open if he should decide that is what he wants. Why do they do this? Do they think Roger WILL leave? Does Brianna fear Roger leaving? Why would Roger leave?

6. When Roger and Jamie go to kill Bonnet, Jamie tells Roger the plan. However, Roger say calmly that he will kill Bonnet himself. Jamie reluctantly, but dutifully agrees. If you were Jamie, how would you feel about this? Would you let Roger be the one?

7. Even though we shouldn’t, it is hard not to compare Roger to Jamie. How do you think Jamie sees Roger? How does Roger see Jamie? Many readers do not see Roger as decisive enough or manly enough. You do YOU see Roger?

8. Many readers find Brianna a difficult character to like. Even Herself (Diana Gabaldon) admits to Brianna being a “hard nut to crack” meaning that Brianna is a bit difficult to get to know and understand. That being said, do you like Brianna? Why do you think readers dislike her? Do you think she fits in well in 1700s? Should she return to the present? I read online one of the outlander fans posted about Brianna that she was a girl torn between 2 fathers and 2 worlds. Does this comment cause you to see Brianna in a different light? How so?

9. Roger’s own greatest skill is one the Jamie Fraser does not value- music. After Roger is hanged, his throat is so badly damaged he cannot speak, let alone sing. How does this change Roger? What is the effect of his hanging on Brianna? Why does Jamie not value music?

10. Why is Jamie mad about Leghair? What was Jamie dreaming? Do you agree with Claire’s reaction?

11. Are you ready to read on!? Predictions? This book was very slow. Sometimes it seemed to be written in “real time.” Did you like the slower pace? Why or why not?

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Posted February 3, 2015 by Rose C. in Discussion Guides / 2 Comments


2 responses to “The Fiery Cross (Outlander #5) Discussion Guide

  1. Marifel

    Thanks! My first few reads of FC were a struggle, but I do find myself loving it more the 6th-7th time around and can really delve deeper and your guide will help!