Losing It Discussion Guide

Posted February 11, 2015 by Lynn in Discussion Guides / 4 Comments

 Lynnpic avatar Rose runs a book club. I am a member of the club. From time to time, we find it almost impossible to find good study guides/discussion questions for the books we are reading. So we thought we would share the study guides that we created and offer them for your use with your own book club. We do not mind if you use these, but would greatly appreciate feedback if you found them useful. Rose and I wrote these questions together. 

Discussion Questions for Losing It (Losing It #1) by Cora Carmack

Losing It Cover1. What really are the chances that a girl would run into a handsome, blond, British accented-boy reading Shakespeare in a bar?

2. Bliss states “Or maybe she was just intimidated by Othello’s intensity and didn’t know how to talk to him. Communication is key, after all. It could have solved a lot of their problems.” This quote is in reference to Othello, but could easily be applied to Bliss and Garrick’s relationship at the beginning of the book. Bliss chose to get a cat, instead of admitting that she wasn’t ready to have sex. Would it have been easier to admit the truth earlier in the relationship? How would have admitting the truth have altered the story?

3. Hot for teacher!!! Phaedra is a play about forbidden love. Is the relationship between Bliss and Garrick “forbidden”? He is a teacher after all. Should they have any kind of relationship outside of teacher/student?

4. Bliss seems to be completely unaware of the other guys who are interested in her. Cade, Dom, Rusty. Do you think it is plausible that Bliss is that oblivious of the feelings of others around her? Why or why not?

5. The characters in this series are actors, so are the characters in the Between the Line series by Tammara Webber. Do you think this is merely a coincidence? Or more a reflection of YA/NA books? What similarities does Losing It share with other YA/NA books we have read? (i.e. Hopeless, Slammed, Easy, Beautiful Disaster, etc…)

6. Why do you think Bliss considered her virginal state a source of embarrassment?

7. Garrick has a pretty incredible accent according to just about every English speaking female alive! What are some of your favorite accents? What is it about accents that is so appealing do you think?

8. “We want what we can’t have. It’s human nature.” Would you agree or disagree with this quote from the book?

9. Read the following three passages from the book. Does this author have her own style or is she merely listing? Do you like the style? What makes this work (or not work) for you while reading the books?

I was going to have sex.
With a boy.
A hot boy.
A hot BRITISH boy.
Or maybe I was going to throw up.
What if I threw up on the hot British boy?
What if I threw up on the hot British boy DURING SEX?”

“It wasn’t until I’d walked halfway across the parking lot that I realized:
1. I wasn’t wearing shoes.
A. Or a shirt.
2. I didn’t bring my keys
A. Or anything really.
3. I’d just left a complete stranger in my apartment.
A. Naked.
Whoever said one-night stands were supposed to be simple with no strings attached had clearly never met the disaster that was me.”

That’s the number of people who saw me hiding around the corner from my own apartment in just a skirt and a bra. Eleven.
That’s the number of ant bites I got on my shoeless feet.
That’s the number of times I was tempted to do myself physical harm because I am an IDIOT.
That’s the number of times I tried not to cry, but failed.”



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Posted February 11, 2015 by Lynn in Discussion Guides / 4 Comments


4 responses to “Losing It Discussion Guide

  1. Reading the questions made me wish I’d had a book club to discuss Losing It with. 🙂 I’ve met Cora Carmack and she was a theater major, which is where the acting came from. I don’t know about Webber. As for whether or not Bliss could really be so clueless about guys having feelings for her, I have to say it’s totally plausible. My older daughter is the same way. Oblivious! *ha* Thanks for sharing the discussion questions.
    Bookworm Brandee recently posted…#ShelfLove Review ~ Tempted by a Rogue Prince ~ Felicity Heaton

    • Lynn

      Brandee, you should check out Tammara Webber’s books. They are really good, too. And you are welcome to visit our book club if you are ever in the area!

    • Lynn

      Thanks! It was a good time. And none of us think we’d ever meet someone like Garrick in a bar.