Chat Between Chapters: Avoiding certain topics?

Posted March 8, 2015 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 26 Comments


 Are there any topics you avoid when selecting a book to read? Any themes or subjects you just don’t enjoy?

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

I can be pretty picky with the topics I read about. There are some that just don’t interest me, or that I know I don’t enjoy, so I avoid them. Some of these include:

  • Difficult or sad topics such as mental illness and abuse
  • Fluffy romances with no plot
  • Non-fiction
  • Sword covers… had to include that in there.

Rose review avatar Rose:

I can’t think of topics that are completely off limits for me. I tend to like darker, grittier reads. I like tragedy (only in my reading, not my real life of course!) and have said numerous times that I am a sucker for a tortured hero. I tend to stay away from fantasy because I find the world building tedious and too convenient a way to solve problems (the author has a major dilemma to resolve, introduces magic, problem fixed!= boring). I also am not a fan of chic lit. I tend to stay away from what I think will be “fluff.” I know some people avoid trigger topics in their reading, but I do not think I have any trigger topics. I know some people who will avoid romance books that have cheating or unfaithfulness. Other people will avoid books with difficult subject matter such as rape or incest or abuse. I will read it all. However, I don’t like these topics to be thrown in just to “make” a book gritty. When dealing with sensitive subjects, I think the author must take his or her time and do the story justice or it seems sensational instead of gritty. A book that I feel does a great job of this is the Thoughtless series by S.C. Stephens. The books deal with disloyalty within a romantic relationship. I put off reading it for quite sometime because I thought I wouldn’t really be able to root for a protagonist who cheats on her boyfriend. However, I LOVE this series and I understand that there is AWLAYS more to the story.


I really don’t know that I avoid certain topics on purpose, or if it’s completely subconscious. I steer clear of horror and psychological thrillers as I have enough nightmares one my own. I skip sad/depressing books for obvious reasons. I can’t stand the whole chick-lit genre. I wouldn’t want to be around most of those women. I’ve read a few interesting non-fiction books. But those are few and far between (and were written by Bill Bryson). I will say, though, that belonging to different book clubs has exposed me to books that I enjoyed, but probably would have never picked up on my own. 

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Posted March 8, 2015 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 26 Comments


26 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Avoiding certain topics?

  1. Thanks for joining us at The Book Nook at Create With Joy! Our current party is open through the end of the week when our next party begins!

    This is a great question. I used to read just about everything – now I’ve gotten much more discerning in what I read. I also find that while I like to read widely, my preferences vary widely based on my current mood. I enjoy both fiction and non-fiction and like trying new things – since I’ve been reviewing, I’ve discovered some new genres I enjoy that I probably would not have been exposed to otherwise!

    • Julie

      I’m a mood reader as well. Some topics you really have to be ready for at that moment or they don’t feel good to read about.

  2. Hmm…..interesting topic. Makes me think. I usually avoid erotica, abuse and LGBT. i just can’t read such books. I guess paranormal and sci-fi books too.

  3. There’s not really any topic I avoid. I do prefer a plot along with my romance (Julie 😉 but there’s nothing I steer clear of. I also don’t think there is a topic I gravitate towards…unless it’s romance. I don’t need a romance heavy book but I do like a little romance in my reads. 🙂
    Bookworm Brandee recently posted…Teaser Tuesday ~ #60

  4. I don’t read books about difficult subjects like rape, abuse, torture, etc. It really upsets me, even if the book is fiction. I prefer reading to be a (relatively) relaxing experience, and reading books that deal with sensitive topics like that is counterproductive. The mysteries and fantasy books that I do read are pretty mild in their treatment of such topics. I tried reading A Song of Ice and Fire series, but there was just so much violence (especially sexual violence) that I couldn’t make it past the second book.
    Ardelia recently posted…Second Person Narrator: Yay or Nay?

    • Julie

      I’m so with you. I want reading to be pleasant, so I tend to avoid the difficult subjects too.

  5. The only topic I avoid is Christianity, because I haven’t read a book yet that has it mentioned in a non-preachy way, the way some of the books that have characters of other religions do. I love darker topics, like drug abuse and suicide, I know that is a little weird, but the darker novels that deal with real issues are my favorite. There are genres I avoid like non-fiction, historical fiction, pure romance, most chick lit, and mots mystery novels.
    Kaitlin Michelle recently posted…A Tale of Two Daddies by Vanita Oelschlager

    • Julie

      Preach! Ooh yes, religion is another one I also avoid. I need to edit my list. Everyone is reminding me of stuff I left off hehe.

  6. I’m not big on non-fiction, I have to admit. At some point I read so much urban fantasy I think I reached a saturation point, and I still find it difficult to move past it 🙂 Generally speaking, I don’t like books that I already read – you know the ones, same story, same characters, same ending, same … everything. A plot should be challenging and 100% original. Such an interesting post!
    Ramona recently posted…Zen Monday: Cajoling The Sun

    • Lynn

      Yes, Ramona. I tend to burn myself out on the same types of books all the time. I find an author I like, and read a bunch of their books in a genre like Historical Fiction. And then never want to read a book in that genre again. Or at least for a few weeks!

    • Julie

      I’m with you on getting saturated with some genre. And yes, I don’t want to read the same book again and again.

  7. I don’t think I avoid specific topics, I do try to see that I am diplomatic in what I write on the blog – religion is one topic I avoid, and while I read and review non-fiction, I try not to put in personal opinions about the issues discussed in the book, just to be on the safer side and avoid a firestorm of comments.
    Nish recently posted…Teaser Tuesdays: The Return of the Butterfly

    • Lynn

      Great idea, Nish. Avoiding some topics might be a good idea, especially on blog posts.

    • Lynn

      Good for you, Aimee, for reading the sad books. I probably would have never read Fault in Our Stars if I avoided all the sad books. And I really enjoyed it.

  8. There aren’t really any topics I avoid per se. I do usually avoid romance novels, mainly because I don’t really like a book with ALL romance and very little else going on. I like mystery or science fiction or young adult with some romance thrown in.
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    • Julie

      Ah yes I forgot to include those thrillers, I’m not into those either. I like my genres too and don’t branch out all that much.